Is The Pandora For You?

I think it's best I don't click that link. Anything other than the core functionality of Facebook usually annoys me. The only good additions they've made to the site is all the 'Hide' buttons which I make frequent use of to get rid of all the idiot musings of my 'friends'.

"John Smith scored 10 out of 10 on the 'How much of a loser am I for wasting my time on Facebook quizzes' quiz. Why don't you take this quiz too."

No thanks > Hide button.

Please don't encourage this behaviour, it's not a bit of fun, it's noise and it bothers me.

Hmm, maybe I need new friends.
kaprikawn said:
I think it's best I don't click that link. Anything other than the core functionality of Facebook usually annoys me. The only good additions they've made to the site is all the 'Hide' buttons which I make frequent use of to get rid of all the idiot musings of my 'friends'. ;)
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kaprikawn said:
I think it's best I don't click that link. Anything other than the core functionality of Facebook usually annoys me. The only good additions they've made to the site is all the 'Hide' buttons which I make frequent use of to get rid of all the idiot musings of my 'friends'.

"John Smith scored 10 out of 10 on the 'How much of a loser am I for wasting my time on Facebook quizzes' quiz. Why don't you take this quiz too."

No thanks > Hide button.

Please don't encourage this behaviour, it's not a bit of fun, it's noise and it bothers me.

Hmm, maybe I need new friends.

Don't wanna start a flame war, but...
Quite frankly, if you don't like looking at photos of parties just because nobody wants to invite you, it's not a problem. If you hate sharing stuff with friends, and consider every multiple choice just-for-fun quiz in a magazine important as the SAT, by all means, have nothing to do with Facebook.

Just don't spoil our fun.
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0K, ¥0µ'r3 4 h4(k3r.
Nothing to worry about, it isn't a 'bad' thing, it means you'll be a good programmer, you'll play the games, and you'll make them!

Well, I surely never used those chars on my strings Oo
And I surely still a long way to go before I can do anything nice for the pandora community. University surely sucks out all of my time and energy...
STILL, I really intend to do a lot of programming in the Pandora (a bit for Pandora herself, but a lot for univertisy works... ><)

PS: Yes, I think of the Pandora device as a She... Maybe one should start a thread to discuss it further... whether the Pandora is a she, a he or perhaps just a boring and neutral it.
0K, ¥0µ'r3 4 h4(k3r.

Nothing to worry about, it isn't a 'bad' thing, it means you'll be a good programmer, you'll play the games, and you'll make them!