Pandora at Replay 2011 - Retro Gaming Expo - Let's meet up

If the guys are definitely going then I'll probably end up coming, my friend wants to go back anyway. It would actually be cool to meet real Pandorians, maybe we should devise a system to recognise fellow forum members, like a pink carnation? or maybe just a sticky label with your screen name on it...
You should all stick print-outs of your avatars to your foreheads.

The only problem is, this won't work for those without avatars, so there'll be a bunch of people who are simply wearing the default no-avatar picture.
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Actually that's not a bad idea... well the forehead thing maybe is! If I go then I could make up a t-shirt of my avatar. Although literally nobody will have a solid clue who I was either way
Actually that's not a bad idea... well the forehead thing maybe is! If I go then I could make up a t-shirt of my avatar. Although literally nobody will have a solid clue who I was either way
If i go im gonna bring the red baron and hackmanplayer with me. :lol:

If i have a job by then and if i can get off work ill definately go in all seriousness.
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I've only just seen this, am tempted for tickets. might even try and get in the SSFIV tourney :)
Looking unlikely I'll be able to afford the time off work, etc, so this time... I'll have to give it a miss which is a bit annoying because I was itching to meetup with some of you guys!
Don't get me blinkin' started on SSFIV tornaments at replay! If you went to the museum to see an ancient Egyptian exhibition; they wouldn't have stuffed a 21st century newsagents scene in there, with a mummy buying fags. What would really make the event special would be if they binned all of the modern stuff and kept it retro. Street fighter 2 tournaments, sega rally, sonic speed runs etc. Quick, someone put me in charge!
Hang on, we need tickets?
Hang on, we need tickets?

If you have arranged to be there selling ICPs then I doubt that you'll need a ticket as well. Best check with the organisers though.

If you've not arranged anything yet but plan to do so then have a good chat with them about the location of your stall, there were some places in the main hall and some tucked away in corridors. If you do end up in a more out of the way location it may be worth knocking up a few posters that clearly explain where you are and what the ICP is.

Another thing to ask about is if an internet connection is available, couldn't get mobile broadband last year, not sure about wireless.
Ordered a weekend ticket if somebody wants to update the OP. It's only about an hours drive away, so even if I don't get some accommodation, I can just run back up and down

Don't get me blinkin' started on SSFIV tornaments at replay! If you went to the museum to see an ancient Egyptian exhibition; they wouldn't have stuffed a 21st century newsagents scene in there, with a mummy buying fags. What would really make the event special would be if they binned all of the modern stuff and kept it retro. Street fighter 2 tournaments, sega rally, sonic speed runs etc. Quick, someone put me in charge!
Yeah, that would make a shed load more sense. Perhaps the problem with that is the lack of hardware. I can imagine it's quite easy to grab 32 PS3's, where as trying to grab 32 SNES's or Megadrives is probably a lot harder, especially in working condition

It's a pity the SSFIV is not the PC edition.. I prefer playing on a keyboard :D or at least an XBox360 pad... I don't like PS3 controllers :(
I don't think you have to pay to go if you're running a stand, I highly doubt it, you guys just need to contact the organisers
I don't really want to run a stand, I'll bring some iCPs though and maybe it will happen, I don't know.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all there, trolls probably won't be trolling in real life, so should

be nice and calm.

Then if one is pointed out to me, and I've had enough to drink, we could take it outside and discuss it sensibly, in the street.
Then if one is pointed out to me, and I've had enough to drink, we could take it outside and discuss it sensibly, in the street.

hehe made me giggle (in a funny way not a offensive way).

EvilDragon have you decided wether or not you are going yet?
I mentioned selling something there the last time and I was told that I needed to contact the organisers, they might get shirty. Then again if they did, and if you have enough to drink, then you could make them eat the entire bag of icontrolpads before moving into the street to batter the trolls.

I also doubt that anyone would really say anything to your face, but there might be a middle aged man that decides to make a sarcastic comment with a tinge of superiority, those are the worst kinds of bastard. I listened to some bloke giving the receptionist at my local doctors an earful about how "it's not really run very well here is it? I mean how can you expect people to organise their lives around appointments three weeks in advance? it used to be better here didn't it... " shut the eff up and get on with it chump.
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