Open Pandora VOIP feedback.


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010

I installed Twinkle under the wonderful Pan Debian and i connected to my SIP provider.

I could make phonecalls with a top quality, using a wifi connection.

Note that Twinkle is very fast to load and only consumes ~8-10% CPU.

Ring tone to ALSA hw:0,0

For an unknown reason, i had to set speaker to OSS.

Microphone to ALSA hw:0,1

But after 2/3 minutes, the incoming audio starts to jerk.

At the other side, people still hear me perfectly.

I don't know if it's linked to the alsa/oss problem or a SIP packet size problem.

Any idea ?
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In EDIT --> User Profile --> Transport/NAT, setting up UDP threshold to 1200 makes things perfect.
Thanks for this info. I've been thinking of trying out voip ever since I got 3G working with the Pandora. I think I'll try it now :)
Hi there,

I tried this but it didn't work for me. No sound/mic. Also, Twinkle would crash easily. I could make outbound calls just fine, but no audio.

What type of Debian did you install via PanDebian? I installed Squeeze directly to a SD card.