Put Us Out Of Our Misery!

Monk said:
Mostly, I refer the honorable gentleman to the answers given previously, to the point of making those who read my notes nausiated. However,

fiori_musicali said:
The customers' role in this is different to the usual setting as we funded this project, and that requires a certain degree of commitment.

Why does it REQUIRE any more commitment from the customer than is put in black and white? An offer of goods is made, a tentative delivery estiamte of within the next two months at most is given, and money changes hands. I'm not a 2009 joinee (or a 2010 one), and I paid up with every intention of sticking the course AND of having my Pandora Christmas 08 (or probably more likely January/February - you know how these things go). I don't know what my join date here is (and won't until this post has been psoted and I can see my info on-screen), but my preferred role is "lurker", and one I managed for some time before joining in to post back, as it were. However, I don't feel there is any "requirement" for me or any other customer to be anything like as committed as I have been - that's a personal choice, there's not a hint of it in the sales order or anything like that.

fiori_musicali said:
What if everyone starts pulling out their money halfway the process and the OP team is left alone with massive pre-paid orders and components with the money already scattered around the world and transformed into half-complete parts.

Then the OP team are up shit creek without a paddle. They're taking a big risk. I believe their insurance supposedly covers the customers, and if that's true then only the OP team are taking the risk. I don't envy it them, but to be blunter than I ever intended in one of MY missives, it IS their risk - and if the damn things sells gangbusters like the device we're promised OUGHT to, then it's they that will reap the financial rewards. That's how it works - the people who take the risks get the rewards if it works out, and the penalties if it doesn't. It OUGHT to work out. If they lose their customers for whatever reason then, well, they lost their customers and their gamble. That would be bad, but there it is. No-one wins. That happens, sometimes.

That's distinctly clearer-cut than I'd generally hoped to phrase things, but I feel the need for knife-sharp accuracy in the face of this rather wooly "we owe it to them" type of attitude. We don't owe them anything - they owe us. Literally. Having the INTENTION of wanting to help them, or of wanting the project to succeed, or (and so on) is a different matter, and I think it's important from OPs POV that we're "on side" and I feel everyone should want them to succeed. But it's not our business to keep them afloat regardless of much much they get wrong, or to leave our money with them until they don't need it any more. That would be ludicrous.

fiori_musicali said:
The completion of the project is at this point more certain than ever before, so I wouldn't consider canceling as big a sin as, say, before setting the case order, because the investment (which is getting closer and closer to earning to be called a purchase) would be quickly replaced given the positive publicity from the finished cases.

OpenPandora have never called it an investment, nor us investors, that I am aware of. They have called it a purchase, from day one. It's already a purchase. I agree there are ways to use the term "investment" accurately, but as an alternative to a purchase isn't one of those ways for this project. That's using the term in a way which winds up one of our member no end, last time I saw him post on the topic, because it's simply not accurate.

To even suggest calling getting a refund at ANY stage a sin has me floored. My mouth has hit the floor. It's not a pretty picture, but you have completely stunned me. That is just so outrageous I don't even have a comeback for it :(

fiori_musicali said:
It was around the time when Craig said it would be complete in about a month or two

That doesn't actually narrow the field down very much, if at all ;)

I could not have put this in better words and so cut clear.
I would have needed at least ten times more lines and still be misunderstood.
At the same time i would most likely have offended people unintentionally.
Main thing is end of 2008 i heard about Pandora and found it the most perfect gizmo for me.
I mean this is the thing i always wanted.
Then the bank thing happened and i thought cheew phffff bugger.
Well basically this gave me cold feet to order.
I thought i wait and will order the moment it comes out and i have the money saved.
It is very disappointing to see it get delayed delayed and so on.
All i wanted is just to buy a need gizmo and play with it that is what it looked like to me when i got interested.
I will still wait and follow the news but don't think the Pandora is only made for the user.
Off course Profit is a goal to.
I hope they succeed and if they do make money down the line that is good for them.
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fiori_musicali said:
The things I said are not that obvious to Joe Public and as such deserved a mention along with little elaboration.

Based on what I've seen you post, I think you underestimate Joe Public.

That's not a statement I expected to have to make, ever.
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Alpha2 said:
claiming a website says it'll be out in November or December of 2009 mislead you is silly, it's like a month and a half later

I would imagine most are referring to 2008.
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Monk said:
fiori_musicali said:
The things I said are not that obvious to Joe Public and as such deserved a mention along with little elaboration.

