Schematics and packages


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Just in case you wondered why you haven't heard many updates from Nikolaus lately:

He was busy. Busy creating the schematics... that's a LOT of work.

But now he's almost finished with it! About 98% are done.

The only thing left is the power circuit for the OMAP5 (about 50 condensators) and some other small things.

So in theory, the Pyra is almost finished... the next step is layouting the full schematics.

This will be quite a bit of work - but after that, we're ready for a real Pyra prototype PCB!

While working on the schematics, he was also working on the latest kernel (3.18 RC1) and almost the full hardware of the OMAP5 EVM works now as well.

Quite a bit of progress, I'd say :)

In the meantime, aTc, Vagrant and me have been working setting up the package build system for the OS on my server.

We now got a neat script that grabs our own packages from the GIT, builds Debian packages from it and sorts it into the repo.

The next step will be building our own rootfs with a preinstalled package list on our server.

aTc has already done that - but I need to do that on my own server as well. Shouldn't be too hard now, though, as he already figured everything out.

That will be quite a bit of progress as well - as then we can start to shape the default PyraOS setup.

Now, I wish to say hello to all our newcomers who arrived here after my talk at the Hackover2014 in Hannover on Saturday.

It was fun, and I was happy to see so many interested people there.

I hope you enjoy your stay here, join our community and have fun as well :)
Give me a shout if you need any OS testing or testing of the build system. My Devboard needs a little more love.
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Very nice! Is there a recording of your talk that I could watch somewhere?
Seems like, since the days the Pandora was developed, my Technikal English is a bit "rustet" after all...

What dos the news mean in "Easy English"..??

I understand the part whit the packages for the OS, but whit layouting from the CPU, and Chematics, im not realy sure..

Maybe i shouldnt try to read EDs News at 6:33 in the Morning..
Seems like, since the days the Pandora was developed, my Technikal English is a bit "rustet" after all...

What dos the news mean in "Easy English"..??

I understand the part whit the packages for the OS, but whit layouting from the CPU, and Chematics, im not realy sure..

Maybe i shouldnt try to read EDs News at 6:33 in the Morning..
So wie ich es verstanden habe, hat Nikolaus die Schaltpläne zu 98% fertig (der Großteil der funktionalen Schaltkreise war bis jetzt ja noch auf der Entwicklungsplatine von TI), was jetzt noch fehlt ist das Layout - will heißen, wie genau die einzelnen Leiterbahnen auf der Platine verlaufen. Mir nicht ganz klar ist, ob sich das nur auf die Hauptplatine bezieht, nur auf die CPU - Platine, oder auf alles zusammen. Ich reime mir das so zusammen, dass es nur die CPU Platine betrifft, da die Hauptplatine schon zu weit fortgeschritten zu sein scheint, um noch großartig Schaltpläne und Leiterbahnverläufe dafür erstellen zu müssen.


Have you already decided wether the various sensors Nikolaus mentioned will all be kept in the final product or not ?


Thanks for still working on gettings things done, even if the responses (=> .next) aren't "overhelming"
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Seems like, since the days the Pandora was developed, my Technikal English is a bit "rustet" after all...

What dos the news mean in "Easy English"..??

I understand the part whit the packages for the OS, but whit layouting from the CPU, and Chematics, im not realy sure..

Maybe i shouldnt try to read EDs News at 6:33 in the Morning..
Sorry that you have to wait for the translation.

It will take some time, because I am in school right now.
This is amazing! Remember when this project barely started earlier in the year? Now look at where things are at now! It's hard to believe so much time has passed, it feels like it went by so quickly. I am very excited about this. I can tell in the other comments how excited everyone is for this. Excitement is in the air!
Woar, seems i ditnt showd hightlevel english Scills in this threadt...

Ok, looks realy good whit the Pyra, even it will takes his time until the Board is realy done..

Two Monts is a bit to optimistic, and to much "Runninggag",

Dos everybody know what Craigix said to the Pyra ?? ...
I love reading your posts matzesu, always have and always will :)

Your English skill levels are good enough to understand.

Great news on the progress of Pyra too
Thanks for the update ED.

Quick question on the power circuit : Will Pyra be designed to be able to run without battery when connected to mains power? Always thought it was rather odd that this was a 'bonus feature' that would work for some Pandoras but not others. 
Quick question on the power circuit : Will Pyra be designed to be able to run without battery when connected to mains power? Always thought it was rather odd that this was a 'bonus feature' that would work for some Pandoras but not others. 
I would definitely like it if the Pyra could run off an external power supply in the absence of a battery.

The only thing left is the power circuit for the OMAP5 (about 50 condensators) and some other small things.
Are those what I'd normally call capacitors? or something else?