This is c00l


Militaire Madness Junkie
Aug 7, 2003
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MESS is a free emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. As of the latest CVS version, it supports the following:

Amstrad 464plus
Amstrad 6128plus
Amstrad PC1512 (version 1)
Amstrad PC1512 (version 2)
Amstrad PC1640 / PC6400 (US)
Amstrad PC20
Amstrad/Schneider CPC464
Amstrad/Schneider CPC6128
Amstrad/Schneider CPC664
APEXC (as described in 1957)
APF Imagination Machine
APF M-1000
Apple ][
Apple ][+
Apple //c
Apple //c Plus
Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5)
Apple //e
Apple //e (enhanced)
Apple //e (Platinum)
Apple I
Arcadia 2001
Atari 2600
Atari 400 (NTSC)
Atari 400 (PAL)
Atari 5200
Atari 7800 NTSC
Atari 7800 PAL
Atari 800 (NTSC)
Atari 800 (PAL)
Atari 800XL
Atom with Eprom Box
Bally Pro Arcade/Astrocade
Bally Pro Arcade/Astrocade (white case
BBC Micro Model A
BBC Micro Model B
BBC Micro Model B+ 128k
BBC Micro Model B+ 64K
BBC Micro Model B with WD1770 disc controller
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, German PAL, 910429)
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, NTSC, 910111)
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, NTSC, 910523)
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, NTSC, 910626)
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, NTSC, 910828)
C65 / C64DX (Prototype, NTSC, 911001)
CBM4064/PET64/Educator64 (NTSC)
Channel F
Chess Champion MK II
Colecovision (Thick Characters)
Color Computer
Color Computer 2
Color Computer 2B
Color Computer 3 (NTSC)
Color Computer 3 (NTSC; HD6309)
Color Computer 3 (PAL)
Color Computer (Extended BASIC 1.0)
Colour Genie EG2000
Commodore 128 French (PAL)
Commodore 128 German (PAL)
Commodore 128 Italian (PAL)
Commodore 128 NTSC
Commodore 128 Swedish (PAL)
Commodore 16/116/232/264 (PAL)
Commodore 16/116/232/264 (PAL), 1551
Commodore 16 Novotrade (PAL, Hungarian Character Set)
Commodore 30xx (Basic 2)
Commodore 30xx (Basic 2) (business keyboard)
Commodore 364 (Prototype)
Commodore 40xx FAT (CRTC) 50Hz
Commodore 40xx FAT (CRTC) 60Hz
Commodore 40xx THIN (business keyboard)
Commodore +4 (NTSC)
Commodore +4 (NTSC), 1551
Commodore 64 (NTSC)
Commodore 64 Swedish (PAL)
Commodore 64/VC64/VIC64 (PAL)
Commodore 80xx 50Hz
Commodore 80xx 60Hz
Commodore 80xx German (50Hz)
Commodore 80xx Swedish (50Hz)
Commodore B128-40/Pet-II/P500 60Hz
Commodore B128-80HP/710
Commodore B128-80LP/610 60Hz
Commodore B256-80HP/720
Commodore B256-80HP/720 Swedish/Finnish
Commodore B256-80LP/620 50Hz
Commodore B256-80LP/620 Hungarian 50Hz
Commodore Max (Ultimax/VC10)
Commodore SP9000/MMF9000 (50Hz)
CPS Changer (Street Fighter ZERO)
Dragon 32
Dragon 64
Enterprise 128
Enterprise 128 (EXOS 2.1)
Gamboy - (PAL) Japanese SMS BIOS v2.1
GameBoy Color
GameBoy Pocket
Game Gear - European/American
Game Gear - European/American Majesco Game Gear BIOS
Game Gear - Japanese
Game Gear - Japanese Majesco Game Gear BIOS
Geneve 9640
HB-8000 Hotbit 1.1
HB-8000 Hotbit 1.2
IBM PC 08/16/82
IBM PC 10/27/82
Intellivision Keyboard Component (Unreleased)
Intellivision (Sears)
Inves Spectrum 48K+
Jupiter Ace
Kaypro 2x
KC 85/3
KC 85/4
KC Compact
Laser 110
Laser 200
Laser 210
Laser 310
Laser 350
Laser 500
Laser 700
Lynx (alternate rom save!)
Lynx II
Macintosh 512ke
Macintosh Plus
Macintosh XL
