Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I mentioned it a couple of times, but it's finally time to officially announce it:

The Pandora Rebirth Competition - Deadline: End of March 31st (UTC)

The prizes of the competition are the following:

1st prize:

One of the fully working Pandora PCBs from the German prototype production run in a special edition case!

You can either choose a golden or pearl white case (I will post pictures soon), signed by EvilDragon.

Both cases only exist one time worldwide!

Additionally, you'll get a fully licensed copy of GLBasic including a GLBasic Sketchbook (thanks to the author for this prize) as well.

And you can choose between a Hardigg Storm Case iM 2050 (trimmed to store a Pandora, extra battery, and earbuds), an UnderWater Kinetics Retro-Lunch Box 309 Dry Box.or a handmade neoprene Pandora softcase (hand sewn with 16oz upholstery thread).. Thanks to for these prizes!

2nd prize:

A fully working Pandora straight from the German production starting in February, signed by EvilDragon.

Additionally, you'll get a fully licensed copy of GLBasic (thanks to the author for this prize) as well the choice between the two remaining prizes from

3rd prize:

A classic 1st Edition Pandora (PCB from Texas).

Additionally, you'll get a fully licensed copy of GLBasic (thanks to the author for this prize) as well as a the last remaining prize from

4th and 5th prize:

A 32GB SDHC card, tested to work with the Pandora as well as a GLBasic Sketchbook.

6th and 7th prize:

A 16 GB SDHC card from Samsung, tested to work with the Pandora as well as a GLBasic Sketchbook

The rules:

If you don't follow the rules, your entry might be disqualified - so be sure to read these carefully.

  1. The program you submit can be virtually anything: A game, an application, a tool, an alternative OS, an OS extend, etc.
  2. The entry can be a port of an existing program or a completely new development.
  3. The entry HAS to work on the Pandora - or has to be at least be tightly bound to the Pandora (like a tool that helps you to manage your SD Cards on your PC, etc.) It does not have to be in PND format, but it should run and start on the Pandora (with the exception of above mentioned tools).
  4. The Pandora version of the entry must NOT be released to the public before the competition is over. You can release as many versions for other platforms as you like. It is also okay if there's an early Pandora version predating January 9th - but no further public releases should happen if you plan on entering.
  5. The entry can of course be released to selected betatesters.
  6. The entry CAN be an engine or port for an existing commercial game (similar to ScummVM or the VVVVVV-port). Be sure you own all the needed licenses though!
  7. You are welcome to post pictures and videos or share your project ideas with the community (and get suggestions and/or help from them). The judgement will be done by the community, so this is a good way to find out what they'd love to get :)
  8. One person can submit an unlimited number of entries - however, each entrant can only win one prize.
  9. Team projects are possible, but the prize can only be won by one person in the team. I will throw in small prizes for the rest of the team (up to 5 members) though, like T-Shirts, signed cases, etc.
  10. You MUST have the full rights and licenses to use and release all graphics, sounds, music, code and or anything else you supply with your entry. No copyrighted material (unless you license it from the copyright holder - proof needed) is allowed.
  11. No illegal content or pornography is allowed.
  12. Voting will happen through polls on the official Pandora Boards (
  13. We will release a splashscreen and small banners which needs to be included somewhere in your entry. You are NOT forced to show a splashscreen on startup for a few seconds. As long as a banner and or the splashscreen is included ANYWHERE in the program (credits screen, main menu, somewhere in the levels, etc.), it's fine :)
  14. The rules can be changed and / or optimized within the next couple of days (also based on community input) until January 15th.

You are free to share this competition on any websites, forums, IRC, social media, etc. you like.

To get help with coding, cross-compiling or setting up a dev environment, you can ask for help at the Development Section on the boards or by visiting #openpandora on Freenode.

Finally, I'm also asking for help from the community here:

Please read and review the rules and let me know any suggestions you have.

Also, I know we got some pretty talented graphic designers here: If anyone wants to create a splashscreen and / or banners in various sizes, I'd be very happy about it :)
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I will donate the following from my shop:

Hardigg Storm Case iM 2050 to the 1st Place Winner. Trimmed to store a Pandora, extra battery, and earbuds.

2nd Place: UnderWater Kinetics Retro-Lunch Box 309 Dry Box.

3rd Place -Handmade neoprene Pandora softcase to Choose all black or black & Pandora blue neoprene. Neoprene hand sewn with 16oz upholstery thread.

!st Place winner gets choice of prize, then 2nd place as well because there are developers who already have a case from my shop.

Good luck! Looking forward to the next Two Months™
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Excellent! I hope this brings out all those who always planned to write software on their Pandora to do so, but haven't got round to it yet.

A couple of questions though - it might be nice if the third place prize was something worthwhile for people already with a first gen Pandora, since it seems to me you already need one to test your software. Maybe have it as a pandora+SD card?

Secondly, what's the justification behind condition 4, namely no public release prior to the end of the competiton? Many open-source releases rely on feedback from users to improve them.

