Microsoft XBOX ONE

I'm hearing rumors that the Xbox 720 will be announced in an Event scheduled for April
Im pretty sure its bs about always online.could be that its optional.updates might happen quicker and downloads too.

Is there enough reliable internet connection in all territories to support such a device from a financial point of view i wonder. So much bullshit surrounding the new consoles. Download only?my ass.who would throw 100's of millions of dolkars in the trash.

As i imagined downloadable games may be released a week or 2 earlier than the physical copy thus gradually migrating people to download only.if yiu want a game sooner you will go for download.the media only like extremes silly really.
Download only will happen eventually for consoles.  It already exists with IOS and Android apps/games - funny enough, no one seems to complain about them.

But I do like physical boxed copies of games solely for the artwork etc of the boxes and having something physical to own and display. 

As for the Xbox possibly needing to be always online, I get the feeling that was not a accidental leak or slip up.  I think they were feeling out peoples feelings on the matter.  I think they have their answer, I'd be surprised if they launched with a system that needed to be a always online.
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Download only will happen eventually for consoles.  It already exists with IOS and Android apps/games - funny enough, no one seems to complain about them.
I think people don't complain about download only with iOS or Android because, well, what would your media be? They don't have disc drives, most don't have an accessible SD card slot (or at least, not without requiring the casing to be taken off the phone), there's no USB host. Plus most of the apps/games are < £5, which wouldn't even justify the media they get put on.

I think the worst part about download only, is if you can't do refunds. I bought the new "Death Rally" on Steam - regret it like hell, but you can't return or exchange it, because it's not "broken", it's just shit. This can be resolved a little by enforcing demo downloads (or maybe next time I only buy games that offer demos first).
*yawn* consoles were supposed to be fun and playable where ever. I've told myself I don't need a PS4 or Xbox 720. I may only continue getting Nintendo products or focus on just a gaming PC as these consoles are technically like a gaming PC. Steams sales are enough for me rather than paying $99.95 for a game.
They are all Yawn to me if I was being honest.  It's the same old games with better graphics. Thats been the last few releases of consoles summed up.

Time for a quantum leap change , time for a VR console where you are in the game.  Bring on an Oculus Rift gaming console.
Im looking forward to this. This is the only next gen console that i will buy. Still lots of good games to finish for my 360 though.

  1. They can't spell SuperTuxKart
  2. That is likely to look less impressive when seen in real life with stereoscopic vision.
  3. Damn awesome piece of experimental computing
  4. It that really what's needed to improve computer games?
So what will the price of the Xbox 720 (or is it Infinity ) be?

Some say $499 outright or $299 locked into 2 years subscription. Sounds about right to me. I wonder if they will announce the price on the 21st?