OK, this is my completely random topic of the month, so if anyone has any questions they think need answering post em here and see if n e one else knows the answers.
I'll start with mine
What flavour is Irn Bru?
How much does a Mars bar cos tto manufacture?
How does hairgel work?
Is the science of vision bullsh** (colour reflects off objects into your eyes)
Does toats ALWAYS land butter side down?
How does helium make your voice higher?
Just thought I'd provide a little light relief from all the PSPvsDSvsGP32vsZodiacvsEVEvsRogue topics
I'll start with mine
What flavour is Irn Bru?
How much does a Mars bar cos tto manufacture?
How does hairgel work?
Is the science of vision bullsh** (colour reflects off objects into your eyes)
Does toats ALWAYS land butter side down?
How does helium make your voice higher?
Just thought I'd provide a little light relief from all the PSPvsDSvsGP32vsZodiacvsEVEvsRogue topics