Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

Time extension is great news for me! I can put a lot more polish in my project now. :)
Yay! An extension for a dev compo is always a good thing! :)

I still would like an answer of whether I could work on PirateBaby some more (it really only got to demo in previous release...)

If not I've got a couple of ideas I could work on for this compo...
I oppose this extension. It means I'm going to sit on my butt doing nothing for the next 10 weeks and slap something together last minute instead of waiting 6 weeks and slapping something together last minute. What am I to do with those extra 4 weeks? Why does no one think of these things? :p
I oppose this extension. It means I'm going to sit on my butt doing nothing for the next 10 weeks and slap something together last minute instead of waiting 6 weeks and slapping something together last minute. What am I to do with those extra 4 weeks? Why does no one think of these things? :p
you can imagine that there were not extension, then after 6 weeks slap something together and then improve it next 4 weeks ;)
Yay! An extension for a dev compo is always a good thing! :)

I still would like an answer of whether I could work on PirateBaby some more (it really only got to demo in previous release...)

Why shouldn't you?

Yay! An extension for a dev compo is always a good thing! :)

I still would like an answer of whether I could work on PirateBaby some more (it really only got to demo in previous release...)

Why shouldn't you?

The Pandora version of the entry must NOT be released to the public before the competition is over. You can release as many versions for other platforms as you like. It is also okay if there's an early Pandora version predating January 9th - but no further public releases should happen if you plan on entering.


Depends on the interpretation of this rule really. :)

But if it's considered to be ok for PirateBaby to get some more attention for this compo then that's possibly what I'll do, we'll see.
The Pandora version of the entry must NOT be released to the public before the competition is over. You can release as many versions for other platforms as you like. It is also okay if there's an early Pandora version predating January 9th - but no further public releases should happen if you plan on entering.


Depends on the interpretation of this rule really. :)

But if it's considered to be ok for PirateBaby to get some more attention for this compo then that's possibly what I'll do, we'll see.

I take that rule as if you intend to enter something you cant not release any modifcations that occur after Jan 9 to the public in pandora form, but you could release it on other platforms such as the PC.
The Pandora version of the entry must NOT be released to the public before the competition is over. You can release as many versions for other platforms as you like. It is also okay if there's an early Pandora version predating January 9th - but no further public releases should happen if you plan on entering.


Depends on the interpretation of this rule really. :)

But if it's considered to be ok for PirateBaby to get some more attention for this compo then that's possibly what I'll do, we'll see.

I take that rule as if you intend to enter something you cant not release any modifcations that occur after Jan 9 to the public in pandora form, but you could release it on other platforms such as the PC.

I oppose this extension. It means I'm going to sit on my butt doing nothing for the next 10 weeks and slap something together last minute instead of waiting 6 weeks and slapping something together last minute. What am I to do with those extra 4 weeks? Why does no one think of these things? :p


@EvilDragon: I'm glad for the extension, schedule was a bit tight with work+wife+kid, will be able to squeeze some sleep back in there :D



who am I kidding, I'll just put more features and polish in it.
Yay for extension. This means I'll have more weekends to potentially make something

I have found something worthy to port.

The right nub on my pandora is still screwed. I need to send it to ED or find a solderer... My hands are too shaky :(
Thanks ED for the extra time, I am sure it will be great for both programers and users, cant wait to see what the geniuses come up with at the end of March, there is gonna be more expectation than at E3. :lol: :lol:
   ______               _                  ______     _     _      _   _     
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   | |_/ /_ _ _ __   __| | ___  _ __ __ _  | |_/ /___| |__  _ _ __| |_| |__  
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            _____                            _   _ _   _             
           /  __ \                          | | (_) | (_)            
           | /  \/ ___  _ __ ___  _ __   ___| |_ _| |_ _  ___  _ __  
           | |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ __| | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
           | \__/\ (_) | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
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Should definitely be the welcomemessage to irc for the next month ;)
Bonus points for original works, or are flashy ports and emus the way to victory (as in most compo's ;)

As the community will do the voting, no one can tell.

However, we already have a lot of good emulators... so it's not as easy to win with one.

Tweaking something like N64 to make it better as it is right now will definitely not be easy.

Though people also love games like VVVVVV, so a good original idea can certainly be a win :)