I'm A Pandora

Naturally I think warez is a flat dumb idea, and I'm also familiar with the trouble ROM links can cause. So, even if they haven't sold the game in twenty years.. But if a user of the group were to make mention of that kind of thing, it wouldn't be coming from the 'official' voice, just a random user.
Jourdy288 said:
Naturally I think warez is a flat dumb idea, and I'm also familiar with the trouble ROM links can cause. So, even if they haven't sold the game in twenty years.. But if a user of the group were to make mention of that kind of thing, it wouldn't be coming from the 'official' voice, just a random user.
I only used ROMs as an example. There are a lot of things you could say that could get OpenPandora in trouble without even realizing it. And if a user posts something, it is still being sent through an official news source, and OpenPandora would be responsible for keeping it clean. They could link to warez or spout hate messages or post goatse pictures. Unofficial, OpenPandora would have absolutely nothing to do with any of that and can safely ignore it. Official, and they would be expected to keep it clean and professional.
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Hmm, excellent point there.
Seeing as I'm the admin, it's my responsibility to be ready to prune things like that.
Thanks, I'll be extra vigilant.
In the US for this arrangement to be legally binding, and thus an issue for Open Pandora LTD. Jourdy would need to be old enough to enter a contractual agreement with the company. I'm not sure how the law works elsewhere but, OPL could easily wash their hands with any issue that would arise. Official or not.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think jourdy is cool
Sugar_Kane said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I think jourdy is cool

Aww, thanks! My heart skipped a beat!

It seems you also just sent a wave of panic through a trolling community. There's been a major disturbance in their force. They're going down.


But thanks, just made my day!
EDIT: Sigged.
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