Flash Games On Pandora?


Still Fresh
Mar 8, 2010
I am asking this because I am following an awsome megaman x fan project its called megaman x corrupted and its being made entirely out of flash I wonder if it is every released would anyone here who knows about this type porting would try it I would love this to be on a handheld.

I hope my post doesn't break any rules its more of a wish than a request and oh heres a video of what the project looks like.Megaman X Corrupted
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The subject of Adobe Flash has come up quite a number of times.

Basically, at this point, the answer would be no: There is no Adobe Flash plugin available at this time, to my knowledge.

I don't know whether this will change in the future.
I hope something comes along I could play this on the pc with a controller but it would be awsome to play this on the pandora.
I agree. I tend to find that with NES hacks (instead of Flash games), myself - I'm saving a couple for when my Pandora arrives.


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kaprikawn said:
Why would someone with such obvious talents waste their time making a game using a sh!t technology such as Flash?
Same reason why people create insanely good models for non-free mods for closed source games I guess. They do not think. :(
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Spirit said:
kaprikawn said:
Why would someone with such obvious talents waste their time making a game using a sh!t technology such as Flash?
Same reason why people create insanely good models for non-free mods for closed source games I guess. They do not think. :(
Because they are artists, not programmers. They don't care about licensing, accessing their content on non-x86 platforms, etc.
Silly artists.
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lulzfish said:
Spirit said:
kaprikawn said:
Why would someone with such obvious talents waste their time making a game using a sh!t technology such as Flash?
Same reason why people create insanely good models for non-free mods for closed source games I guess. They do not think. :(
Because they are artists, not programmers. They don't care about licensing, accessing their content on non-x86 platforms, etc.
Silly artists.

Unfortunately, for more than 90% of the public (at least the public that I deal with) there is no such thing as a non Windows XP, x86 platform. (Even the people with Vista seem to think that it's a program inside of Windows XP. I don't understand their logic at all.)

Edit: There was a random '12' in there...
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Ollonk said:
Even the people with Vista seem to think that it's a program inside of Windows XP.
I cannot describe the deep sense of horror that this statement brought me.
It was a horror I haven't felt since reading a story where someone thought Linux was a GUI shell for Windows or a pirate version of Windows or something.

It was the horror of incomprehensible stupidity and of seeing someone insistent on not understanding facts. It was the face of the evil that I, as a computer scientist, will one day fight to no end but death.


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lulzfish said:
I cannot describe the deep sense of horror that this statement brought me.
It was a horror I haven't felt since reading a story where someone thought Linux was a GUI shell for Windows or a pirate version of Windows or something.
http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html perhaps?
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Tom` said:
lulzfish said:
I cannot describe the deep sense of horror that this statement brought me.
It was a horror I haven't felt since reading a story where someone thought Linux was a GUI shell for Windows or a pirate version of Windows or something.
http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html perhaps?

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Tom` said:
lulzfish said:
I cannot describe the deep sense of horror that this statement brought me.
It was a horror I haven't felt since reading a story where someone thought Linux was a GUI shell for Windows or a pirate version of Windows or something.
http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html perhaps?
Nah, I think it was a conversation between a tech support person and one of their customers, and the customer kept insisting "but how do you make a computer run without Windows, obviously Linux uses Windows behind the scenes for hardware support and stuff".
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Tom` said:
http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html perhaps?

I`m just wiping the tears from my eyes. :lol:

Comments are even better. :p

i am guilty (none / 0) (#6095)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Jan 12th, 2002 at 02:12:28 PM PST

how could i have been so blind...i have been putting firewall after firewall on my system. when along along i have tryyng to keep myself out... yes now that i have read your article i realize that i am a hacker...I have reviewed my computer and discovered filthy programs running amuck everywhere...Flash. MP3's. DOS. BIOS. and the holy grail of hacking, yes its true I HAVE LINUX, i am so sorry and at this moment the police are on their way to put me away...THANK YOU for opening my unworthy eyes

Yes, That original post was a complete joke (And most of the commenter's did not get it), But it was an hilarious read.

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There are a few open source Flash solutions - namely Gnash - but they don't support the full Flash 10 Standard and often suffer from a bad performance, they might be enough to watch videos on Youtube but with most games you'll run in problems, like elements being invisible or upside down and things like that.
Thx Sonus for the hint to Gnash.

As for the Flash vs real game/real code: Flash is accessible to everyone who's got a browser, so the userbase is extremely big. When you do a specific Pandora or even a Win32 game, you reduce the potential userbase, and on windows, to download and install the game is a very strong elimination process: half your target users will NOT want to download and install and executable piece of code. It can be because they don't want to wait for download, they care for their HDD space, they're not on their own computer, or their Windows Security Agent(tm) warns them of potential virus threat.

Compared to this, browser games are very interesting: it's instant and is safe (by popular convention).

That said, I still loathe Flash, and would prefer to make a native game to a flash one, even if the userbase is smaller (like here) not only because of performance and tools, but also because there's more chance they'll actually care :)
barzoule said:
can be because they don't want to wait for download, they care for their HDD space, they're not on their own computer, or their Windows Security Agent(tm) warns them of potential virus threat.
Of course, you could create JavaScript games. Theoretically. I've never tried.

There's also Java Web Start, which is a fantastic idea held back only by how terrible Java is. There's probably a way to use it with other JVM languages, though, which would be cool.
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