Introduce yourself

Hi.. My real name is Darren. I live in the Hertfordshire, UK.

I started with a Spectrum 48k. I remember playing commando on Xmas day on my mums glass table with a small tv.

From there I jumped to a Commodore 128 where I did my computer studies at school.

Amiga 500 was next.. Good times...

Then I got a A1200, which I maxed out including a PCMCIA CDROM, 060 with 16mb ram accelerator. Then, stupidly I sold it all for a p90 with 8mb ram. Think it was because I wanted to play command and conqueror and F1 grand prix.

No coding at all :( which I regret..

I now have a fairly decent pc and a 1ghz Pandora..

I'm 41 with three and a half year old twins

Working in central government in London

Currently on the couch while the kids watch a movie on my raspberry pi running raspbmc.
Hello to everyone!     ^_^


I'm a newcomer.

I'm going to buy a pandora today, and I hope to have it soon.

But, what I really wish is to found here the nice place to meet other pandorians and enjoy using our favorite portable device that I think this place is.


I'm from Spain, and few people here have the pandora.

Personally I wanted a pandora since 2008, but I decided to buy one now for various reasons:

  1. The price drop - this was definitively the most important -

  2. I got a Job

  3. The new 1Ghz model.


Before the pandora comes out, I always desired a device like this, I was even figuring out how to make my own, or may how to mod some UMPC, for that reason, when the pandora project started, I could not believe I was not the only one who desired that kind of device. For me is the perfect way to close one chapter of my life with successful result  :D   .


Hope enjoy with you guys (and lady if there are any)
Hey danielo515 if you work in a 24/7 work set up where do you get the time to play super Mario cart on your pandora ?
Hey danielo515 if you work in a 24/7 work set up where do you get the time to play super Mario cart on your pandora ?
Hahahah, I don't work 24/7, the service is 24/7

But when I'm on the night turn, I have pretty much time to do whatever y want.

Yes, I work in a different turn each week, which makes me even more crazy and confused.
Hello :D my name is Cameron, I live in Glasgow in the UK.

I started with a playstation, playing games like tomb raider, and gradually moved up, getting an n64, an xbox, a ps2, so on...

Right now i have a 360 and a ps3 that i never ever use, and a powerful but god awful looking pc that i use to play all my games.

I like to collect old games, in big boxes! and generally most of the stuff i buy is odd and kinda useless (like the laptop in my picture, or my poweredge)

Right now im waiting for my pandora to arrive whenever.. i am 144 in the GHz queue.

Currently im sitting at my desk with a sore ass because my ikea chair decided to break in two, leaving me with a metal frame to sit on >.> arg.
Welcome :) . May I suggest standing while doing computing tasks if the chair hurts that much ?
Hey danielo515 if you work in a 24/7 work set up where do you get the time to play super Mario cart on your pandora ?
Hahahah, I don't work 24/7, the service is 24/7

But when I'm on the night turn, I have pretty much time to do whatever y want.

Yes, I work in a different turn each week, which makes me even more crazy and confused.
Know ur pain, I've been on shift pattern for 9 years now it suck, one week your getting in and going to bed around 3.30am the next week Ur  waking up at 3.30 am totally sucks just as Ur  bodies getting used to getting up or going to bed late or early. Bam everything changes and it takes another week to adjust the Body clock again, especially this time of year its bloody cold at 3.30 am
Andrea here, I come from northern Italy and I work as a software developer for a 300 people sized company. (Mostly win32/.NET developement)

Got interested in handheld linux since the GP2X times, but I got my hands on the Pandora just 2 weeks ago!

See ya!
Hey there,

My name is Cory, I'm an 18 year old technology junkie from Lincolnshire in the UK. I like to play around with various programming languages like Java, C# and Python although at the moment I'm learning how to create android apps which means some XML as well. I preordered a Pandora back in 2009 but ended up not having the money for it due to life so I'm saving now for the new 1 Ghz model :D

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I've collected a fair few consoles in my years, check my sig for the list     VVV

Looking forward to posting here.

Hi, my real name is Ryan, 

I'm from Ontario Canada, been obsessed with all kinds of technology, from Raspberry Pi to tens of tablets, laptops and computers. Wanted a OP since the announcement, but due to life and other priorities, had to wait until now. Looking forward to using it as a mini linux PC, with some retro gaming too (Gran Turismo here i come!) I work in eLearning/Programming and get to play with some really cool toys on a daily basis. I have a thing for classic Mini's and currently have two in the garage with a third in parts. 

Looking forward to playing around with the OP, and reading the forums!

Hi, I'm Leathco. Retro game fan, operator of the website

I have followed the Pandora since its inception back when I owned a GP2x.  The price was too rich for me though, so I went with a GP2x Wiz, which served me well at the time.  I did pre-order and purchase the original iControlpad, and also have a iControlpad 2 on order.  I recently traded off my PS Vita for an original Pandora model and have been impressed with it.  I may upgrade to a 1 GHZ in a couple years if there's a price drop.  I love the full Linux desktop, love how I can run office apps, edit audio, and more along with playing some old school games, and the PS1 emulation is a wonderful addition to the standard emus I was running on my Wiz.  The only thing missing is fullspeed N64 (I actually thought the Pandora could do it, but can see why not given the circumstances, and at least major games like Mario 64 run almost fullspeed), and a better SNES emulator (SNES9x does well for the most part, but Fx chip games either run slow or too fast depending on settings).  I am patiently waiting for my iControlpad 2 (well, mostly patiently) for use for my Evo 3d phone, but the iControlpad 1 is also great and fits most my needs.  Also, wifi seems slow even after disabling power saving mode, but thats not a dealbraeker for me.

My favorite era for gaming is prolly NES, love those games.  Next up are the 16 big RPG games on the SNES and Genesis in addition to the 32 bit PS1 RPGs (wonderful era for turn based RPG fans like myself).  N64 is almost uncharted ground for me, as I only recently bought one with most of the classic games for it.  Another uncharted era for me is retro Pc games, but thanks to Pandora I am now enjoying commodore and amiga games I have never played before.,
Although, you've been here for over 2.5 years now. Welcome anyway, mate. :)
hehe maybe so but I've been pretty quiet over the years.  I'm finding myself more active these days, and figured since no one here knows me outside of alerino I'd go ahead and make a post here.
Although, you've been here for over 2.5 years now. Welcome anyway, mate. :)
hehe maybe so but I've been pretty quiet over the years.  I'm finding myself more active these days, and figured since no one here knows me outside of alerino I'd go ahead and make a post here.
Yes , no offence you seem new here,to me at least. and ive been here too long already id say lol.