I do not like wireless

I asked for objective evidence.

The first paragraph of that like includes the following:





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I see very little statistics, and a lot of Made-Up Shit there. Where are the statistics?
If I remember corretly, they were in one of the audios... They are hard for me to listen to, so please don't make me listen to them all to find it agin. :blink:
From your information source :

the truth that homosexuality is abnormal, sinful and a form of mental-illness.
That's homophobic, I conclude that I was right…
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I see very little statistics, and a lot of Made-Up Shit there. Where are the statistics?
 If I remember corretly, they were in one of the audios... They are hard for me to listen to, so please don't make me listen to them all to find it agin. :blink:
You want me to share your beliefs; you provide the evidence.

At least tell me which file its in.

I don't have 47min to spend listening to homophobic podcasts.
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I see very little statistics, and a lot of Made-Up Shit there. Where are the statistics?
If I remember corretly, they were in one of the audios... They are hard for me to listen to, so please don't make me listen to them all to find it agin. :blink:
Statistics are not in audio files. Statistics are in a report somewhere. Someone making shit up doesn't become statistics just because someone uses that word. A lie doesn't become truth just because the liare says "it's true, promise".

You do know that a lot of the crap referenced there are well known as being fake, right? As in, made up shit. Whoever wrote that page spreads known lies. That in itself would not invalidate the statistics, if they do exist somewhere, but the page most certainly shows that the writer has a very flexible relationship with thruth in the real world.
Indeed, I think he quotes a report. But then agin, he proably dosnt reveal were it came from. And it's going to be a USA report. I'm interested to know what country saying that homosexuality is sinful is considered illegal. When used in the context of biblical knowlege, is it also illegal to own a bible there? In the USA people are allowed to disagree about things as long as there is no oppression involved. So we have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution I forget that this is a world wide thing and I am not 100% familur with customs in other countires. And a lot of people bend the rules to their will like everyware eles.

And I apologize if my ignorance of your situation offended anyone. My intent was to warn people about the hazzardz of wireless, not to start an agument about gay rights.
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It's not "sinful" that's not legal here but qualifying homosexuality as "abnormal" and "mental illness".

But then agin, he proably dosnt reveal were it came from.
Because it's probably a load of bullshit made up by the same people that make those camps that kill homosexuals by trying to "re-educate" them by beating the shit out of them to make them heterosexual…
I can see were being called "mental sick" would offend someone.

 Camps like that are a reason for people to beat someone up and get away with it, some peoples sin is beating others up. Gays are an target for them because they can inflict fear about them. It's a lot like racism. I had a friend from another race that was getting bulled and he asked me why he was like that. I said "To the best of my knowlege- He wants to be in control and will use and means to get it. When you are not hear he finds someone eles to treat that way most likely due to his own insecurity of needing to be on what he feels is a winning side" Please don't think that all white people are like that, he has a personality flaw (I'm sure I have some too).

The sad thing is he said I thought you were on our side do this! (it was sad he started screaming at me in a panic) I was like bro, so and so is my fiend, the only side to me is good and evil. And I have meet VERY few people I would consider evil, most were just lost, abused, and misunderstood.

Whats worse is that one someone with the mentality of a nice child turns to let evil control them, I don't think they can see them impact of there actions that come out as full adult impacts.
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My intent was to warn people about the hazzardz of wireless,
So what are they then?

I've yet to see any evidence that any form of commonly used radio communication is dangerous.

How about some data listing the symptoms reported by:

  1. people exposed to a transmitting wifi antenna, and
  2. some other people in otherwise identical conditions where the wifi antenna had been secretly turned off
hum… credibility problems incoming!

A Botanist Far Away From Home

To truly qualify Dr. Havas we have to examine her credentials much more closely. Her Ph. D. is in botany, giving her no qualifications in the field of medicine or physics. She is indeed employed as associate professor at Trent University, but we don’t have to strive far to see how valued her opinion is there; her colleagues felt it necessary to dissociate themselves from her in a comment posted on the above video:

On the issue of health effects of radio frequency waves, a large body of evidence now exists, and the international consensus is described in the references listed [on the physics website]. Based on these considerations, we do not believe that electromagnetic waves associated with WiFi in schools pose a health risk to children or teachers.

Profs Bill Atkinson, Peter Dawson, David Patton, Ralph Shiell, Alan Slavin and Rachel Wortis

Members of the Department of Physics, Trent University

It does make you wonder when what looks like the entire head of Dr. Havas’ university’s physics department, and therefore scientists truly qualified on the subject of radiation, feel it necessary to publicly voice their dissent.

Via: http://evilcyber.com/the-rest/havas-wifi-research/#ixzz2nMH7MZ2F
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My intent was to warn people about the hazzardz of wireless, not to start an agument about gay rights.
Our intent is to warn you about people that will use fake science and lie to you in order to sell you something (not all "sales" are for money, some just want the power of spreading their lies). These people will make up numbers and call them statistics, they will pick some anecdotes and call them facts, they will hold a seminar and call it science. They will take advantage of you.
I don't know about you but I don't like being taken advantage of, that's why whenever I hear one of these outrageous claims I go looking for the evidence to back it up. 99% of the time there is nothing, literally no evidence, it is completely made up bullshit. Sometimes it is someone repeating someone else's made up bullshit, or a long string of repetition of bullshit, but it always goes back to the same made up bullshit. The remaining 1% is usually inconclusive test results, where actual science really was done but some tests find the claim true while others find it false: when this happens, the "false" claims usually far outweigh the "true" claims, and in most cases even those that found it to be true cannot reproduce their results.

Don't be taken advantage of. God gave you a brain: use it. If you blindly follow someone else and never think for yourself you are doing a huge disservice to Him.
and what about all this evil devices that grab the energy out of the sun light and convert it back into electricity... all that power around us is frightening...
... life force energy.
Ho yeah, life force energy. Here is a real complete and perfect demonstration that it exist
https://www.youtube.com/embed/aFFw2OCMCh0?feature=oembedSure, human created radiation are way worst than those radiation that mother nature create. You know like the sun radiations or plutonium/uranium/radon radiations (these are 100% natural no matter what you think).Geez every single life on the planet produce radiation. Even a rose does that.

The real thing is : we are completly surrounded by radiation all the time, no matter what you try to avoid it.

Your body is permanantly crossed by particles. Have a look at what scientist (the real ones) do to detect them : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino_detector. If you can believe that there are something in the world to block that you're just a fool