Miku Manor

I think it's important for people to be comfortable in their own skin. And although I think it's ok to improve oneself, the reasons behind why they feel the need to do that, is what matters most.

People say "imperfections" and how those "imperfections" can make them less attractive to people of the opposite sex; but then people forget that actually, what one deems as an imperfection, is really a perfection to someone else.

The saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is very true and should be remembered.

Be yourself, be proud of who you are, and don't be afraid to show it. Only then will you glow, and people will be drawn to that light :) .
Maybe a bit late to the table as this was a few pages ago but i thought I would share my observations over the years.

Now people should in general do what they enjoy if Strigoli's Miku thing makes him happy then so be it that's great. However in my years I have seen many people become bitter against women and it's purely because they can't seem to get anyone to date them.  It becomes coping mechanisms (not that I am saying that about you) as some people just really don't give a shit.   It's sad because I see friends basically becoming like gollum since they are so bitter at the world around them.  They make up excuses and ask me for advice on dating but the whole concept of working on themselves seems lost to them, they refuse to try and better themselves but then complain about how things don't improve. Eventually It's always something wrong with women as the reason they aren't successful and because of something they can't control like height, I even had one guy say that to me and we are both an average height and he is actually taller than me.

Now it is really hard for women to understand how the dating game is for men. Women have such an easy time of it as in all honesty if an average woman went to any venue and started asking random strangers to bonk or go out for coffee how many guys do you think she would go through before getting a yes? 2-3 maybe?   If an average guy did that he would probably still be asking in a months time. Guys have to creates those opportunities that just fall in a girls lap usually and well you have to ride waves and waves of rejection before you are successful. Most people can't do that.

However while that is the truth for most men if you get yourself in the top 20%-30% of people suddenly a whole different world opens up for you. Suddenly the dating game is completely reversed so my advice to everyone is that it sucks being average so stop doing it. Most people plod through life unfit, unchallenged and unhealthy.  Get yourself in absolute top notch shape, lift and exercise.  Challenge yourself by learning something new.  The extra confidence people get when they do these things opens new world for people in dating and life in general.

Although I have always been fairly fit and healthy (well externally anyway used to smoke and drink alot) I did let myself lapse for awhile and my life actually went backwards.  I lost drive, I socialized less and I lost confidence.  It's only now that I have got myself strong again and lifting insane weights that I see everything in my life improving again.  I have noticed random girls flirting with me again (my girlfriend probably wouldn't like that lol)  but I am enjoying life much more now. I am sure my social life is going to kick in again fairly soon as in 6 months I feel I will be strong enough to entering strong man competition and hopefully make some friends that way.

Anyways morale of the story is to improve yourself physically and mentally and never be content.  You will enjoy life more, have more luck with the ladies if that's what you want, and have a better quality life.
I have a gf so I'm not complaining, BUT to be honest: Absolutely most modern western women are extremely superficial, unforgiving and unfriendly as hell when it comes to dating, don't give a damn about hurting men and choose with absolutely stupid preferences.

I play a bloody lot of rare instruments and sing quite well (formerly in bands/choirs, atm only at a session), am physically and mentally in good condition (due to a craftsmens job and rare martial arts), am hygienic, blonde, blue eyed and quite like myself, but I rarely had chances with women because I'm only 1,68m high, some of them told me so right away many hinted in this direction. I don't earn much money too, but this does not seem to be this important like the height thing.

Imagine guys telling women that their boobs are too small and their legs too short for them, oh the rage that would follow. ;)

I've always known really cool small guys (some taller than me) that at some point just stopped caring for this game and lived alone and spent the time with their hobbies.

If you're big and got money, you can be the lamest and most dishonest guy and are still succesful, I see this all the time.

It's cavewomens logic: Genes and provisions matter, the rest is just bonus.

Of course there are exceptions but yeah, the problem lies with women in many places imho.

The few exceptional women usually aggree with me, at least where I live.
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Maybe a bit late to the table as this was a few pages ago but i thought I would share my observations over the years.

