Gp32 Cd

sam fisher posted on Feb 6 2005 at 06:33 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Feb 6 2005 at 06:45 PM said:
Here's a list of things that definatly can't be on the disk:

BOR Mods (apart from ones that have nothing ripped at all)
Demos made by pay2play companies eg Gamepark games
homebrewn games containing ripped sprites or sound etc...
DOOM wads and pwads (I have emailed ID if the program itself is ok)
SCUMMVM games (most are illegal in the first place, actually I'm going to ask about BASS, revolution are a nice bunch :D )
ROMS no way in hell, no hacks or totally new ones, to risky

Does this put anyone of?
Don't forget I'm just trying to keep me and possibly others from being sued :D

Remember this still includes hundreds of homebrewn games and emulators. Heh, I'm sure someone will make you a dodgy BOR disk anyway ;)


Here's the graphics:

inside the booklet:
back of case:
and here's the front cover:  (laughable)

So as you can see graphics aren't my forte, the most annoying part is the fact that they took me ages. So if anyone wants to help with graphics, be my guest.
Im not doing a bor CD anymore. I am now doing the badtoad book. Just waiting for a reply to see if eh minds. As its in his name anyway.


lol, I did the gfx inside the book,

anyway @ kknd-cf: GOR contains nothing ripped at all, so you can include it.
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ROMS no way in hell, no hacks or totally new ones, to risky

whats abput pdroms from of course you again have to email the developers...

and for doom, i think there are doom wads that dont use any stuff from id, i look for this also.
Vimacs posted on Feb 6 2005 at 08:38 PM said:
ROMS no way in hell, no hacks or totally new ones, to risky

whats abput pdroms from of course you again have to email the developers...

about the search funktion, hmmm, maybe there is something in java, i look arround a bit
Thanks, heh reading what I wrote I sounded like Gollum:
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nice. Thats good. And im sure someone could make some dodgy bor cd on their burner. Anyway er..... yes how much will this cd cost including delivery. I thing your looking at at least $14-$20
sam fisher posted on Feb 6 2005 at 09:58 PM said:
nice. Thats good. And im sure someone could make some dodgy bor cd on their burner. Anyway er..... yes how much will this cd cost including delivery. I thing your looking at at least $14-$20
I haven't tried buying it yet, until I send them the CD the product is pending, sorry.
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kknd_cf posted on Feb 6 2005 at 10:10 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Feb 6 2005 at 09:58 PM said:
nice. Thats good. And im sure someone could make some dodgy bor cd on their burner. Anyway er..... yes how much will this cd cost including delivery. I thing your looking at at least $14-$20
I haven't tried buying it yet, until I send them the CD the product is pending, sorry.

I don't really count in the scheme of things but you are welcome to put my VNS file on there if you want it. (Wild About Animals)
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Octavious posted on Feb 7 2005 at 03:09 AM said:
I would sell them for like 3 bucks + shipping
then take out expenses and all other money gets split amongst the devr's

just and idea

Cafepress profit can only be spent on other products so unless everyone wants a t-shirt or something it's a bit of a wasted idea, sorry.
EDIT: In fact it's a definate no no, most of the devs are saying yes on one condition:
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Just to let you know, I just got the database listings from EvilDragon (thanks! :D), this includes :
Version No.
File URL (just in case I can't provide it becuase of copyright)
Associated Picture
system (windows, GP32, Linux or non BLU+ etc...)

Thanks again!
The emails are still coming in every day. :D
Last important update and a request. Drumaster has yet again done a good deed for me, he's translated the menu system so that it has French titles:
Also I need the readme translated into Spanish (the other main GP32 user's language), from here I can then translate the tutorial.swf as well
Well here's the readme:

_______ .______ ____ ___
/ _____|| _ \ |___ \ |__ \
| | __ | |_) | __) | ) |
| | |_ | | ___/ |__ < / /
| |__| | | | ___) | / /_
\______| | _| |____/ |____|

1. Firstly download the PC-link software from Gamepark's site, install the software as it
2. Right click on the GP32 drivers (in the root directory of this CD) and click "install".
3. Turn on your GP32, select PC-Link from your default firmware. Then insert your USB cable.
You should here "Ding Dong" if you're running on windows XP.
4. Now click on the Start Menu, from here go on: Gamepark>PC-Link
5. The first thing you must do is click on "file>format", this will make your SMC ready for
6. Now you can find the right file from the CD (this will be drive "D:/" for most computers).
When you've got what you want click "Copy" and then when you're on the correct GP32 folder
of your choice click on "Paste". All fxe's go in GPMM.
7. Most fxe's have a readme with them. Read this if you're unsure where to put things. when you're
finished with PC-Link turn of your GP32 and the program.
8. Now I advise you to install a firmware, these are in the "firmware" folder on the CD. I
advise installing Slubman's firmware, then you can use Phodrive which is much better than
PC-Link. Carefull with flashing! Read all of the readme first!

Thanks for buying this CD, if you're still having problems join the forums on:
email me:


Also I need the translations of these two words/phrases:
1. read me
2. what to do

Thanks again everyone!

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readme = leeme
what to do = qué a hacer

I've only been in spanish for 1 semester, so these might not be comepletly accurate.


version number = número de versión
web page = página de web
file name = nombre de archivo
url = url
associated picture = cuadro para el archivo (literally, picture for the file)
system = sistema

I'll try for the readme, but I'll have to do a bit of research.
Blah posted on Feb 8 2005 at 12:12 AM said:

readme = leeme
what to do = qué a hacer

I've only been in spanish for 1 semester, so these might not be comepletly accurate.


version number = número de versión
web page = página de web
file name = nombre de archivo
url = url
associated picture = cuadro para el archivo (literally, picture for the file)
system = sistema

I'll try for the readme, but I'll have to do a bit of research.
Thanks a lot, A* for effort, but I'm sure we can get a real spaniard to do the readme, is anyone friends with some English speaking spanish people?

