I found a guy with a still wrapped Pandora on another forum...


Half Pepperoni, All Cheese
Sep 15, 2015
North Carolina, USA
He said he never opened it because he was fed up with what he had to go through to get it. Offered it to anyone who wanted it, but I don't think he's giving it away free, because I already tried hinting at that and didn't get a response. Not sure what he would sell it for though.

I almost don't want to tell you guys where it is, because you might snatch it out from under me before I can possibly round up some cash for a convincing offer. I think withholding the info would be greedy though, so here you go.

I don't think you would have been wrong to keep it to yourself, however I don't think I an the only one here that checks out Atari Age (I may have even posted there long ago).
I PMed the guy for more info. Apparently he did try to sell it in the AtariAge Marketplace before, but ended up holding onto it. Link below. He says he's not even sure what type of offer to expect on it or if he'd take it, which is why he hasn't bumped the thread. Says he's gonna maybe hold onto it until he needs rainy day money. A wrapped Pandora would probably keep going up in value, right?

That is totally nonsense. The cases looked used, even when brand new, and even if, new cases are cheap and easy to replace. And boxes? I have a dozen, want one?
What counts is if the board is fully functional or not.
And i have bad news for him, the prices have been falling and falling in the last years. It might rise again in 10 Years or so.
Ouch. Elw3 bringing the truth and the pain. Maybe I could link him to your post though in order to help negotiations? ;)

Actually, I don't plan on making an offer anytime soon. The people who supervise my finances say I need new living room furniture first. You guys go ahead, if you want.
Offer 130€ if it's actually working. I think that's about the price for used original Pandoras ?
$150 USD? Wow, that's cheaper than I imagined. Maybe I could convince my family to get it for me as a birthday present next month. I'd feel bad for him if I took it at that price though, considering what he paid...
To be fair to the Pandora seller, he didn't say it was wrapped, rather that he hadnt 'unwrapped' it yet. That can be a turn of speech that means unopened, or otherwise unsullied, without acutally indicating it was wrapped at any point. Or it can mean it's still wrapped, depends on context.

I'm also not sure what @Elw3 means by 'the cases looked used, even when brand new'. I see no pictures in that atariage threads, so I assume he means Pandora cases in general. And I can say that you can easily tell that my Pandora's case is used, from the crack in the speaker grille, the crack in corner of the lid back, various scratches on the bottom, scuffs on the top and the corners of the L and R buttons have been rubbed black. I guess all those discolourations wouldn't be seen on a black painted case (mine is a GHz one from ED), but it makes me glad the Pyra will be made out of tougher stuff.
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Might as well post here since I have an account. I didn't intend for my 3 year old for sale post to get new attention again, I just mentioned in that Pyra thread over there that I still had one. JDTAY found the old sale post on his own.

That is totally nonsense. The cases looked used, even when brand new, and even if, new cases are cheap and easy to replace. And boxes? I have a dozen, want one?
What counts is if the board is fully functional or not.
And i have bad news for him, the prices have been falling and falling in the last years. It might rise again in 10 Years or so.

It came wrapped in thin protective foam which I have never removed it from. Which does mean I have no idea if the board is functional or not, nor what the physical condition of the case looks like.

$150 USD? Wow, that's cheaper than I imagined. Maybe I could convince my family to get it for me as a birthday present next month. I'd feel bad for him if I took it at that price though, considering what he paid...

Sorry, if all it's worth is $150, then I'll just keep it.
Well, at least let us know if you boot the thing up. Who knows, it could be the start of a long and beautiful friendship.
Sorry if i was missenterpreted, i was generally ranting against ppl who insist the outer appearance makes the whole price.
This was totally triggered when hearing "unwrapped".
Say its a flea marked trauma i got from telling numerious times that i cant pay 20€ extra just because it is in "mint" condition.

Yea some units lately got selled at around 150€, pretty harsh price drop, nothing we can do about unless we start biding against us.
Might as well post here since I have an account. I didn't intend for my 3 year old for sale post to get new attention again, I just mentioned in that Pyra thread over there that I still had one. JDTAY found the old sale post on his own.

It came wrapped in thin protective foam which I have never removed it from. Which does mean I have no idea if the board is functional or not, nor what the physical condition of the case looks like.

Sorry, if all it's worth is $150, then I'll just keep it.
I paid 250ish for a used one within the last year off ebay out of canada

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