Quake Scripts?


Still Fresh
Apr 30, 2006
The readme file for Quake2x mentions running a script to lower the resolutions for speed, something I'd like to do but have no clue what to do. I'm new to linux so go easy on me. I'd just like to know what I'm supposed to do to get Quake at lower rez for more framerate.
are you talking about the quake 2 implementation? Cause I was looking for a script that will speed that up... and I have no idea about autocfgs in quake either
No just for Quake 1. It states in the readme you can create scripts but I don't know the correct terminology for Linux. I just want to know how I can lower the resolution in Quake 1.
All you need is something like this -

cd /mnt/sd/quake
./quake.gpe -width 240 -height 180
Change /mnt/sd/quake to the location of quake.gpe if you don't have it installed in a quake folder in the root of your card, and change the values of width and height to whatever you like.

If you've got a tv out cable and a widescreen tv then you can also try something like -width 320 -height 180 which should give you a widescreen resolution, but I've not tested this as I've not got a cable or a widescreen tv.
Thanks but where to I put that code, do I edit the GPE or make a text file or cfg?
Thanks for the replay btw.
You throw that into a text file, give it a .gpe extension, and make sure you save it with unix line endings if you're writing the text file on a windows machine (I've got no idea what programs let you do that - search this forum and you should find an answer). Then you run that .gpe instead of the normal one whenever you want to use the other resolution.

Oh, and I've just tested the width and height I posted earlier for widescreen output and it looks like it won't work (for some reason it doesn't scale like it should). Using a width of 312 and a height of 180 should do it though, and it's still close enough to 16:9.