Pandora Handheld Games Roundup and some keyboard action.


Mega GP Mania
Feb 3, 2003
I forgot to post this link :) Next video has MAME, PSX and SNES. Oh and I'm doing another Vs. Video :)


How do you think the keyboard feels? How responsive are the keys? There doesn't appear to be much movement in the keys when pressed. Do they give some form of tactile "fwomp" when the mat presses in? Do they respond 100% of the time when pressed?
verm71 said:

How do you think the keyboard feels? How responsive are the keys? There doesn't appear to be much movement in the keys when pressed. Do they give some form of tactile "fwomp" when the mat presses in? Do they respond 100% of the time when pressed?

was "fwomp" ever used in the batman the series as a sound? if it wasnt, its not a sound i recognise... now kazzawee and biff thats a different matter.
dont think the forums like html craig :(
can i use 2 32gb HCSD cards in the two slots?

thanks craig for the video im really getting hyped over pandora now
Nice post. Loved the video.

Just wondering if you'd thought of plugging the cam into a tv to watch a larger screen while you recorded the Pandora action.
More to the point, why need to see what the samera is seeing at all? The cam is stationary, the Pandora is stationary... just set up your zoom and manual focus... done. No need to continually look at the view finder.
Is anybody else slightly concerned about the keyboard? I know that Craig is using a prototype pandora but that is the finished key mat isn't it? It seems that it's unresponsive and incredibly impractical to type on. The keys reminded me alot of the spectrum 48k, but I had hoped that they wouldn't be so bad to use.
... Also, Craig, during the game play portions of the video, you keep breathing out in such a way that it sounds like you're receiving a hand shandy...
Sugar_Kane said:
Is anybody else slightly concerned about the keyboard? I know that Craig is using a prototype pandora but that is the finished key mat isn't it? It seems that it's unresponsive and incredibly impractical to type on.

Yes this is my concern too. With regards to the keyboard, technically only the case is prototype at this point. The mat is production quality (meaning that the thickness of the rubber, the dimensions and the epoxy are final spec), so the only thing that could be causing any problem on account of still being a prototype would be the tolerance levels of the prototype case. If key holes are a little off, they could cause more friction.

Trevsweb said:
was "fwomp" ever used in the batman the series as a sound? if it wasnt, its not a sound i recognise...
Imagine a giant rubber key mat with a single key the size of a Volkswagen. Now imagine the sound it makes when a giant thumb pushes it with determination, thus squishing the rubber and forcing the air out the sides.

And yes, it was. When Batman and Robin fought the giant green goop. A punch in the middle section, and fwomp, there it is!
Sugar_Kane said:
Is anybody else slightly concerned about the keyboard? I know that Craig is using a prototype pandora but that is the finished key mat isn't it? It seems that it's unresponsive and incredibly impractical to type on. The keys reminded me alot of the spectrum 48k, but I had hoped that they wouldn't be so bad to use.

It looked perfectly fit for the job to me. It was never designed to be computer-style typing. The keys look much easier to type with than any phone keypad I've ever seen and that's all I was ever expecting (and that's pretty much the expectation the developers had given us - so good call there).

After seeing the pre-coated-keymat prototypes I was worried how much difference a small coating was really going to make, considering the devs had pretty much admitted typing was nigh-on impossible in the previous state. After seeing this video I'm pleases with the way things have turned out. I'm almost excited about Pandora again.
i can see why ppl are apprehensive about the keys as plastic keys tend to be a bit more responsive. But i think the rubber keys will be better in the long run, not only cheaper to manufacture but add a bit of grip when thumb typing and the textures between the plastic case and the rubber keys when typing in the dark will help too.
It's a lot easier to thumb type.

I can't easily film that though.

The reason I have to use the camera lcd and look up and down is because we are using a panasonic professional camera, it's gigantic and I can't see the pandora when the camera is in front of it.

We need a tripod.
craigix said:
It's a lot easier to thumb type.

I can't easily film that though.

The reason I have to use the camera lcd and look up and down is because we are using a panasonic professional camera, it's gigantic and I can't see the pandora when the camera is in front of it.

We need a tripod.

Certainly if you can run (and fall) to show us the portability of the Pandora (earlier video) with that camera, it can't be that big. :p
a request to the movie directors: would you in the future post an url along with the embedded video, as some of us have youtube blocked at work and need the url for alternative access.
Really neat video! But... you weren't doing anything peculiar towards the end, were you?