Mark III - (PAL) Japanese SMS BIOS v2.1
Master System III Compact (Brazil) - (PAL) European BIOS with Sonic The Hedgehog
Master System II - (NTSC) US/European BIOS with Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Master System II - (PAL) European BIOS with Sonic The Hedgehog
Master System II - (PAL) US/European BIOS with Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Master System - (NTSC)
Master System - (NTSC) Hacked US/European BIOS v1.3
Master System - (NTSC) US/European BIOS v1.3
Master System - (NTSC) US/European BIOS v3.4 with Hang On
Master System - (PAL)
Master System - (PAL) Hacked US/European BIOS v1.3
Master System - (PAL) Japanese SMS BIOS v2.1
Master System - (PAL) US/European BIOS v1.3
Master System - (PAL) US/European BIOS v3.4 with Hang On
Master System Plus - (NTSC) US/European BIOS v2.4 with Hang On and Safari Hunt
Master System Plus - (PAL) US/European BIOS v2.4 with Hang On and Safari Hunt
Megadrive / Genesis
Microbee 32 IC
Microbee 32 PC
Microbee 32 PC85
Microbee 56
Microtan 65
MSX 1 (Japan)
MSX 1 (Korea)
MSX 1 (UK)
MSX 2 (BASIC 2.1)
MSX 2 (Japan)
MTX 512
MZ-700 (Japan)
Nascom 1 (NasBug T1)
Nascom 1 (NasBug T2)
Nascom 1 (NasBug T4)
Nascom 2 (NasSys 1)
Nascom 2 (NasSys 3)
Nintendo Entertainment System (NTSC)
Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL)
Odyssey 2
Oric 1
Oric Atmos
Oric Telestrat
PC200 Professional Series
PC-8801 MKIISR (Hires display, VSYNC 24KHz)
PC-8801 MKIISR (Lores display, VSYNC 15KHz)
PC/AT (CGA, MF2 Keyboard)
PC/AT (VGA, MF2 Keyboard)
PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16
PC/XT (VGA, MF2 Keyboard)
PET2001/CBM20xx Series (Basic 1)
Philips P2000M
Philips P2000T
PK-01 Lviv
PK-01 Lviv (alternate)
PK-01 Lviv (prototype)
Pocket Computer 1251
Pocket Computer 1350
Pocket Computer 1401
Pocket Computer 1402
Pocket Computer 1403
Pocket Computer 1403H
Pravetz 8D
Pravetz 8D (Disk ROM)
Pravetz 8D (Disk ROM, RadoSoft)
Salora Fellow
Sam Coupe
Sanyo / Dick Smith VZ200
Sanyo / Dick Smith VZ300
Sord M5
Spectrum I+
Superboard II
Super GameBoy
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (NTSC)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL)
Super Vision
SVI-328 (BASIC 1.11)
Tandy 1000HX
Tatung Einstein TC-01
Texet TX8000
TI-81 Ver. 1.8
TI-85 ver. 10.0
TI-85 ver. 3.0a
TI-85 ver. 4.0
TI-85 ver. 5.0
TI-85 ver. 6.0
TI-85 ver. 8.0
TI-85 ver. 9.0
TI-86 homebrew rom by Daniel Foesch
TI-86 ver. 1.2
TI-86 ver. 1.3
TI-86 ver. 1.4
TI-86 ver. 1.6
TI99/4A Home Computer (Europe)
TI99/4A Home Computer (US)
TI99/4A Home Computer with EVPC
TI99/4 Home Computer (Europe)
TI99/4 Home Computer (US)
TI Avigo 100 PDA
TI Model 990/10 Minicomputer System
TK-90x Color Computer
TK-95 Color Computer
TRS-80 Model I (Level I Basic)
TRS-80 Model I (Radio Shack Level II Basic)
TRS-80 Model I (R/S L2 Basic)
UK-2086 ver. 1.2
VIC1001 (NTSC)
VIC20 (NTSC), IEEE488 Interface (SYS45065)
VIC20 PAL, Swedish Expansion Kit
VIC20/VC20(German) PAL
XP-800 Expert 1.0
XP-800 Expert 1.1
ZX Spectrum
ZX Spectrum 128
ZX Spectrum 128 (Spain)
ZX Spectrum +2
ZX Spectrum +2a
ZX Spectrum +2 (France)
ZX Spectrum +2 (Spain)
ZX Spectrum +3
ZX Spectrum +3e
ZX Spectrum +3e (Spain)
ZX Spectrum +3 (Spain)
ZX Spectrum +4
ZX Spectrum (BusySoft Upgrade v1.18)
ZX Spectrum (Collier's Upgrade)
ZX Spectrum (De Groot's Upgrade)
ZX Spectrum (LEC Upgrade)
ZX Spectrum (Maly's Psycho Upgrade)