Now people should in general do what they enjoy if Strigoli's Miku thing makes him happy then so be it that's great. However in my years I have seen many people become bitter against women and it's purely because they can't seem to get anyone to date them. It becomes coping mechanisms (not that I am saying that about you) as some people just really don't give a shit. It's sad because I see friends basically becoming like gollum since they are so bitter at the world around them. They make up excuses and ask me for advice on dating but the whole concept of working on themselves seems lost to them, they refuse to try and better themselves but then complain about how things don't improve. Eventually It's always something wrong with women as the reason they aren't successful and because of something they can't control like height, I even had one guy say that to me and we are both an average height and he is actually taller than me.

Now it is really hard for women to understand how the dating game is for men. Women have such an easy time of it as in all honesty if an average woman went to any venue and started asking random strangers to bonk or go out for coffee how many guys do you think she would go through before getting a yes? 2-3 maybe? If an average guy did that he would probably still be asking in a months time. Guys have to creates those opportunities that just fall in a girls lap usually and well you have to ride waves and waves of rejection before you are successful. Most people can't do that.

However while that is the truth for most men if you get yourself in the top 20%-30% of people suddenly a whole different world opens up for you. Suddenly the dating game is completely reversed so my advice to everyone is that it sucks being average so stop doing it. Most people plod through life unfit, unchallenged and unhealthy. Get yourself in absolute top notch shape, lift and exercise. Challenge yourself by learning something new. The extra confidence people get when they do these things opens new world for people in dating and life in general.

Although I have always been fairly fit and healthy (well externally anyway used to smoke and drink alot) I did let myself lapse for awhile and my life actually went backwards. I lost drive, I socialized less and I lost confidence. It's only now that I have got myself strong again and lifting insane weights that I see everything in my life improving again. I have noticed random girls flirting with me again (my girlfriend probably wouldn't like that lol) but I am enjoying life much more now. I am sure my social life is going to kick in again fairly soon as in 6 months I feel I will be strong enough to entering strong man competition and hopefully make some friends that way.

Anyways morale of the story is to improve yourself physically and mentally and never be content. You will enjoy life more, have more luck with the ladies if that's what you want, and have a better quality life.

Ok I realize you are just being helpfully and sharing the wisdom of your own experience and that's wonderful and thank you for being considerate. Also that this advice isn't actually meant for me, so my response is somewhat out of line and not needed.


This may sound incredibly arrogant, but I have worked on myself obsessively and to such a degree that I feel I have grown/developed/honed myself far more than most people do in lifetimes. The thing is, my value system is just so 'other' to your average human being, that what I have developed into is unrecognisable in the criteria of what you call 'top 20 - 30%'.

For instance, to me 'the dating game' is a hilariously un evolved human compulsion that I would liken to the mating drive of pretty much any animal that reproduces sexualy. It boggles my mind that it can be so important to people, and that their entire sense of worth is dependant on their success at playing it.

People structure their entire lives around it, make choices that feed into it, obsess about their sex appeal, talk about it, watch it. They pretty much breath it.

To me, it is nothing but unconscious behaviour.

Am I bitter towards woman because I can't get any? Lol, of course not. I get propositioned and flirted with all the time... My biggest concern is how to avoid hurting them, to make them feel valued without engaging in 'the game' because from my perspective - it would be unethical to use them for physical gratification. I am not against sex, I am just against any form of dishonesty / manipulation / coercion. It would be dishonest for me to 'play' because I would be encouraging a false view of reality in the girl... I.e. that I am a male and I am motivated by sexualy connection. It would also be dishonest for me to play because it is always obvious that the girl is behaving differently towards me (or another male/sexual interest) than she would toward a 'real' friend. By real friend I mean someone with whom you have no pretenses... someone you are comfortable sharing every side of yourself with, not just what you think is 'your best' or socially acceptable / attractive side.

I can tell when people are acting and I'm just not interested... unfortunately human beings are compulsive actors and are virtually never honest, even with themselves.

