Panmame doesn't detects my gamepads


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
Hello everybody, I need some help with this: I have got an PSX to USB adapter (with four ports) and I want to use it with some arcade games.

The game pads I'm using are two dual shocks from PS1 and PS2 and they work through the adapter. At least they do on pcsx rearmed, even both connected at the same time.

I wanted to try the same with panmame but when I try to remap a key it doesn't register key presses in the gamepad. Therefore I can't use them in panmame.

I have tried with qjoypad and somehow panmame ignores it, this works for things like picodrive but in panmame although the buttons are remaped via qjoypad the gamepad does not work. By the way qjoypad wouldn't be a full solution because it mistakes the dpad with the analog sticks and remaps only the analogs (and I find it very uncomfortable for arcade games).

So, why I panmame does not detect my gamepads?

Thanks for the help.
Thats rather strange as I had two usb joypads working with it with no problems.

Cannot test right now, but will maybe look into it if time permits.
I have tried with qjoypad and somehow panmame ignores it, this works for things like picodrive but in panmame although the buttons are remaped via qjoypad the gamepad does not work. By the way qjoypad wouldn't be a full solution because it mistakes the dpad with the analog sticks and remaps only the analogs (and I find it very uncomfortable for arcade games).
When I was using a Dual Shock gamepad with desktop Qjoypad, I think the gamepad had to be in analog mode for the D-Pad to work as 4 buttons. (In digital mode, the D-Pad got mapped to joystick axes.)
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I'm not sure what you mean. It doesn't matter which mode is the controller. Qjoypad always sees the dpad as the same buttons. Are you using a newer dualshock with bluettooth or USB? I'm connecting mine through an adapter, they are from PS1/PS2.
Normally you shouldn't need qjoypad at all for PanMAME.
Well yes that's the main problem. So simple usb gamepads should work? I will buy a couple and try them.
Well yes that's the main problem. So simple usb gamepads should work? I will buy a couple and try them.
Check if a PC recognizes your PSX pad as an HID via USB.

If it does then I don't think different pads will help you.

Take it you were you using a USB hub?
Not only the PC recognizes it as hid devices but the pandora also does. I can use them in pcsx without problems.