Release Postal


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Postal, the action game from Running With Scissors.

(screenshots are not up-to-date, gameplay is now fullscreen)

This game needs data from the original game to play. You can use either the Steam data or GoG data. Just copy the "res" folder and the ini file in appdata/postal or simply put the setup_postal_ exe file there if you have the GoG version (it will be autoextracted).
You need to configure the keys on 1st launch. You should also disable "mouse" and "X" control, has there are not working well for now.

History log

Build 01

  • Gameplay use 800x480
  • Gamma boosted at start
  • Compatible with Steam and GoG data
Hi all !
So cool. I need to get a copy of this game.
@edgex004 : the game is available at and is not too expensive :)

@ptitSeb : I shot my way through "The Farm", now to the "Construction SIte" !

Last time I played, the gamma was not reset when leaving the game (used to work correctly during the beta phase though). I'll try again to check whether this is just a transient bug or not.

EDIT: looks like a transient bug, it's not happening again.

EDIT 2: shouldn't our younger community members (under 17) be warned about the violence in this game ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
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That non-reset of the gamma is anoing. It should be reset by libGL, I don't understand why it doesn't. I'll upload an update to the package later with a fail-safe in the runscript.
Hi @ptitSeb :)
That non-reset of the gamma is anoing. It should be reset by libGL, I don't understand why it doesn't. I'll upload an update to the package later with a fail-safe in the runscript.
I have edited my previous post, you shouldn't worry too much about that bug :p

Cheers, Magic Sam
@Magic Sam : about the M rating of the game: there is no data in the PND and you need to buy it to play. The buyer is warned at this time.

(good about the non-reset thingy)
@ptitSeb : I guess you are right about the M rating.

On a side note, you are making the headlines on Wikipedia :)
Also in 2015 the Running with scissors developers annnounced that they will release the source code of the game "if someone promises to port it to the Dreamcast".[1] In June 2016 the developers gave the source code to an community developer who ported the game to Linux for the OpenPandora handheld.[2][3]

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all,

@ptitSeb : I have just finished Postal (plus add-on levels), for the first time in my life, thanks to your hard work :)

Thanks again !

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all !

@Wrath Of Khan : you seem to be quite knowledgable about the Dreamcast scene ;) Do you know some developer(s) who'd be up to the task (see one of my previous post) ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all !

@Wrath Of Khan : you seem to be quite knowledgable about the Dreamcast scene ;) Do you know some developer(s) who'd be up to the task (see one of my previous post) ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi, I'm mostly over at DC Talk forum- is a good place to ask about developers I'm told. I don't know any devs personally, Orion, chui and several others are in the scene to name but a few. You could open a thread at those sites.
Hi all,

I received the Dreamcast port some days ago and just gave it a try this evening :)

By the way, looks like the game is open source AND freeware now (since end of 2019):

Cheers, Magic Sam