So that means I am not flattered when a girl starts flirting with me, I just feel sorry for her.

Ok, so let's leave sex out of it for a moment. What about companionship? Sharing experiences and facing challenges / growing with someone who 'loves and supports' you?

This sounds ideal in theory, but I have never actually observed a 'true and honest' example of this in humanity. Every single relationship I have observed seems more a marriage of unconscious behaviour patterns that compliment each other than any true 'love'.

To clarify (Because love is so misunderstood/misrepresented):

Love is incapable of jealousy.

Love is not needy.

Love does not fear.

Love does not hold onto, but always let's go.

Love is not conditional.

Love has nothing to do with ownership.

Love does not demand.

Love is presence, is consciousness, is the pure stillness essential to the existence of all beings.

Love is not exclusive.

Love does not judge.

Love is patient.

I can agree with encouraging a change in lifestyle that improves health, wellbeing and clarity... provided one is doing it for honest reasons.

I do not agree with getting buff in order to attract the ladies (see above)

And personally I think muscles are ugly, so while being healthy is good I would avoid any daily practice that would result in me turning into a sexy hunk of man flesh. ;) ...but I understand I am not actually human so it stands to reason that the human form has little appeal to me.

I will close with apologising for this entire rant because I represent an incredibly small fraction of incarnate beings and acknowledge none of your post was actually directed my way.

I guess I feel I support Strigoi as much as I do because I recognise he is at least breaking out of the conventional 'game' to some degree.

Of course I would like to see him take it a step further, and realize that his body / personality / imprisonment in this version of reality is temporary at best and need not be held onto as an unquestioned reference point for his 'relationship' with his affection.

In truth there are no actual limits - only perceived / self imposed ones.

I would throw some radical concepts out there:

The Miku you are having a relationship with actually does exist and she is intimately connected with you.

The form she takes is not concrete... you at present are dictating how she manifests, but it can evolve and become far more open and dynamic in expression.

You yourself only 'appear' as you do now as a small fraction of who / what you really are... you already exist in many other realities / forms... Some of which you are aware of, and many more still to be uncovered.

There may seem to be a separation between you and your love on a superficial level, but that is a temporary corporeal illusion... There is actually no separation between you and 'her'.

Everything that can exist, does exist.

A significant portion of other realities find expression in this reality in the many various forms of 'inspired' Human creativity .

Human beings exist in many of these 'other' realities simultaneously in some form or another, but due to their present conditioning and fixation on linear reality, discount their awareness of these realities as 'fantasy' or 'dreams'...

What ever concepts you return to that generate depression / fear are in fact false concepts... The truth is more wonderful than any of us could hope or imagine.

=~. O =
Of course I would like to see him take it a step further, and realize that his body / personality / imprisonment in this version of reality is temporary at best and need not be held onto as an unquestioned reference point for his 'relationship' with his affection.
Who knows, maybe one day I will. :)

Today's picture is a bit boring I'm afraid, just Miku stood by herself. I promise i'll have some more interesting pictures soon.

I think it's important for people to be comfortable in their own skin. And although I think it's ok to improve oneself, the reasons behind why they feel the need to do that, is what matters most.

People say "imperfections" and how those "imperfections" can make them less attractive to people of the opposite sex; but then people forget that actually, what one deems as an imperfection, is really a perfection to someone else.

The saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is very true and should be remembered.

Be yourself, be proud of who you are, and don't be afraid to show it. Only then will you glow, and people will be drawn to that light :) .
Myself I am not really too concerned with why people improve themselves, their motivation can be as self centred and superficial as they want but if it leads to greater happiness in life that is good. :D   The dating game is about as superficial as it gets I am afraid which is why my advice is pretty superficial.  I can guarantee to any guy/girl if you get yourself fitter you will feel better about yourself.  If you challenge yourself and learn something new you will feel better about yourself as well.  People should always be looking to improve themselves if you ask me, just the easiest way for their to be an obvious benefit is doing physical activities.