I do wish this competition (and the production in Germany) every success either way :)
A couple of questions though - it might be nice if the third place prize was something worthwhile for people already with a first gen Pandora, since it seems to me you already need one to test your software. Maybe have it as a pandora+SD card?

Good idea. You don't need a Pandora as you can let others test your game :)

Secondly, what's the justification behind condition 4, namely no public release prior to the end of the competiton? Many open-source releases rely on feedback from users to improve them.

That's a good point, although part of the fun of a coding competition for the users is that you get a lot of cool stuff released at once when the compo is over :)

If everything is available before, the compo will not be as much fun for them.

You CAN post your ideas and screenshots as well as send it to selected users or users who ask for a testing version for feedback, so I think this should be enough.

@link: Thanks for the additional prizes :)

Will add them tomorrow :)
The judgement will be done by the community, so this is a good way to find out what they'd love to get :)
I got another way to find that out:

Hey community, which game/emulator do i have to get running on the OMAP3530 to get your vote?

Of course the legal stuff has to be met and the work must be less than the work of skewing the polls ;)

So now that I am practically the winner I can start complaining about the first prize. Golden? Pearl white? U serious?

Make that transparent or aluminum (or both) and it would choose it above the second prize.

Truth is: at this point I would even content myself with an iPandora.
It's on like Donkey Kong!

obligatory "i'm available if anyone needs a tester for software" submission
Excellent. I've been devving quietly on the side on a secret project, a Pandora/Nintendo-DS/Wii/Windows crossplatform 'platformer' multiplayer game. My aim has been to have it complete by summer 2012, but... I think I can have Pandora/DS working by this deadline. | :D

Extremely simplistic mechanics, I'm just obsessed with the "Crossplatform on 4 platforms" thing. That is my dream... Please get back to me on the cable issue ED, I don't want to be betatesting with a purple screen! :P
Darn it all! I'll only be getting a new computer in Feb... Otherwise I would have offered my services for the splashscreen / banners. (My current desktop died a while ago, and this laptop doesn't have the grunt to run Photoshop let alone handle the pen input from my Cintiq 12wx.

Phooie! :(
Hmmmmm, don't think Hot Pursuit will be finished by this deadline :( Might insert a "mini-project", if I can find the time
It is great to see this finally happening.

ED, could you maybe offer the possibility to donate money to the price-pot via paypal? Previous competitions have done this and it always increased the pot (and therefor, I guess, the motivation of the participants) a lot.
A couple of questions though - it might be nice if the third place prize was something worthwhile for people already with a first gen Pandora, since it seems to me you already need one to test your software. Maybe have it as a pandora+SD card?

Yeah, ED. Give us TV-Out cables as a winning item. Most people have SD cards already, but TV-Out cable is out of reach for many. It might be even SD 16GB + TV-Out cable as winning item for 4th 5th place. Hows That?
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^ but are any TV-Out cables available? If they were, or if production is about to start, then it wouldn't be much of a prize as *who needs two* ... and I'm sure that everyone that wants one has already ordered...

Edit: Or are you suggesting that ED sends out *his* TV-Out cable? ;)
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I'll throw in TV Out Cables as soon as I got a confirmation for them :)

About the game / product:

It doesn't need to be finished by the deadline! I'll add that to the rules!

If it's promising enough to get the vote from the community, then it's fine as well :)

About the price pot: Good idea :)

You can send money via PayPal to "" and put "Pandora Rebirth Competition" as comment.

I'll throw that money into the price pot then.

Please include your nick in the comments as well if you want to be mentioned as donor :)
ED where i can post my stuff for competition? Can i post screens in here?


Ok, Im entering the with [one of] few my custom apps especially creted for OP:

First app:

Online Selling Assistant for OpenPandora

Online Selling Asistant will help You manage / track and maintain you auctions. It could be adjusted to any auction site or you own online shop. OSA for OP is a major re-write re-make of my older app created for Haiku OS few years back [check it here]



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Second one:

Pandora BookShelf

Info: A pdf / djvu collection / viewer software created especially for OpenPandora.

How OpenPandora BookShelf works.

It will scan your SD cards for PDF / DJVU files, and after that you'll be able to view them in nice big one list. You can choose what file to view instantly by using button [View PDF / DJVU] or by using pandora keys [sTART and SELECT]. OpenPandora Bookshelf uses two different apps for view each PDF or DJVU files, so you can choose what apps fits better for You.

BookShelf has a nice feature to download a free emagazines / e-zines [PDF's and DJVU's] straight from internet as well.






It doesn't need to be finished by the deadline! I'll add that to the rules!

If it's promising enough to get the vote from the community, then it's fine as well :)
I'm liking this... I may yet enter :P All I need to do now is get some time to work on HP
My game project wont be ready in time for the deadline. I'll port a few things in between but I cannot keep them for me :D so I'll pass anyway I already have a pandora ;)

/me cross finger that cloudef get his own ;)
Ok... my time is very limited recently... but I'll bite. No promises but I'll try and drum up something, or would you guys prefer if I worked some more on finishing PirateBaby and enter a more finished version into the compo? (Would that be acceptable even?)