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Your readme.txt (leeme.txt) in spanish. smile.gif

1. Primero descarga el programa Pc-link desde la página de Gamepark e instala el programa según las instrucciones que en ella se indican.
2. "Clickea" con el botón derecho del mouse los GP32-drivers (están en el directorio raiz de este CD) y selecciona "instalar".
3. Enciende tu GP32, selecciona la opcion PC-link en el menú de tu bios/firmware. Entonces, conecta el cable USB (oiras el característico "Ding Dong" si estas usando Windows XP).
4. Ahora "clickea" sobre el Menú de Inicio (Windows) y de ahí: Gamepark>PC-Link.
5. La primera cosa que has de hacer es clickear en "file>format" (fichero>formatear) para formatear/borrar tu SMC y dejarla lista para escribir en ella.
6.Ahora podras navegar/explorar el contenido del CD (para la mayoría de los PCs suele ser la unidad "D:/").
Cuando encuentres lo que quieras grabar seleccionalo y clickea "Copy" (Copiar). Ves al directorio de la GP32 correspondiente y pulsa "Paste" (Pegar) para pasar ese archivo a la SMC de la GP32. Todos los .fxe van en la carpeta de la GP32 llamada "GPMM".
7. La mayoría de programas y .fxe suelen incluir un "readme" (leeme). Leelo si tienes dudas de donde va cada archivo de ese programa.
Cuando acabes de usar el PC-link apagalo y apaga también la GP32.
8. Tambien te recomiendo instalar un nuevo firmware (bios), estos se encuentran en la carpeta "firmware" del CD. Recomiendo instalar el "Slubman's firmware" ya que con esta bios podras usar el programa "Phodrive" que es mucho mejor que el PC-Link. Pero ten cuidado al "flashear" la consola con la nueva bios/firmware! Leete todo el "readme" primero ya que puede ser peligroso!.

Gracias por comprar este CD, en caso de tener aún dudas o problemas unete a los foros de:
o enviame un email:
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kknd_cf posted on Feb 6 2005 at 12:08 PM said:
Apeiron posted on Feb 6 2005 at 10:58 AM said:
Gianas Return, last time I check they don't want the product on anything but their site.
Theres also a copy of Bomberman about which the original developer has withdrawn and wishes it not to be shared anymore
Yeah, he says that I can't put that one on it. Thanks for the help though :D

Also not to dissapoint anyone but for obvious reasons I can't include BOR mods and DOOM wads, pwads and iwads.
But trust me this disk will be packed to the brim. I'll put as much as I can legally put on it.

Updated list:
Akuma no Houkon ???????
Aquafish PM, replied, said it's fine
Black ?
Braind Dead 2 ?
Dalto PM'd, rplied with "yes"
Chui - Unknown
Clem replied to email
Craigix @cdorders emailed back :D
Dark Fader ?, replied
Daz Genetic ?
DjWillis find him on ICQ, said yes
Don Gave permission in the thread
Don Miguel nope
Drumaster not needed
excess @gplinux.
falken80 not needed
Flavor ?
foft ?
Galford ?
GiG replied to mail
Guyfawkes PM also use all his latest versions (he gave links)
ingeras he’s the project leader! PM’d
JyCet no email 
Karthur windups, The email on the site is broke 
kedo kedo (at) replied
Kikuta - Unknown
Kojote webmaster at pdroms dot de replied with an email
Locke can't find contact
MaDsk8tard no contact link on site
Matkeupon PM’d said yes
mr.mirko doesn’t matter
mr.spiv said yes via IRC
Nazca can’t speak language and no contact link
Nigelibrown nigelibrown (at) hotmail (dot) com
NiN^NiN ninja@....
Oankali no email on site, he’s on gp32x somewhere though….
Orion_ don’t use Bomberman world GP (copyright problem)
Pirotic replied by mail, get latest versions
Rattboi said yes on IRC
Reesy – PM’d
Rlyeh PM’d answered me in IRC
RobertJ no contact on site  talked to him on IRC
rov, tis fine
Sanosuke - Unkown
sixxie www at the domain just replied he wants source code with it to
Skeezix Pm’d
Slubman php email thing on his site, replied with no problems at all :D
Squidge - Unknown
SvOlli PM’d
Synkro PM’d doesn't want his stuff on the CD
The Wub PM’d just replied :D
toholl another GP linux guy
the-Diabologic PM’d
The Phantom – Unknown ?
ThunderZ derek@theteahous
Tobi PM’d
Toris PM’d replied, also add a link to his site on the CD:
Tristan - Unknown
_tyrell_ tyrell@... replied, yes
Valken no idea…
VirtuaLeech PM’d said yes
Woogal PM’d said yes on IRC
Yaouank said yes via MSN
Yaustar talk to him
Yoyofr replied
kissbengt Pizzaworm, said yes on IRC

Antiriad PM’d "fine np"
manu_pkp yes via email

That's currently:


Just emailed ID software.
noskill thinks that a menu system would be nice.
Just eamiled lucas arts
Wait for forum subscription on then ask if BASS will be ok
ratx yes said yes (author of fxe gui)
the version of SCUMMVM cant have lucas arts graphics for the title screen! :eek:

holy Crap, I'm allowed to put BASS on the CD! :D
well bass is free!
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