I Just Won A Gp2x Im So Happy. Cool, Wow, Hurray


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i just won a gp2x im so happy. cool, wow, hurray

i will look the faq and if i have questions i will post it here, instead of doing several topics.

I won a F100, and i will do a dpad mod if i find the jostick to be crap. i will ask my electonic technician father to do it.
i read a few topics about modding it.

i cant wait, i will test this picodrive emu for myself and compare it to my psp picodrive and my nintendo ds picodrive.
i dont have a usb cable with it.

But i have a card reader.
i have a lot of usb cable from different device
and i have a gp32 cable ( is it compatible with gp2x ?)

can i transfert my files with the gp32 cable or my card reader ? is the original gp2x usb cable necessary ?

anyway i just want to play emulators with the gp2x.
You can use any USB cable, but I suggest you use your card reader.

Also, make sure you read the readmes for your emulators.
Iirc, the gp32 is a different pin connector on the end of the USB cable. The gp2x uses mini- USB, so any mini usb cable will work.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong...it's been a while since I touched my gp2x ;)
im so happy. i just won it. i just won it. i have to wait some days before receiving it. SURE i will try homwbrew, my girlfriend love puzzle and strategy games. ( we just had a party for our 10 years together, i have 28 years old). shes so cute you miss something :)

now i have a gp2x, gp32, psp, ds lite ,gba . i can compare all of them with emu. its bad i sold my zodiac last year. :)

see below my favorties emu for my handheld. ( without gp2x, i dont have it yet)

Best nes emulator = Gameboy advance Pocketnes. yeah really, even if its unscaled too large, anyway its follow the spirit automatically. emu is so great i believe its the real hardware.

Best Gamegear emu = Gp32 ( sms32 v0.5 + 2th = PSP smsplus ) I THINK GP2X will be first here :)

Best genesis emu = its a tie between DS picodrvie and psp picodrive. I THINK GP2X will be First here :)

Best Snes emu = PSP, really great, all game fullspeed at frameskip 0 or 1 (even chrono trigger, mariokart and seiken3) , except starfox and few others. cant wait to compare somes game with gp2x.

Best gameboy emu= PSP ( RIN emu) i always searched a multi color palette emulator for gb mono games. cant find one on any system i have. i think the gp2x dont have it too right?

I will start to play pc engine and Sega Cd games soon, i never play it too much, its a new beginning for me.
renejr902 said:
Best Gamegear emu = Gp32 ( sms32 v0.5 + 2th = PSP smsplus ) I THINK GP2X will be first here :)
You do realise that sms32 is significantly inferior to DrSMS? The former is a decent emu, but isn't exactly feature-packed. The latter does pretty much anything you could want it to at a lower clockspeed. At least if sms32 is the emu I think it is...
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I have no idea what is going on here but I, too, am extremely excited.
Tobriand said:
renejr902 said:
Best Gamegear emu = Gp32 ( sms32 v0.5 + 2th = PSP smsplus ) I THINK GP2X will be first here :)
You do realise that sms32 is significantly inferior to DrSMS? The former is a decent emu, but isn't exactly feature-packed. The latter does pretty much anything you could want it to at a lower clockspeed. At least if sms32 is the emu I think it is...

Drsms only play sms games. i heard that, is it true ?

I only play Gamegear game.

is it any danger to overclock a gp2x ( i bought a mk100 version ) ?

( i know you can overclock a gp32 without any problem)
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renejr902 said:
is it any danger to overclock a gp2x ( i bought a mk100 version ) ?

( i know you can overclock a gp32 without any problem)
If you overclock too far it stops working, you reset it and then choose a lower clock.

You are not adding more voltage, so you can't really overheat/damage components, merely get them to a state where they won't respond and lock up. Thus stopping your game.

If you are playing GameGear or such, you will probably underclock to 60-100mhz instead of overclock.
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renejr902 said:
how i can i upload a picture, i cheched the option but... dont find option to target my hard disk
Upload it to Photobucket or similar.
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Cool... congratulations mate :D

I'm also waiting for mine (although I didn't win it :().

Best wishes
renejr902 said:
Drsms only play sms games. i heard that, is it true ?

I only play Gamegear game.
Hmm... you may be right, looking at it.

However, it also looks like there are some later versions of DrMD out that also play SMS/gamegear games at Reesy's site (and probably on the archive, of course) here. So yeah, try that out and see how it goes - I'm guessing it should be fairly good :)
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Tobriand said:
renejr902 said:
Drsms only play sms games. i heard that, is it true ?

I only play Gamegear game.
Hmm... you may be right, looking at it.

However, it also looks like there are some later versions of DrMD out that also play SMS/gamegear games at Reesy's site (and probably on the archive, of course) here. So yeah, try that out and see how it goes - I'm guessing it should be fairly good :)

the readme of gp32 drmd v5b9 said it only play megadrive games for now. He cant put sms/gg with md because of gp32 memory.
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my gp2x will have a 2.0 firmware. ( i have a F100 )

1. i read a lot about firmware but, is it very important to upgrade to a 2.12 version or 4.0 Whats the the advantage. I dont want to flash my gp2x and i dont think i will do it, but what i will miss if i keep it at 2.0 ???

2. i found a custom 2.12 firmware made by zotaz i think im not sure... that can use 4gb and 8gb cards. is it better ?

3. i think i will use a 2gb sd card. i think it will work with a 2.0 Right ? 100% sure?

4. but 4gb dont work with 2.0 Right ? but with which firmware version it will work ?

thanks for answer.
renejr902 said:
1. i read a lot about firmware but, is it very important to upgrade to a 2.12 version or 4.0 Whats the the advantage. I dont want to flash my gp2x and i dont think i will do it, but what i will miss if i keep it at 2.0 ???
Upgrading from 2.0.0 to 2.1.2 will not be a full flash, just a patch. I recommend you upgrade to 2.1.2 because it increased SD card read/write speeds considerably. Don't try any firmwares beyond it, like 3.x.x or 4.x.x, those have longer boot times.

renejr902 said:
3. i think i will use a 2gb sd card. i think it will work with a 2.0 Right ? 100% sure?
100% sure

renejr902 said:
4. but 4gb dont work with 2.0 Right ? but with which firmware version it will work ?
4GB non-SDHC cards work on 2.0.0, but I think those are pretty rare now. If you want to use cards bigger than 2GB, you'll need to flash Notaz's firmware.
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It`s notaz, Not zotaz. :rolleyes:

If you are confident in updating your firmware, Would like to be able to use SDHC cards, And have what is probably the best firmware for the f100 (which i`m sure alot of people with an f100 use). Then you should seriously consider updating to notaz`s firmware.


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