snes9xgp news from gp32 news


Chop sticks Chop sticks Chops sticks
May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
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Intelleco sent me the last beta of his SNES emu.
it is the 0.96 version

Emulation speed has been increased and sound quality is better.
There is also in game menu a gamma correction ( Thanks Dude ), wich is very usefull for dark games.

Most of the games tested are very playable without sound and with the default frameskip (3).

This version should be the last one because his author is looking for a job. So we wish you good luck and thank you about your work.
From gp32 news
My question is will he release the source ????
Oh No :eek: The last release??? I hope he releases his source code and somebody starts working on it. Anyways, how much faster is it? How well do roms play with sound now? Did it fix the ff2 freeze glitch?

BTW, shouldn't this be in the News Zone forum?
I really hope the source code is released and somone picks this up,

most people bought their gp32's with the intention of playing snes games, i hope this does not fade away.
i believe littleJohn was planning to include SNes emulation at some point, so there's hope there as well (should this particular project really end)

plus there's the matter of those "other authors" as well .. source code released or not. whatever the case, thx for the work intelecto (sounds like a spiderman badguy "call me .. intelecto!!") + good luck w/ job hunting!
I don´t understand the conclusion that intelecto getting a job will make him abandom the project. Has he said so?
Otherwise let´s hope he releases his sources if he choose to quit.
so the final version of the flashback emulator is out soon :rolleyes:

i don't expect much to have changed in this final version but the ONE thing i really really really really would like to see is reading the roms from a snes sub folder,

i recon the guy who makes this has 2 builds, personal one that reads from gpmm/snes and the public one that reads em from gpmm, the only reason i could think of for him doing this is so we couldn't happily use the alternative snes emu in conjunction with hes one :p
SNES emulation and PCengine emulations is the only reason i want a gp32, besides a couple of cool commercial games like GPFight, Mill, ASR
The fact that snes emulation (at fullspeed) some day might be possible was a major part in my purchase. if it never happen I´ll not cry blood, there just so many other things to do.
kraahl posted on Jul 29 2003 said:
The fact that snes emulation (at fullspeed) some day might be possible was a major part in my purchase. if it never happen I´ll not cry blood, there just so many other things to do.
Totally agree. But as you say,if it doesnt happen, I'm not going to do anything drastic.
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I hope this version will be a lot faster. Snes emulation was the main reason why I bought a gp32. In the news it says "This version should be the last one because his author is looking for a job." So there is still a chance that he will continue working on it.
snes9x isnt released under the GPL i beleive, its more like a FreeBSD license if I am not mistaken.
I got this e-mail from him:

I said that its going to be the last release, but I'm not yet sure.
As far as releasing the source code, folks would just take it and call their
own, since they obviously can't do anything with it since few have even
attempted what we have done.

I hope he continues working on it.
Not to sound like an ass but... I love how he makes it sound like no one but him has coding ability in that one statement :rolleyes: and a few coders have attempted or ARE doing the same thing (the other SNES emu anyone?) he may be a good coder, but he sounds a bit over zealous.
I think he just wants the glory of it but i can see what he is trying to say.

He releases the source code and then every1 quickly complies there own version with a diff menu and say its there own.

If he really is that worried give the source to craigx so he can find some1 who will port it over. There are a few people who might want to take it on like Little john (forgot his name :unsure: ) or ryhle but they are busy with there own emulators.

Personally id rather have zsnes ported over its sources are available now and it is in C++

NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 30 2003 said:
I think he just wants the glory of it but i can see what he is trying to say.

He releases the source code and then every1 quickly complies there own version with a diff menu and say its there own.

If he really is that worried give the source to craigx so he can find some1 who will port it over. There are a few people who might want to take it on like Little john (forgot his name :unsure: ) or ryhle but they are busy with there own emulators.

Personally id rather have zsnes ported over its sources are available now and it is in C++

When was the source code released? I thought it wasn't open source.

BTW, Little John is yoyofr.
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Yeah, I agree, ZSNES is sweet... Perhaps it COULD be optimized to a reasonable degree on GP32? (SNESX9 has always been slower and chunkier for me anyways.)