Look At The Reordering This Way..


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
OK people,
I am getting tired of all the people saying they complaining about the reorder process and how long its taking so.... I have to share my thought is a new thread.

Say your in the US......AND....you just preordered the Pandora for 350 dollars. Now with that cost there is a conversion fee exchange or whatever the hell it is of about 10 dollars..... Fine...so now you just spent 360 using your CC.

OK..NOW... all the problems occur....bank issues... LCD's....whatever...

NOW your getting back you money in a refund....ONLY THIS time because of the god aweful exchange rate ....you get back 290 dollars.

ARE ALL YOU people who AREN"T reordering telling me You'd rather lose about 60-70 dollars because you don't have patience for a company and the banking system to work through the errors and problems??

See to me....I would much rather lose my patience than lose 60 dollars on a device that WE ALL KNOW will be the creme of the crop when it comes out. NOT IF it comes out!!!

I am reordering because I believe in OpenPandora, the people who run it and what they are trying to accomplish...

So in the end ....the only thing I've lost is my patience with those people who have none (you know who you are)!
Hehehe I too thought about this several times... Wasn't sure about saying it out loud though :p
I couldn't help it ..... sorry... I just couldn't

Someone make me understand why anyone would want to lose money in this process??
When you reorder....you reorder the amount you were refunded...come on!!
You only reorder at the refund price if you do a bank transfer after you get refunded, as far as I know. I was told NOT to do a wireless transfer reorder since my bank would charge me to do it since it's international and i'd be out yet more money.

So some of us are waiting on the credit card reorder page. Depending on how long that takes and what the exhange rate does, I could have to spend even MORE than the $60 I've already lost, I could come out even after-all, or I could come out ahead. I could possibly do a wireless bank transfer and spend yet more money.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't, possibly luck out. So it's not so cut and dry as "you get to reorder at the refund price".

Unless OpenPandora is willing to possibly lose money depending on how the exchange rate acts.

Of course the people who don't understand exchange rates that are crying non-stop IS annoying. I even admit I had a "wtf!?" moment when I got my refund, then it dawned on me after a moment's contemplation what the deal was.
i think most of the people dropping are doing charge-backs. (i think)
so i think the people complaining are mostly the ones planning on reordering, but refuse to acknowledge the exchange rate fluctuations and that they havent really lost 60-70 dollars when they reorder.
yeah its silly to drop out for a few dollars extra on CC conversion to reorder again, the time is already invested, unless you spent every last penny you had on Pandora and cant come up with the few extra dollars for this bump, i came close :p
TJFBryant said:
When you reorder....you reorder the amount you were refunded...come on!!
You only pay the amount you were refunded if the exchange rate is the same as on the day you were refunded, since we don't know when the reorder page will be up or what the rate will be on the day, we don't know how refundees will fare on the day.

For those willing to use Bank Transfer, they will get a rate close to the refund one if they send straight away, but Bank Transfers are not free, anything up to $50 and with other charges tacked on.
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If you look at it from the standpoint of mitigating risk, not reordering can make sense.

If you've already lost $60-70, there's a big risk in re-investing the remaining $$. If, like me, you have had no experience as a customer of Craig, ED, or anyone else involved in this endeavor, it's easy to see how your confidence in the Pandora team's ability to deliver could be lost. At that point, the question isn't "Do I want a Pandora or don't I?" The question becomes, "Can I afford to lose another $200 or so if the whole thing goes south?" Or, at best, "How confident am I that the whole thing won't go south? Would I bet $200 on it?"

The smart bet, in this case, is to hold on to your cash until batch 1 ships, then preorder batch 2 or even wait for batch 3.

Unfortunately, if enough people think this way, it runs the risk of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, the thought of which leads the cautious gadgeteer to withdraw his fundage, creating a downward spiral.

I believe Pandoras will start shipping the next 6-8 weeks. The team's been pretty transparent about everything that's going on (sometimes to a fault :)), and based on the recommendations of a few forum members here, I'm willing to trust their reputation. As soon as the reorder link is posted, you can count on me being there to click it. And I will. I will click it hard.

But I don't really see any point in browbeating those who don't have the nerve to take a second gamble when they've already lost the first time around (on paper, anyway). They're just playing it safe.

