Release Hopefully my entry: CPUVextor, a clone of escapeVektor


Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2011
Hello guys,

cannot tell for sure if I can manage to have ready in time a playable version of my game CPUVextor, a simple clone of escapeVektor from Nnooo. I love the concept of the game so I decided to make my own version of it. Unfortunately the idea came very late so I started to write the game early this month. In any case it will unfinished as I release it. For the levels it will impossible to design many good ones in a few days, at least because I do not have a level editor and have to input the data structures manually. Do you already know the game escapeVektor? What do you think about it? Would it be cool to have this on the Pandora?

I just thrown in my very unfinished game. Now here are some screenshots. You'll have to decide if you like it. If there's enough positive feedback after release, I'll possibly finish it.

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yes finish it! this was very interesting game on the wiiware system!
map action buttons to page up/down/home/end please. they are the ABXY buttons on pandora, enter is a bit awkward for gameplay. looks nice though. but needs music
The beginnings of quite a nice remake. :) (I haven't played escapeVektor, just watched some videos). This is very well presented, and seems to be built on nice, polished code which shows itself in all the little things (transitions, visual effects, control reponse etc). I hope you continue with it.

As DaMummy said, Pandora ABXY mappings would be good, and I'm sure you'll add a soundtrack later too. One thing I'd like to see is faster movement - but maybe this will come in later stages. Perhaps (if you'd rather stick with the current speed) you could just allow a speed up once the exit appears? When you're eager to hit that exit and move on, things feel slower than ever. Maybe that's just my impatience talking though!

This is very well presented, and seems to be built on nice, polished code which shows itself in all the little things (transitions, visual effects, control reponse etc). I hope you continue with it.


+1. It looks great on Pandora.

I'd also like to see game play speeded up or at least the option of a double speed button (R or L shoulder?) that would speed up movement and timer countdown.

I've only had a quick play and can't find any help or documentation so I'm wondering, what do the action buttons do?
try pressing dpad in the direction of the way you're....transferring?
really nice entry - please keep working on it, this is a great game and already well polished
Thank you very much for the nice comments, guys. Good you don't see the code, it's not that nice built because I made all this in a hurry ;) Yes, the initial/basic speed should be really faster, that's my opinion too. Vexktor has a boost feature where it speeds up when you double hit the key for one direction - but I made it not available in the first levels. I'm thinking about to change that. And maybe the option to reload the boost while traveling on new paths, like in the original. And it was already planned to map the buttons to the Pandora action ones, I just forgot that :) For sound and music: I have trouble to find good sound effects that fit and to find suitable soundtracks seems also difficult. Would be great if someone could lead me to the right sources.
I can come up with some background tracks. What would be suitable? Some electro atmospheric music maybe?
Would be worth a try. I mostly prefer chip music in module sound format because it's so small and wouldn't blow up the filesize ten times. is a great source but I don't know how about the licences...
1) As the other colleagues, I'd prefer a rather Pandora native key assignment.

2) I cannot resume a game (with SPACE), which I previously aborted (with ESC). Or must I reach a certain score to be able to resume later?
At easter I'll begin to make an update. Then the key mapping will be changed. To continue a game isn't possible at the moment, will also come with the update.
Ok, here's an easter update. Things that have changed:

* Animated background

* Save games are working

* Basic speed slightly increased

* Boost speed for every level

* Better animation of summary screen

* Pandora action buttons mapped

Still to do:

* More and better levels (would need a level editor)

* Full sound effects and music

* Some other things



  • cpuvextor.pnd
    1 MB · Views: 126
Hey there, sorry for not passing this to you earlier, but I simply forgot about it :(

I get a reproduce-able crash on the level introducing the electric fences (right after the introductory text when it would normally load the level the game just exits).

The pndout file reads:


Init Finalized

GLB Error: 14

Shut down GLB


Maybe it's just me though, because I am wondering why nobody else has reported this so far.

Note: I have not tried the updated version, because I just saw you attached it to this thread. Please, as DaMummy suggested, consider uploading it to the repo, that way we got all updates in one place, can easily update it via PNDManager, PNDStore, etc. and it's just a lot cleaner and easier to find.

So far I am enjoying the game, the presentation is really nice (lacking music though :( ) and gameplay is good, albeit rather unchallenging and does not offer much variation (though with a new element like the electric fences this certainly would change).