GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

Android is a bad idea!

Making many versions of the console is the worst idea, this is the best way to fragment the community, you should only make one version in differents color but not a touchscreen version and another one with no touch screen you sould put a resistive touchscreen with a stylus since i don't think that people would use it with finger and a resistive would be great for Scummvm, mini USB is dead today use micro usb instead and 640*480 would be better for PSX and N64. And no need an OLED screen if it's a good LCD, not like the Dingoo(very bad) and Caanoo one(screen bleeding)
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What a bunch of negative nancies!

You can have your OD and android too, multiboot. Dingoo had 2 oses, ucos-II or whatever and dingux. Did someone set fire to your pants?
Android is not made for handheld console except if it's a completly modified version of android, android is an excellent OS but for touchscreen only device.But the dual boot option is the best for android, i remember a comment from qbert "They have plans for another device that is running android and a touch screen. Hopefully it will capacitive. Same form factor though" this is a bad idea to have two version of the same device. I don't want to paid for a console wich will be available in a new version few weeks later that why i never buy nintendo or sony handheld console.
Gcw zero doesn't have a touchscreen? This can't be true!

Edit: not listed on the spec sheet. It needs a touch screen, damnit! How to compete with canoe/wiz?

A touchscreen, by gum.
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I have a Caanoo since it was released, and i have never used/needed the touchscreen.

For having Android and a touchscreen, i already have my smartphone.
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I don't care how you juggle your devices, that's your business. I care that the device I ordered comes with the bare minimum input method of a touchscreen. It comes with an AppStore, am I going to d-pad my way around like Symbian os on a Nokia 6120?
Android is not made for handheld console except if it's a completly modified version of android, android is an excellent OS but for touchscreen only device.But the dual boot option is the best for android

If you remove the locksceen it is fully capable of hardware key navigation.

I literally hate my resistive touch screen on the jxd 601 android handheld but the only time I had to use it was once to unlock the screen right after I got it, went in and disabled the lock screen. Working fine ever since.

I appreciate the optimizations pure Linux holds over android, but with linux new emulators need re ported and re optimized for a specific device to work. They "just work" for android. This won't be much of a issue running dingux I'm guessing, but it takes talented coders to maintain those ports as the os evolves.

Dual boot/ different flash able firmwares is the best option in my opinion. Agree choice is better than no choice.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
I don't care how you juggle your devices, that's your business. I care that the device I ordered comes with the bare minimum input method of a touchscreen. It comes with an AppStore, am I going to d-pad my way around like Symbian os on a Nokia 6120?

No, you are going to d-pad your way around like in any other standard console.

By the way, i think you don't want a GCW Zero. What you are looking for is a "Yinlips YDP-G18", "JXD S5110" or "JXD V5200".
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By the way, I think you want me to slap you with a fish. Why would I want that unsupported cloned Chinese shiet?
By the way, I think you want me to slap you with a fish. Why would I want that unsupported cloned Chinese shiet?

well, you want a console with touchscreen and Android. GCW Zero is not that.
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Not yet. But this is still a prototype, they could stil make it in.
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That would require a big redesign of the PCB, i think. Anyway, GCW said they have another different project, which has Android and touchscreen.
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What if they could get Maemo os Fremantle running on it there is already a community resprotiy with a huge amount of games and it's all open sourse.Its a very light weight os and I love it I have the Nokia n900 which runs it there are so many compiled emulators already this would be awesome if it could work.
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GCW, since the Zero doesn't have a hardware Menu button, how about for all emulators making the key combo L + Start the universal method, which brings up a sub-menu where one choice in the list is "Exit Emulator"?
A couple questions have been asked about the console...

1. Will you get a better resolution screen such as 640x480 or 800x600?

We would love to do this and make it OLED instead of LCD and we are trying to source them but so far the price has been prohibitive.

2. Will you get a capactitive touch screen?

Pretty much same answer as above...

3. What will be the default keys to get to sub menu of emulators and apps?

The default keys will be select+start

4. What apps/games/emulators will be on device?

It will run pretty much anything Dingux or Open Dingux would run but at a better more stable rate. Yes we are working on a stable n64 and MAME emulator and so much more...
@ gcw

I ordered one of your console this morning.

These specs would be nice:

- at least a 4,3 " screen such as 640x480 ( touch screen is optional)

- compile GLBasic

- great PSX and N64 emulators ( Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64 ...)

Thanks. :)
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