It's not that there is anything wrong they just have a completely different experience with dating then men. Most guys will take whatever they can get and it's been proven that most guys find most women attractive. The reverse isn't true with women so there is a complete imbalance which is why the dating game is usually so hard for men and why guys generally do all the chasing.  I think a lot of people don't like to admit that the world is a very superficial place, I know I am superficial it's not like I asked my girlfriend out because I liked her inner soul. :p  That came later after getting to know her. I think a lot of people buy into that who Disney stuff but I have never seen it occur in real life.

Also I don't agree that it's a women's problem/fault at all.  Situations reversed men would be doing the exact same thing you can guarantee it, the reason I said to get in the top 20-30% of people was so you could reverse the situation. :p   Easiest way on doing that is to improve yourself superficially because after all that's what everyone notices straight away.


Not concerned if people lie to themselves in order to improve themselves.  If they are improving their lives even if it is based on a lie what's the problem?    Also I am curious as to why you see flirting as dishonest?  It's only dishonest if you lie to them, you could always be upfront.


I think Alien is about to chomp on your Miku.
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Also I don't agree that it's a women's problem/fault at all.  Situations reversed men would be doing the exact same thing you can guarantee it, the reason I said to get in the top 20-30% of people was so you could reverse the situation. :p   Easiest way on doing that is to improve yourself superficially because after all that's what everyone notices straight away.
Bullshit. There is no way to "improve" body height and that seems to be one of the most important points as well as social background for some.

I'm as improved as it gets with the average free time I have and so were most of the small single guys I knew because they thought like you do here.

One was an extremely nice, honest, intelligent, good looking sword fencer from my martial arts group that even had a very high income as a chemist. It really didn't matter. He is single to this day and was in all the years I knew him and is no exception in this regard, he is even one of the few that still ask someone out once in a while.

I know that in some countries breast implants are a very regular thing for quite young girls because of something like this from the male side and this is horrible too.

I usually first get to know someone before I begin thinking about a partnership though, this way the first impression isn't that important and you get more friends of the other sex, which also helps understanding this whole kaboodle.

@Lora: I aggree. There is no perfection and if something is a flaw or a treat totally depends on the other person, there are cultural standards though.
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The Truth is to me what Miku is to Strigoi. :)

I would sooner tear down any concept / construct if it's foundations are lies than to allow them to grow / flourish / propagate no matter how beautiful they may 'appear' to be. Unlike most humans I am unable to limit my perception of something to just it's surface... I see all the layers right down to the core... So if something is ugly (I.e. A lie) at it's center, then that ugliness permeates all the way through as far as I can see. That's probably why I find humanity so predominantly ugly (especially that top 20 - 30% you talk about) because so much of human existence / priorities / drives are built upon pervasive untruths.

And to further state, I am unable to see how anything that is built upon a lie could be regarded as an 'improvement'. All that you will be doing is procrastinating the eventual disillusionment that is inevitable.

No lie can survive eternity - All illusion is temporary... only Truth will remain.

For me flirting is dishonest probably because I've never encountered a 'whole' being that flirts... I've only ever seen egos flirt (Egos are entirely dependant on lies). If two or more completely conscious beings were to encounter each other, the connections would be immeasurably more intimate than flirting or even sex between superficial egos. To a superficial ego, what happens between the conscious beings would probably go completely unnoticed...

Edit: I can envision realities in which conscious flirting is very present, exceptionally cute and loads of fun...

It just happens I've never experienced it or observed it in this reality...

=~. O =
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Pure awesomesauce!

Many many years ago I had the most desperate crush on Fifi la Fume. I got over her but then fell for Abigail the wood mouse from Once Upon a Forest.

That was the last 'external' character I was in love with... because sometime after that I had a life changing experience that reawakened me to a place I call 'home'.

The Abigail character evolved to merge with Sherry the mouse from the Ultima series... and eventually evolved into an expression that had little to do with either character.