Based on what I've seen you post, I think you underestimate Joe Public.

That's not a statement I expected to have to make, ever.

He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?

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Dunny said:
Monk said:
fiori_musicali said:
The things I said are not that obvious to Joe Public and as such deserved a mention along with little elaboration.

Based on what I've seen you post, I think you underestimate Joe Public.

That's not a statement I expected to have to make, ever.

He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?


I find a lot of truth in his posts regarding this subject, Well from what i`ve seen from the Pandora (Craiginator) situation right from the start, And they are extremely funny too.

Yeah, Pretty juvenile i know, But the truth can be funny, It`s not all doom and gloom.

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mali said:
^I suppose it's aimed at the post Monk has removed.

I came to consider that there are some things that one cannot alter, and that in that light there may be occasion where it's simply not worth the effort as posts which result in more heat than light help no-one :(

If I can't illuminate, at least I can try not to be a cause of heat exhaustion.

Dunny said:
Monk said:
I think you underestimate Joe Public.

That's not a statement I expected to have to make, ever.

He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?

Overshooting the Dunny is a serious problem, or at least it can be if you have to clean it up yourself :)
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Dunny said:
He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?

Could you explain what earns me this fine title?

The real question being, as I like to be direct (as opposed to this most childish bullying and secret handshake bullshit that you're engaging in) - what is your personal problem with the exterior of my messages, and since it's your personal problem, would it perhaps make sense to deal with it personally?

Maybe you figured by now that I'm not a native English speaker and lack the intuitive "touch" in discerning between "acceptable" and "unaccepable" (to some people obviously) expressions and vocabulary. Technical, scientific, prosaic, florid, idle breakfast chatter of Joe Public - it doesn't make that much difference to me as the boundaries between different assumed "modes" of communication seem really arbitrary to me. If the subject is complex, language becomes complex. Why should I give a shit if somebody tries to play the whole irrelevant "We don't take kindly to your kind around here!" social disciplinary routine on me, if their own input doesn't seem in any obvious way superiour to mine, AND they act impolite and disrespectful? So please, don't pretend to teach me about communication approaching me like that.

Other than that, I'm in the same boat with Mali in that I understand both sides of the argument, and I would make it a point for everyone to settle for no less.

Thanks for the positive input too, it's hard to come by wearing this snobbery face of mine.
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fiori_musicali said:
Dunny said:
He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?

Could you explain what earns me this fine title?

The real question being, as I like to be direct (as opposed to this most childish bullying and secret handshake bullshit that you're engaging in) - what is your personal problem with the exterior of my messages, and since it's your personal problem, would it perhaps make sense to deal with it personally?

Maybe you figured by now that I'm not a native English speaker and lack the intuitive "touch" in discerning between "acceptable" and "unaccepable" (to some people obviously) expressions and vocabulary. Technical, scientific, prosaic, florid, idle breakfast chatter of Joe Public - it doesn't make that much difference to me as the boundaries between different assumed "modes" of communication seem really arbitrary to me. If the subject is complex, language becomes complex. Why should I give a shit if somebody tries to play the whole irrelevant "We don't take kindly to your kind around here!" social disciplinary routine on me, if their own input doesn't seem in any obvious way superiour to mine, AND they act impolite and disrespectful? So please, don't pretend to teach me about communication approaching me like that.
I believe Dunny only meant your posts are a bit "wordy", but that is forgivable as you write well for a nonnative.
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gibberish said:

please fix your sig it's driving me mad :(
I was thinking of deleting it for awhile because I kept rereading over and over myself. Sorry for that gibberish. :)
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rmm21 said:
Altruism is unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
rmm21 said:
I believe Dunny only meant your posts are a bit "wordy", but that is forgivable as you write well for a nonnative.

rmm21 at home alone:

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I don't understand point of view some people. I'm not native speeker, so if You understand me, it may be my fault.

I'm ordered Pandora in first day when pre-orders start. It is natural as Pandora seems to be dreamed device. I understood that it is made by small group of enthusiasts. I was expect that it will be shipped in few month but as I spot bank asylum trouble I accept delay. As project walk more delays came. I accept it as no better device in sight, and information about delays came on. I someone lose nerves or patience I understood if he/she ask for money and step aside. I don't understand if someone abuse OP team and don't ask for money. There is some other people outside that awaiting for spare Pandoras to get inside this run. As I see that project is moving ahead I stay in line. When I see it goes to shit I try to escape.