EDIT: Heh. I forgot to address the hubbub about the exchange rate. Yeah, if you re-order your Pandora, you get the value of the forex difference back because you only have to pay the local equivalent of the target currency. So provided your currency vs. the pound doesn't shift too much before the reorder page comes up, you're in good shape. But even then, the question is, "I've just lost $60, but I've recovered $200. Can I afford to risk that $200 again to get it back, or not?"

thank you...a very smart and intelligent reply...
I was waiting for some answer....

Let me debate here for a moment and say this...

You mentioned some customers are "playing it safe"

I would have to agree with you but.....

Take this into account as well...

The global economy...everyone in this world IS playing it safe.
I have friends , and neighbors and co-workers all playing playing it safe....and
(Without getting into a great economical discussion) Its the people who are playing it safe that are not participating in the slowing financial crisis.

This playing it safe process is called consumer deflation...and without explaining myself here as well...suffice it say that the only thing that can STOP Pandora's batch 1 production now is the playing it safe part.

I understand risk with the rest of your money once on reordering...But what item you buy in any financial climate doesn't run with some sort of risk..albeit a Pandora...or any other device that new to the world.

Oh and just to straighten out my comment on the reordering process.... I was told by DEBS herself from Pandora that you can REORDER with your CC for the same amount you WERE refunded. BOTH CC reorders and BANK Transfers
TJFBryant said:
Oh and just to straighten out my comment on the reordering process.... I was told by DEBS herself from Pandora that you can REORDER with your CC for the same amount you WERE refunded. BOTH CC reorders and BANK Transfers
Yes, but that amount is the GBP (Sterling) amount. The refunds were a Sterling amount converted to US$ or Euro. The amount you were refunded in Euro or US$ will vary against Sterling in the meantime.
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You seem to think its fine if people lost 60 dollars to the exchange rate and should just accept it ? Or its 'one of those things'

I hope the Pandora is a success but the launch date slipping and the ordering confusion with the banks makes me a bit cautious. I want it to be a huge success but i cant say 100% it will be just like you cant say it will be either.

People shouldnt have to lose 60-90 dollars and then seem to think 'what the hell'. If youre mr rich send me 60 dollars and dont whine then !
Asmo said:
TJFBryant said:
Oh and just to straighten out my comment on the reordering process.... I was told by DEBS herself from Pandora that you can REORDER with your CC for the same amount you WERE refunded. BOTH CC reorders and BANK Transfers
Yes, but that amount is the GBP (Sterling) amount. The refunds were a Sterling amount converted to US$ or Euro. The amount you were refunded in Euro or US$ will vary against Sterling in the meantime.

I understand your right...but..
The amount you were refunded, that for me is 293.00 Will remain unchanged once I place the reorder via cc. It is the GBP that will change ...not my USD amount. Again, what I was refunded is ALL that will be used for a reorder.
I am not reordering in GBP...we are reordering in our own currency rate and that is being transferred into the correct exchange rate.

I am wrong in this??
Because I was assured I would have to spend no more than I was refunded under my currency rate of USD

Yall right....its the same olde BS thread about refunds and reordering....
I was only trying to get people to understand that the risk involved is minor compared to the amount of 60 USD you'd lose by NOT reordering
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The fact is, there are tons of people telling different shit and if you can point to Craigix or EvilDragon saying concretely that we will repay what we received in our reorder then I will be satisfied, but I don't think they have ever said it and it's just deduced from reasoning and various other shit and it's hard to find amongst all the idiotic babbling anyway. Any posts that do tackle it are 90 percent OMG U SO STOOPID, and make a brief mention of what they believe is going to happen
TJFBryant said:
I understand your right...but..
The amount you were refunded, that for me is 293.00 Will remain unchanged once I place the reorder via cc. It is the GBP that will change ...not my USD amount. Again, what I was refunded is ALL that will be used for a reorder.
I am not reordering in GBP...we are reordering in our own currency rate and that is being transferred into the correct exchange rate.

I am wrong in this??
Because I was assured I would have to spend no more than I was refunded under my currency rate of USD
I'm afraid this is wrong unless they actually give it to us in writing, so far it's just been a misunderstanding in all the chaos.

The amount you were refunded is worth GBP 195 right now (www.xe.com). Could be more, could be less by the time the reorder page goes live. All the orders were in GBP as has been much dissected, the price displayed on the page at the time was a rounded fixed figure converted to Sterling on the final page.