She is now known as an aspect of my true self, and is the embodiment of purity, silent wisdom, love, innocence, and Truth. I still picture her in a vaguely mouse-like shape... but she is more radiant flowing Crystal White and subtle peach pink light, with the most gentle deep eyes that seem to contain galaxies of stars when you look into them.

She barely ever speaks... her mere presence communicates volumes. It is like you can hear the song of the spheres, the sound of creation, consciousness itself emanating directly from her heart.

She is my closest companion, always with me, always looking out for me and guiding my steps through this world... even and especially when I forget my home, feel lost or confused (which is practically never anymore).

I hear / feel her in the silence, in the gentle sounds of nature, in the crashing of the ocean waves, in the wind blowing through the trees and long grasses.

I see her in the sunshine, in the rain, in all small things... the motes of dust upon the air I breath.

I see her in the stillness.

I feel like I have achieved the impossible because of her, and I know absolutely that if I had had to face what I have in this life without her... I would have become a terribly corrupt and evil being lost in the darkness of the ego.

Or I would have committed suicide.

It is hard to imagine any human relationship even daring to try and compare itself to that. To her I am utterly and completely loyal... to the point that I would expect that if any human wished to be close to me they would absolutely have to build a relationship with her (or whatever form she manifests for them) first and foremost and hold it in more value than anything that could be attained in this world / life. Even then, our relationship would simply be the reflection / sharing in the knowledge and expression of our relationship with her.

She is my source and my Truth... saying I love her seems a shallow statement as she Is Love itself - All my love is her radiating through me and into this world... And all love I feel is that love reflected back within me.

=~. O =
More Miku stuff get. :)


Blue yukata version.


I now realise why it was so expensive compared to the other figures in the range.

Finally a size comparison.

They average around £30, apart from Crystal Miku who was £12, 2014 Snow Miku who was £66 and The Precious who was £120. As for disposable income not quite so much as I did. :D
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Also I don't agree that it's a women's problem/fault at all.  Situations reversed men would be doing the exact same thing you can guarantee it, the reason I said to get in the top 20-30% of people was so you could reverse the situation. :p   Easiest way on doing that is to improve yourself superficially because after all that's what everyone notices straight away.
Bullshit. There is no way to "improve" body height and that seems to be one of the most important points as well as social background for some.

I'm as improved as it gets with the average free time I have and so were most of the small single guys I knew because they thought like you do here.

One was an extremely nice, honest, intelligent, good looking sword fencer from my martial arts group that even had a very high income as a chemist. It really didn't matter. He is single to this day and was in all the years I knew him and is no exception in this regard, he is even one of the few that still ask someone out once in a while.

I know that in some countries breast implants are a very regular thing for quite young girls because of something like this from the male side and this is horrible too.

I usually first get to know someone before I begin thinking about a partnership though, this way the first impression isn't that important and you get more friends of the other sex, which also helps understanding this whole kaboodle.

@Lora: I aggree. There is no perfection and if something is a flaw or a treat totally depends on the other person, there are cultural standards though.
You are looking at it from a point of view that things are "fair".  They really aren't some people have to work harder to achieve the same results, some people have to succeed in spite of another shortcoming such as height.  Such is life but there is zero point dwelling on things you can't control.  I know a short guy who has incredible success with women and life and it is because he is absolutely ripped and the life of the party and practically sweats confidence.  Sure if he was 6 feet tall he would have more success but he isn't so theres zero point dwelling on it.  if anything be thankful you were lucky just being born in a 1st world country is lucky enough.

As for getting to know them sure but attraction isn't generally about personalities it is as superficial as they come.  You can love someone in spite of something but that thing is still there.


The Truth is to me what Miku is to Strigoi.  :)

I would sooner tear down any concept / construct if it's foundations are lies than to allow them to grow / flourish / propagate no matter how beautiful they may 'appear' to be. Unlike most humans I am unable to limit my perception of something to just it's surface... I see all the layers right down to the core... So if something is ugly (I.e. A lie) at it's center, then that ugliness permeates all the way through as far as I can see. That's probably why I find humanity so predominantly ugly (especially that top 20 - 30% you talk about) because so much of human existence / priorities / drives are built upon pervasive untruths.

