Pocketsnes And Roms Not Working


Jul 22, 2008
So I got my Wiz the other day and I loaded up PocketSNES 6.5.0 - and it seems about 1/2 my roms just don't work. Are other people experiencing this as well?

Big name games like Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, and others all work, but many games are just loading to a completely black screen for me. The FPS counter says 60/60, but the game never loads/goes anywhere.

I've tried a handful: Mystic Ark, Actraiser, Majuu Ou, YS IV, and more. While I could chalk this up to just general emulator compatbility, the fact that I have so many roms experiencing the same problem makes me wonder if I'm not doing something else wrong. These roms all seem to exhibit these symptoms in both the "regular" and "fast" emu. Does anyone well familiar with DrPocketSNES (6.5.0) know how to make these roms work? They work in other emus, so I don't think it's the roms themselves. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
Nevermind - my lazy ass should have messed around more. For anyone else having this problem: disabling the Audio Performance hack fixes the problem. Not even sure why that hack exists since it seems to mangle sound pretty badly anyway.

So there you have it. Now all my roms seem to load great!
Still can't get AGTP's new translation of Mystic Ark to load. I'm going to chalk that up to emulator incompatibility. If anyone can get this loaded, let me know.