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Active Member
May 26, 2003
For some time there has been mention of getting linux running on the gp32. There is even a sourceforge page available for one and a link somewhere to some korean having a go. I have some idea of the benefits of such projects but not all of them. where will it run from; the bios? It does seem a little small. do I really want KDE/GNOME available on my GP32 probably not and the command line interface seems a little well useless. I know that there must be some major reasons why this would be great, but for my life I can think of none, apart from seeing a little penguin. I guess my questions would be?

How far along the devepment path is any development?

Which Kernel is it based on?

What will run? NASM?? GCC??

What Benefits will this bring ? New games/Apps??

Where would is run from? Bios/Smart Card/Mixture??

Will it revolutionise development on the GP32? Cross Ports etc
to answer some questions..
KDE/GNOME will not work, since they need better hardware and use to much space, but there are other small window manager which could run, but first you have to get xfree working.
Then there is much software available for linux which shouldnt be hard to port
(want moonbuggy)
it will run form smc, perhaps (i think so) a new firmware (to load).

dont know if anyone is working on it now... i hope so!