How Sturdy Is The Pandora?

May 6, 2008
The right hinge of my onyx DS Lite broke and the screen started breaking off about a few months after my warranty ended, and I was treating it pretty well. Since my DS was mainly used for homebrew/emulator purposes, I think that the Pandora would be a good replacement. But I was wondering how it would hold up in the long run? And if it does break how does the warranty process work?

Thanks for your time.
That's kind of an unanswerable question. You can't really tell the long-term reliability of a device until it has been out in the world for a while. Big companies do (at least they should do) HALT testing to see how various components hold up. You can't possibly expect a small group like the Pandora team to shell out for something like that.

I'm sure the designers did everything they could to produce a reliable design, and there's a pretty good chance they succeeded. However, you should be prepared for the small chance of an unknown engineering issue cropping up. That's just the way stuff like this works.