I'd Like To Thank All The Devs And People In Charge Of Sales

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May 13, 2008
For establishing a good strong constant connection of communication with the community, this really reinforces my want to partake in the second batch.

It's pointless to thank the people in charge of creating the best homebrew platform to date?
CandidStan said:
It's pointless to thank the people in charge of creating the best homebrew platform to date?
crikies, you got yours already then....
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Lets not all start getting our knickers in a twist again?
Fact is:

- Some people think that the Pandora team are providing us with enough updates
- Some don't
- Some people dont mind the LCD & the bank problems
- Some do
- Some people think it's fishy with all the delays and aer getting impatient
- Some people are upset about the delys but are understanding and are more then willing to wait patiently to get their Pandoras

People have their different views.
And this will just turn into another 20 page bitchfest?
Request to close this topic? :)
Your thanks have been acknowledged.

Since this thread doesn't seem to be going anywhere however, I'm going to do a pre-emptive strike and close this thread before people start on the warpath.
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