And to further state, I am unable to see how anything that is built upon a lie could be regarded as an 'improvement'. All that you will be doing is procrastinating the eventual disillusionment that is inevitable.

No lie can survive eternity - All illusion is temporary... only Truth will remain.

For me flirting is dishonest probably because I've never encountered a 'whole' being that flirts... I've only ever seen egos flirt (Egos are entirely dependant on lies). If two or more completely conscious beings were to encounter each other, the connections would be immeasurably more intimate than flirting or even sex between superficial egos. To a superficial ego, what happens between the conscious beings would probably go completely unnoticed...

Edit: I can envision realities in which conscious flirting is very present, exceptionally cute and loads of fun...

It just happens I've never experienced it or observed it in this reality...

=~. O =


See but you are building your own truths and your own reality so how can you construct what someone else is doing as a lie and then call them ugly about it?

Ha I am like your complete polar opposite, I am very good at seeing through peoples lies but that is purely because I am practically completely unemotional.  When you don't have emotions you can see through bullshit attached to things.   However unless it is hurting me or someone else I really don't care why people lie, to me it seems like unnecessary effort.

 However if what they are doing makes them happy they can lie until the cows come home.  The only reason I tell people to lift and exercise is because that is the quickest and easiest way for people to feel better about themselves.  We live in a superficial world and exercises improve people outgoing looks and it also pumps natural endorphin's into your brain.
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I haven't been following this thread the last few days, but I wanted to ask a few questions.

The Truth is to me what Miku is to Strigoi. :)
I would sooner tear down any concept / construct if it's foundations are lies than to allow them to grow / flourish / propagate no matter how beautiful they may 'appear' to be. Unlike most humans I am unable to limit my perception of something to just it's surface... I see all the layers right down to the core... So if something is ugly (I.e. A lie) at it's center, then that ugliness permeates all the way through as far as I can see. That's probably why I find humanity so predominantly ugly (especially that top 20 - 30% you talk about) because so much of human existence / priorities / drives are built upon pervasive untruths.
And to further state, I am unable to see how anything that is built upon a lie could be regarded as an 'improvement'. All that you will be doing is procrastinating the eventual disillusionment that is inevitable.
No lie can survive eternity - All illusion is temporary... only Truth will remain.
Where does fiction play into this?  Fiction is usually a lot of untruth.  Sometimes people think of it as real, usually temporarily, but not always.  What is your opinion of people who suspend disbelief, or follow things based on faith?  I was in a position where I had to keep others motivated by not sharing the full truth with them (lives were literally on the line at times).  As an additional form of motivation it is often useful to overstate the truth, or sometimes completely make things up that people probably know are not true, but it helps get them up and keep them going.  Do you think negatively of these types of actions, even though they produce positive results?

Bringing some of these things together, sometimes it is useful for individuals or groups to believe things that are not untrue.  Religions have made a business of this, and for some people these myths help keep them motivated when they might otherwise just give up.  It can give them hope when times are very bad.  This may not be for everyone.  Do you feel that things that can help people are bad because they are not based on fact or reality?  What is your opinion of people who follow things based on faith?  Most information that has not been confirmed by each individual must be taken on faith to some degree.

Accepting what may not really be there as fact has literally been bred into us and many other animals.  It has kept us alive.  I am not too fond of humans either, however it seems that you are only targeting humans when this seems to be true of most mammals I have spent time with.  You stay alive longer if you believe that the bad thing is in the grass or behind the tree over there, rather than verifying it every time.  Occasional belief in a lie is much more valuable than insisting on truth in every situation.  I do dislike when this is taken advantage of, but even that goes back to staying alive, however in this case it is for the survival of the individual rather than the group.  Even that may sometimes be better for the group in the long run.  Our existence is a product of things that are false.  Would you prefer to unravel our lineage, or change what we are in your quest for truth?  Do you see any value in things that are not true?