There is not comparable project. Pandora is unique due to its nature. I t is made by fans for fans. We all are in minority oppose to commercial world of game consoles and pocket computers. We are not mainstream. So we need to remain and stay until Pandoras arrive.
fiori_musicali said:
Dunny said:
He over-estimated me. It got to the point that I saw another post by mr flowery musical and skipped right over it. I'm fairly certain that the average Joe doesn't want to read a post as eloquent and long-winded as that.

A summary in five words if you will, mr flowery?

Could you explain what earns me this fine title?

"Fiori Musicali" does indeed mean "Musical Flowers," no? I was merely playing with your nick. It struck a chord with me (pun most definitely intended) as I studied italian classical music at school many years ago. It's kind of like referring to "El Jefe" as "El heffalump" - he didn't like it either, but was pleased that I could at least pronounce his nickname correctly. I assure you that no real offense was intended. Well, not much at any rate - I have a reputation to maintain after all. And believe me, someone not liking something I've said very much isn't likely to make me question my actions.

The real question being, as I like to be direct (as opposed to this most childish bullying and secret handshake bullshit that you're engaging in) - what is your personal problem with the exterior of my messages, and since it's your personal problem, would it perhaps make sense to deal with it personally?

Ooh, could you please quote me some of this childish bullying? And I'd love to see this secret handshake thing you've invented. Does the right hand pass below the knee, or do you need to stand back to back?

As for dealing with it personally - if you feel you have something to deal with, then let's get it all out in public. You'll find that I'm quite amenable to a constructive discussion.

Maybe you figured by now that I'm not a native English speaker and lack the intuitive "touch" in discerning between "acceptable" and "unaccepable" (to some people obviously) expressions and vocabulary. Technical, scientific, prosaic, florid, idle breakfast chatter of Joe Public - it doesn't make that much difference to me as the boundaries between different assumed "modes" of communication seem really arbitrary to me. If the subject is complex, language becomes complex. Why should I give a shit if somebody tries to play the whole irrelevant "We don't take kindly to your kind around here!" social disciplinary routine on me, if their own input doesn't seem in any obvious way superiour to mine, AND they act impolite and disrespectful? So please, don't pretend to teach me about communication approaching me like that.

You do indeed apparently "give a shit", as you've felt strongly enough to have replied.

How about you just fulfil my original (and very reasonable) request and tone down the length a bit? I'm afraid a person of my limited attention span gives up after the first sentence or two; a summation of your posts would be most gratefully received. As for teaching you English - why, my dear boy, you have an excellent grasp of the thing. Unfortunately, I (maybe wrongly) assumed that you were speaking for the "average Joe" who certainly in my experience has difficulty in stringing shoelaces, let alone words in a sentence - and I was pointing out that you were maybe aiming too high if you were speaking for the "common denominator" so to speak. I've no doubt that you have a valid point - but I'm afraid it's totally lost on me, having given up reading your posts as early as I did. You most certainly do fit in around here, and we need people like you to flesh out the place a bit. Add some gravitas, if you will.

So there you have it - I've been both polite respectful - and will continue to be so, to you in particular - but to be perfectly fair, if you find even these fine words to be discriminatory or snobbish then you can just fuck right off.

Thanks for the positive input too, it's hard to come by wearing this snobbery face of mine.

Yes, I can see how that would make things hard for you.

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Dunny said:
So there you have it - I've been both polite respectful - and will continue to be so, to you in particular - but to be perfectly fair, if you find even these fine words to be discriminatory or snobbish then you can just fuck right off.

I was worried you were turning all respectable and royal-like until you dropped the fuck-bomb. ;)

Tee-Hee. Can't believe this thread is still open. Will our misery ever be doused?
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rmm21 said:
Dunny said:
So there you have it - I've been both polite respectful - and will continue to be so, to you in particular - but to be perfectly fair, if you find even these fine words to be discriminatory or snobbish then you can just fuck right off.

I was worried you were turning all respectable and royal-like until you dropped the fuck-bomb. ;)

Did I? I scarcely noticed ;)

Tee-Hee. Can't believe this thread is still open. Will our misery ever be doused?

I suspect that the level of trolling around these parts will tail off significantly when the dashed thing is in our own two hands. Until then, tempers flare, spirits run high and swords are crossed in anger at the slighest sign of devilment.

More importantly though, I was certain you were advertising my general demeanour in your signature. What the blinking flip happened to it?

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Should make a betting pool on how many pages long this thread can get until the first batch is shipped.

however a mod will prob put in a bet and lock the thread..