Port Request Thread Compilation


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2007
Hey folks,
i just took some time to read the whole thread (35 pages) and decided to gather all info i could to make things easier (included source code link, excluded closed source, wip projects and those already wiki'ed). I hope it helps

if someone could update Port Requests Wiki, please do it.

Apolyton - http://apolyton.net/ctp2/ (source: http://ctp2.darkdust.net/ ) added 05/23/10
Apprentice - http://sourceforge.net/projects/apprentice2/ added 05/24/10
Cave Story - http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Cave_Story_~_Doukutsu_Monogatari
EDGE - opengl Doom port - http://sourceforge.net/projects/edge/files/EDGE%20Source%20Code/1.34/Edge-1.34-source.tar.bz2/download
Eduke32 - http://wiki.eduke32.com/stuff/source_code/
Jagged Alliance 2 - http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_free_armel/ja2/0.12.1r6466-1maemo6/ added 05/23/10
Fabled Lands App - http://rpg.geekdo.com/thread/493384/fabled-lands-gamebook-java-app added 05/23/10
Hero of Allacrost - http://www.allacrost.org/?q=node/14
Magic The Gathering - http://mtg.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets excluded thanks Kicker
Nuvie - http://nuvie.sourceforge.net/ added 05/23/10
OpenRedalert - http://www.ohloh.net/p/openredalert
PinMAME - http://pinmame.retrogames.com/downloads.html
Sid Meier's Colonization - FreeCol - http://www.freecol.org/about.html
SmashGP - http://membres.multimania.fr/matkeupon/
Skulltag - http://vega.skulltag.com/2010/03/skulltag-source-code-released/ added 05/23/10
T.O.M.E - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pernband/files/
Trackballs - http://trackballs.sourceforge.net/download.shtml
Tremulous - http://tremulous.net/about/
Wormux - http://www.wormux.org/phpboost/news/news.php
Widelands - http://wl.widelands.org/wiki/DownloadPage/#source_code

aMSN source - http://sourceforge.net/projects/amsn/files/amsn/0.98.3/amsn-0.98.3-src.tar.gz/download
Arduino IDE - http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux added 05/23/10
Caesar M1 (arcade themes) - http://caesar.logiqx.com/php/emulator.php?id=m1_linux added 05/24/10
KeePass - http://keepass.info
Kismet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kismet_(software)
Open Modplug Tracker - http://sourceforge.net/projects/modplug/files/OpenMPT%20Development%20Builds/OpenMPT% added 05/23/10
Space Trader PalmOS - http://sourceforge.net/projects/palmtrader/files/
TightVNC - http://www.tightvnc.com/licensing.php
TrueCrypt - http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads2
Tux Guitar http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuxguitar/files/TuxGuitar/tuxguitar-src-1.2.tar.gz

Mini vMac - http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/ added 05/23/10
MSX emulator - http://zx81.zx81.free.fr/
Neo Geo Pocket http://www.emuxhaven.net/~neopop/NeoPop-Src-Core-0.71.zip
Sega Model 02 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s18vrD_L90 added 05/23/10

Creatures! - http://openc2e.org/
Dizzyage game engine - http://www.yolkfolk.com/dizzyage/about.html - Windows only (requires Directx) - thanks Farox
Exult: Ultima VII engine - http://exult.sourceforge.net
Novashell Lua-based 2D - http://www.rtsoft.com/novashell/ requires Clanlib port. added 05/24/10
Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OHRRPGCE
Sphere - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_%28program%29
TwinEngine (Little Big Adventure) - http://sourceforge.net/projects/twin-e/
http://pandorawiki.org/Port_Requests ;)

<edit>Wow, didn't see that it was a mixed soft/games list you compiled</edit>
Good work Alerino.. :)
I was checking some game..and i found one that i think you can remove.
This game is Dizzyage game engine because is only for windows (require Directx ) and the source is not directly available..
Someone requested Mech Commander 2, following the flowchart it's C++, great! BUT it needs directX (well, it was a microsoft game after all ;) ).
So I'll remove it from the wiki, but I got the source code on my windows machine and it's running great ^_^
KodeIn said:
Someone requested Mech Commander 2, following the flowchart it's C++, great! BUT it needs directX (well, it was a microsoft game after all ;) ).
So I'll remove it from the wiki, but I got the source code on my windows machine and it's running great ^_^
Would there be a way to use the DirectX API handling features from wine to allow an ARM binary to run?
I'd imagine it would be a much larger undertaking than would be worthwhile for one game, but theoretically speaking at least?
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Jagged Alliance 2 would be an awesome Pandora game.

source is available, pretty sure someone did it for the n800 / maemo to.




looks like the n800 maemo source ;o

dont forget x-moto it was the first post on the first page of the original port thread so not sure how it got missed ;) plus its THE best game ever.... maybe

link is here http://xmoto.tuxfamily.org/

its source is available at the link and already has builds for:-


dont know if that makes thinks easier or harder? I believe one issue was that it uses open GL rather than ES? but its only for a tiny spinning grapic on each level.
Alerino said:
@stustaff it's in the wiki already. http://pandorawiki.org/Port_Requests
this thread is merely a compilation for those that hasn't been wiki'ed yet

Sorry mate I scan read and assumed as it wasnt on the list here it had got missed.

Im getting so caught up in having a pandora soon :D
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Game engine:

Novashell Lua-based 2D Game Engine / Game Creation System Link Linux build available. Author interested in Pandora. Requires Clanlib port.
What's the deal with this thread, are we hoping devs will look here as a check list of what we would like converted to pandora?

If that's right, Alerino would you add this one too please?

I haven't heard of that emu before but I think pandora could be able to run it as it says "Emulates lots of arcade games", so I'd guess it's requirements are lower spec...?

Mainly I want a version of bombjack to play on pandora, found this page and it runs on that M1 emu above

that'd be nice
The Magic the Gathering link is for a defunct .Net application. Even if there was a release, you wouldn't "port" it: it runs on a separate server, which you then access with any browser. Although apparently the plan was to have a front end running on Silverlight, which may not have linux ARM release...

Shorter: it may be okay to take that one off the list. Unless that's just a wrong link, and what people really wanted to port was the old Microprose MtG game? That's not open source. Unless what they really, really wanted was Apprentice? I'm pretty sure that'll already run just fine. I'll try it out myself in a month when I get my own pandora.

Goddammit, that wasn't shorter at all!
Alerino said:
chocoboy said:
I would really like to see Oswan (or any other wonderswan emulator) ported.

already wiki'ed ;)
Thanks, last time I looked at that (I admit it was quite a while ago) it wasn't on there, but good news for me :)
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OK, I went through the list at the beginning of the thread and added to the wiki the ones that weren't already ported or playable through Ginge. I may have made some mistakes.