Release Naev


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
This port of Naev use gl4es. It's fast and perfectly usable, but I didn't adapt the control to the Pandora (default layout is usable).

/!\ You'll need a big Swapfile (i.e. 1Go!!!) for this game, it's very memory hungry /!\


And a video from Ingoreis of the gameplay on the Pandora

History log

Build 05

  • Updated sources (v0.7.0)
  • Updated libs
  • Switched to gl4es
Build 04

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs
  • Disabled OpenAL (it segfaulted, sdl_mixer is working fine)
Build 03

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs
Build 02

  • Updated sources
  • Enabled SDL_mixer
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • forced screenres to 800x480
  • disabled sdl_mixer, it segfaulted (openal is working well)
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Almost completely loaded 3x and crashed 3x for me  :(  ..

Nice intro music though.

appdata>naev>subfolders..>home [empty] & naev which has subfolders..nebula [has16png files in there] & conf.lua.

That's it.
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You might need a swapfile like described in the post.
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Oh my god, that looks impressive.

Do I also need the swap file on the Giga Pandora?

Luckily I sacrificed 1 GB of my 256 GB and made a swap partition :) .

(I know, 1G is overkill. I like killing the ones already being dead ;) )



230 GB size.

That's what I call a PND :D .
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Oh my god, that looks impressive.

Do I also need the swap file on the Giga Pandora?

Luckily I sacrificed 1 GB of my 256 GB and made a swap partition :) .

(I know, 1G is overkill. I like killing the ones already being dead ;) )



230 GB size.

That's what I call a PND :D .
You will probably need a swapfile on Gigahertz too (I allway have one active for developping).

It's "only" 230 MB, not GB. But yes, it's big, and a huge game to explore.
The ".desktop" file defined it's genre like that: "AdventureGame". I respect the author' classification. There are some adventure and exploration and some RPG elements, so its as a good a classification as another.
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The game seems to slowdown and occasionally crash when autopilot's engaged, or when jumping. I have a 1GB swapfile set up on the same SD Card that the game's on. Am I doing something wrong?
I made a Video with only one little Slowdown.(come soon)

I recommend when you use a Swap on SD,then be shure that the SD is fast.

Here was it a 4GB Very fast USB Stick that i use as SwapStick.

On SD can that be horrible slow,depends ever on the Speed of the SD.

Maybe it work better when you disabe Zram,type in Terminal:

sudo swapoff /dev/zram0

Then use it only the SD Swap from you.

And please dont have the Game and the Swap Partition on same Card,that will slow much more.

Hope i helped you :)
Everytime again,when you have wishes for more Videos just PM me ;)

And thx for adding into the first Post :)
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New build on the repo, to stay in synch with the new 0.6.0 beta that is out.

The build is much faster now, staying at 60fps on gigahertz easily.

But, the game is more memory hungry than ever. You'll need a 1Go Swapfile now for it run fine.

Build 02


  • Latest 0.6.0 sources from git
  • Latest glshim version
  • Used Tremor for OGG
  • Re-enabled sdl_mixer (but openal is default and working fine).
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Maybe you can do an Option into the Startup to create a 1GB Swap File automatic in the Appdata and use it?

Many Users dont have a Swapfile and i must reformat my SD Card too,because i have only 512MB Swap.

Or can anyone simply make a PND who create and use 1GB Swapfile automatic?

I miss a Swap PND on the Repo for such Things and it would help others too.

And after a restart,you start then the Swap PND for using the already created 1GB Swapfile ;)

Yes i think a Swapfile PND would be very Helpfull for some Games :D
Maybe you can do an Option into the Startup to create a 1GB Swap File automatic in the Appdata and use it?

Many Users dont have a Swapfile and i must reformat my SD Card too,because i have only 512MB Swap.
I take it that means you have a swap partition, not a swap file. You can have more than one chunk of swap in Linux, so you could make a 512MB swap file on one of your non-swap partitions, then add that to your /etc/fstab alongside your swap partition, although to be fair, I don't know if the Pandora's kernel handles that as I've never tried.

Alternatively, if you've the space, you could just make a 1GB swap file and disable the 512MB partition.