Release Pale Moon


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Pale Moon, a browser based on Firefox, but removing less used function to gain as much speed as possible.

You will need a recent version of the Firmware for it to work (like 1.62RC minimum).
Note that, on a Fat32 SDCard, the creation of the Profile will have an error, but the profile should be created. fixed on build 02
Note2: WebGL doesn't work for now, I'm working on it.: fixed on build 02

History log

Build 33

  • Update to 27.8.1 sources
Build 32

  • Update to 27.7.2 sources
Build 31

  • Update to 27.7.1 sources
Build 30

  • Repackage with more libs
Build 29

  • Update to 27.3.0 sources
Build 28

  • Update to 27.2.1 sources
Build 27

  • Update to 26.4.1 sources
Build 26

  • Update to sources
Build 25

  • Update to 26.3.3 sources
Build 24

  • Update to 26.2.1 sources
Build 23

  • Update to 26.1.1 sources
Build 22

  • Update to 26.1.0 sources
Build 21

  • Update to 26.0.2 sources
Build 20

  • Fresh compile with gcc 5.3.0 (still 25.8.1 sources)
Build 19

  • Update to 25.8.1 sources
Build 18

  • Update to 25.8 sources
Build 17

  • Update to 25.7.3 sources
Build 16

  • Update to 25.7.2 sources
Build 15

  • Update to 25.7 sources
Build 14

  • Update to 25.6 sources
Build 13

  • Update to 25.5 sources
Build 12

  • Fix to some random segfault (miscompilation).
Build 11

  • Updated to 25.4.1
Build 10

  • Fix to some random segfault (js related).
Build 09

  • Updated to 25.3.2
Build 08

  • Updated to 25.3.1
  • Fixed random Bus Error (crash)
Build 07

  • Updated to 25.3
Build 06

  • Used 25.2.1 final sources
  • Because of the naming, it may not show as updated
  • Put Webm disabled by default
Build 05

  • Used 25.2 final sources
Build 04

  • Force ignore the Flash plugin from the firmware
  • Updated sources
Build 03

  • Fixed to get the include Flash plugin to be used
Build 02

  • Fixed Profile wizard
  • Redirected tmp download to appdata/palemoon/tmp
  • Enabled WebGL
Build 01

  • Initial build

Pale Moon is featured on Pandoralive:

Source code is here: (outdated) and the diff over official git is here: (up-to-date)
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Never heard it.

Will try on Pandora. Sounds promising.

However, when I install it on my Laptop with the official install script and select "latest Version" I can not install certain Add Ons. Official Mozilla add on page recognizes it as FireFox 24.

So my Question is, is it based on the latest Firefox or on an older Version.

Anyways, even without Addons I think it might become default for my Pandora.

Thanks :) .

Will test it tomorrow.
Very nice, I tried with Slackware and works so far - all pictures showing and even youtube videos ! Thank you for the christmas gift ! I was using Seamonkey but maybe I am changing to palemoon. Whats the big difference ? I am very pleased, well done.
That looks like a good candidate (with OpenGL) for the Pyra as well :D

But can't wait to try it on the Pandora.
Never heard it.

Will try on Pandora. Sounds promising.

However, when I install it on my Laptop with the official install script and select "latest Version" I can not install certain Add Ons. Official Mozilla add on page recognizes it as FireFox 24.

So my Question is, is it based on the latest Firefox or on an older Version.

Anyways, even without Addons I think it might become default for my Pandora.

Thanks :) .

Will test it tomorrow.
It is based on old Firefox sources, before the "bloating", but it is kept up-to-date by the Pale Moon team, with very frequent update on the github...
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I just got Otter the other day and haven't been able to fully test that.  Slow down, ptitSeb! :p

If this and Otter both work well for me I might be able to approach my Pandora web browsing in the same way I do with other computers (Opera for fun/leisure/personal, Firefox for work/education/professional stuff).
Firefox based browser that is faster than Firefox? I'm in, especialy onto the Pandora. :)

There seems to be an option to import existing firefox profiles, would be very handy, especialy when it also means to import the plugins from existing FF installation. Anyone successfuly tested this on the Pandora yet?
For whatever reason it fails to create a profile for me. I think I saw somebody reporting this issue for firefox, but firefox works fine for me. I've checked my card (fsck and all) and it seems fine (normal FAT32), files can be written without problems.

^ did it actually create a profile correctly despite having the error?, one of Ptitseb's notes in the first post makes mention of this.
I will look at that creation profile error.

In the code, I found this:

        if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !profileDefaultsDir) {
            // if copying failed, lets just ensure that the profile directory exists.
            rv = rootDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700);
            NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
        rv = rootDir->SetPermissions(0700);
#ifndef ANDROID
        // If the profile is on the sdcard, this will fail but its non-fatal
        NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

So I guess I will use ANDROID path just here (just change to #if 0) and it should solve the issue :p

I will try to enable WebGL before releasing a build 02...
I did 2 things to speed everything up a lot:

1: Set cache to "0"

(Prevents from writing to SD-Card)

2: Disable FireFox compatibility mode

Especially the compatibility mode seems to slow PaleMoon down a lot.

Didn't test if it breaks things but my kuston background style and the Palemoon addbolcker still work.