Gp32 Newbie Website


Startled By Midgets
Nov 3, 2003
Newton, UK
Visit site
For quite a while I have been thinking of putting together a GP32 Newbie website. The FAQs on this board often go into a lot of detail and offer no definitive answer while the Search function can turn up a hundred results to wade through. The recent glut of newbie questions and usual reaction to these has got me thinking about the GP32 Newbie site again – and right now I actually have time to put into it (for a change).

The site would be split into common newbie themes, each containing a simplified FAQ. Each question would have a very simple and hopefully accurate answer and, more importantly, each answer will get it’s own page so that links to specific pages can be posted on forums. There would also be very simple walkthroughs for some of the more problematic aspects of setting up your GP32 (installing freelauncher, flashing firmware etc).

My initial thoughts on sections, pages and what questions to include are (in no particular order):

- What are the different versions of the GP32?
- FLU vs BLU
- What is the ‘BLU+’ ?
- Why are there different MHz versions?
- GP32 vs Zodiac

- What emulators are available?
- How good are the emulators that are available?
- Can the GP32 emulate the SNES or Genesis/Megadrive?
- Can the GP32 emulate the GBA?
- Will the GP32 ever be able to emulate the N64 or Playstation?

- What storage cards does the GP32 use?
- Can the GP32 use other cards via an adapter?
- Can the GP32 use cards bigger than 128mb?
- How do I put files on my GP32?
- Can the GP32 use a card reader?

- Should I flash my firmware?
- Which firmware is best?
- How do I flash my firmware?

- I don’t have a USB cable – what do I do?
- Why can’t I access files I’ve transferred to my GP32?
- How do I install Freelauncher?
- Why is there a white bar on my screen when I run some software?

What I want to know is:

1) Is this actually worth doing?
2) Can I count on getting any help with stuff I don’t know the answers to?
3) What other sections/pages should I include?

Thanks for your thoughts!

Well, the problem is where to put a link to such a site so newbies see it and understand they should visit said site first?
John, this is a great idea!!!! We do need the newbies (i am a newbie, you lot need me :D ). And this would sort out all the problems! If a newbie posted a question that wasn't answered on your site, it could be added! If they post a question that is on your site, tell em, close the thread! Simple!

Very nice ideas for the layout etc.

I will have a lot of free time after the 24th (apart from playing with the GP32 AND my PSP (if it's come buy then... :unsure: )), so if i can help, just ask!!!


I think it's a good idea. Especially if you go into detail on the list of working BLU+ programs. ;)

You should also include information on how to encode movies and how to make backgrounds & icons suitable for Yafl/Wind-Ups.
Also as it is a newbie site you could add info on how to install and use each emulator properly (where to put roms, etc...) as this question seems to come up quite a bit lately.
Also mention about the file name limit when using GP Manager and how a card reader lets you transfer files regardless of file name length.
How about creating a downloadable file (i.e HLP or PDF) which could then be added to this forum. It could contain loads of screenshots and such. May be easier to maintain a file rather than webpages. Just an idea. Either way would be cool though.

Right then - it's a goer!

Any ideas for names? My initial thoughts are:

I'm thinking because I can get them cheap though I haven't checked what's available yet. It'll have to be domain forwarded unfortunately so etc would go to the homepage but a direct link to a faq page will have to be along the lines of because this is the proper path to my server space.

I'll post progress etc in this thread to avoid cluttering up the board with new ones.

GA01 posted on Mar 31 2005 at 02:12 PM said:
How about creating a downloadable file (i.e HLP or PDF) which could then be added to this forum. It could contain loads of screenshots and such. May be easier to maintain a file rather than webpages. Just an idea. Either way would be cool though.


Hmmm... It's a good idea but every update would require uploading the entire file again. I'm a web designer by trade so maintaining a site should be no hassle ;)

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lubidog posted on Mar 31 2005 at 02:16 PM said:
I hate 'FAQ' :P

Me too - always reminds me of 'fuck' :P

Newbie is a bit insulting though? How about

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Hmmm... It's a good idea but every update would require uploading the entire file again. I'm a web designer by trade so maintaining a site should be no hassle ;)


If your a web designer by trade, a website it is then ;)

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FAQ I always say as Fag.
I would go for this idea but you should include info on Troll Newbie etcs so newbies can recognise what makes one and hopefully not be one, well at least a troll
Guess what:

I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing yesterday! But then I figured, that I would need some webspace, and I'm just too lazy to regularly update/maintain the site. Adding the fact that i'm bad at drawing/website making wouldn't have made things easier, so I dropped the idea.

But it's great that you're doing it.