It is the GBP that will change ...not my USD amount

If one changes, the other does too! The 'change' is the difference in relative value, so your $293 could be worth more or less GBP.
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PoisonedV said:
The fact is, there are tons of people telling different shit and if you can point to Craigix or EvilDragon saying concretely that we will repay what we received in our reorder then I will be satisfied, but I don't think they have ever said it and it's just deduced from reasoning and various other shit and it's hard to find amongst all the idiotic babbling anyway. Any posts that do tackle it are 90 percent OMG U SO STOOPID, and make a brief mention of what they believe is going to happen
Despite PoisonedV's less than smooth way of making a point I have to agree. As far as I could see no official or semi-official word has come out about the credit card re-ordering price.

We can all do math (OK, that might be an overstatement) - I fully understand the fluctuations but it all depends on whether the re-order page is presented as:

1) 200 GBP with the credit card processor doing the conversion at the time the order is placed based on their published exchange rate.

2) 330 USD with the credit card processor doing the conversion at the time the order is placed based on their published exchange rate. <-- I think this is what we did first time round, right?

3) X USD where X is calculated by Craig (or whomever) based on the exchange rate he picks

Or not. It could be different.
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I wonder if the lack of a finished Pandora by this weekend will affect any of this :D
maxSteiner said:
==> seems a bit rich is all considering the tone of the first post lol
yeah....I just got sick over people giving up......I refuse to give up on something I feel strongly about...

My first post could have been a hellava lot smoother
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Bolded for speed readers. If you can though, please read the whole thing. Thanks!

Whoa, guys, calm down. It's alright to discuss these things, but not to bicker about them. Take a few hits, and give none - that'll go a long way towards a peaceful resolution. I'm going to review this thread and try to review, summarize, and clarify these issues as best as possible. Not because I think I will resolve the issues. I'm sure there's many counter-arguments. I just want us to get started back on the right track.

TJFBryant said:
ARE ALL YOU people who AREN"T reordering telling me You'd rather lose about 60-70 dollars because you don't have patience for a company and the banking system to work through the errors and problems??
Some people would rather lose some money than potentially lose it all. Some people perceive a risk in pre-ordering a device of which we have not seen all in one piece yet, even if it's designed by a company who's been around for ten years and is fully trusted by their community due to excellent customer service.

I happen to not be one of those people. Nevertheless I can agree with their arguments even if I'm not one myself. It's really a per-person decision. No one knows their situation better then themselves. Let them direct their money as they please.

Sterling points out an interesting issue here:
_Sterling said:
Unfortunately, if enough people think this way, it runs the risk of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, the thought of which leads the cautious gadgeteer to withdraw his fundage, creating a downward spiral.
However, just because a company might go under, doesn't mean they should re-order a device they don't really want anymore. That's really not fair, and it's really not how business should be done. It's just an unfortunate event in the free market world. (And re-ordering is not going to help the global economy. ;) )

km2783 said:
Damned if I do, damned if I don't, possibly luck out. So it's not so cut and dry as "you get to reorder at the refund price".

Unless OpenPandora is willing to possibly lose money depending on how the exchange rate acts.
Asmo said:
You only pay the amount you were refunded if the exchange rate is the same as on the day you were refunded, since we don't know when the reorder page will be up or what the rate will be on the day, we don't know how refundees will fare on the day.
psj3809 said:
You seem to think its fine if people lost 60 dollars to the exchange rate and should just accept it ? Or its 'one of those things'
PoisonedV said:
The fact is, there are tons of people telling different shit and if you can point to Craigix or EvilDragon saying concretely that we will repay what we received in our reorder then I will be satisfied
Yes, we're still waiting on the how-much-do-I-pay-back answer. I wouldn't be surprised either way: either OpenPandora simply cannot sustain any more financial damage (and so will have to accept 200 GBP at whatever rate it happens to be at) or will accept only the amount you were refunded for, and so continue their tradition of excellent customer support.

Now, I hope we can all discuss this with an even keel. :)
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javaJake said:
Bolded for speed readers. If you can though, please read the whole thing. Thanks!

WOW....good reply..... perhaps I should have said that in the beginning
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javaJake said:
Now, I hope we can all discuss this with an even keel. :)
Experience would indicate that that is wishful thinking, but I am willing to entertain the possibility that it could happen and leave this thread open.

I've cleaned out the more hotheaded and/or completely irrelevant replies. Here's hoping cooler heads can prevail.
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