Got Your Pandora? Describe It In One Sentence!

torpor said:
[quote name=MDave]setting up a development environment being hard!

Bollocks! Compiler on-board == easiest way to build apps for Pandora!
Frak yes it is! I've built everything I've put out so far directly on the Pandora. Deathtrap Remix took seconds to compile, eduke32 takes about ohhh 5 minutes. Remmina took seconds. Download source, check dependencies, ./configure&&make cram into a PND... pure awesome.

I love compiling right on the Pandora. If you aren't running your OS off an SD card you're missing out.
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Alerino said:
"Ask not what your Pandora can do for you; ask what you can do for your Pandora."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

JFK man - you're mixing up your dead presidents
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Describing a pandora experience, easy!

Think outside the box, open up a pandora!
"When I was a kid, I often daydreamed of how cool and how great it would be for items from science-fiction to exist in the real world - since I received my Pandora, that feeling has been part of my reality every day."
"Open Pandora, relive your childhood and unleash the future."

Guess that's more of a slogan.

"Open Pandora has made reliving my childhood on the go possible and being open means the possibilities from here on out are endless - I'm in love"

More what your looking for?

edit: I was thinking that "explore the past, unleash the future" sounded better
My favorite story about Hemmingway:

Was challenged to compose a story in 6 words: Allegedly, his response:

Baby shoes. For sale. Never worn.

So brilliant. The multitude of tales this could tell.

Anywhoo, I am obviously no where near that smart/creative....I am trying my best to surmise my love for the Pandora, and the best I can think is:

It's better than even I can imagine.

And leave that anonymous.