The source code to MESS is freely available, so you can download it and make improvements. You are encouraged to send these back to the MESS team for inclusion in future versions of this program.

It would be sooooooooooooooo coooooooool if someone would port this baby tho the GP32
kraahl posted on Aug 15 2003 said:
I don´t want to be a pessimist but that´s not very likely.
I know it's hard to port but maybe someone could have a look at the source.
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well, at least there's a source code. :unsure:
Let's say you had a game with 100 levels, and you wanted to port it. But instead of porting this game, you wanted to port both it and its sequel. So now you have 200 levels to deal with. Does that seem like less work or more work?

The thing is, not many of these emulators have anything in common except being emulators. It looks like someone basically slammed together a bunch of emulators into one handy package. The porter would still have the same amount of code to deal with, just like they were porting EACH and EVERY one of those emulated systems.

So, unless one of the emulator author sells his or her soul to the unholy god of flame, Greebizek, we will not see this emu package ported to the GP32.
Actually, you are quite wrong. Your analogy about levels doesn't actually mean anything, because you don't port levels, you just port the engine. So, say a game had 100 levels, and then there's expansion levels. If the expansion levels use the same engine, then there's no code to change, you already support it. Also, I believe MESS uses a driver type system for emulators, so it's quite a bit like MAME. I believe it is totally portable. The problem is that since it IS so portable and driver-based, there's no optimization at all, and the end result is an emulator that emulates a million systems at 2 fps, with very little chance of speeding any of them up. I hope this clarifies. It's not that it can't be ported, it's just that it'll be slower than hell, and nobody wants that.
MESS is most similar to MAME, but it's even worse in a porter's sense. If you ported these systems, or even a fraction of them, you'd probably have trouble. It's very minimal as far as an emulator goes - eg for C64, it only supports .P00 and .PRG formats (which aren't disk or tape images, they're just loose files). While MAME emulates games (albeit hardware ones) singularly, MESS emulates systems singularly. In most cases, it's nowhere near as accurate as a dedicated emulator (much like MAME). Overall I personally wouldn't say MESS is useful for anything other than emulation of very wierd and otherwise unemulated systems. It's not really a games playing tool...
Maybe little john could be like this one day if ever the nintendo section was finished, other areas could be moved into. I doubt that would happen tho unless it becase open source :p
Think of the resources it would take up. The GP only has 8mb of RAM, and not everyone is interested in some of those machines, they would prefer to install just the one they want, and know that someone is writing it, and paying special attention to just their favourite system.
I don't know if all those emus are entirely necessary - Although I do think it would be cool if someone could port over one of the Apple II Emulators out there - there are TONS of games out there for that thing - and a lot of good ones.

HZ :ph34r:
hiroziro posted on Aug 15 2003 said:
I don't know if all those emus are entirely necessary - Although I do think it would be cool if someone could port over one of the Apple II Emulators out there - there are TONS of games out there for that thing - and a lot of good ones.

HZ :ph34r:
Most of the games are aviable for the commendore 46 to :) (like wolfenstein)

But i argree i just got it running at my computer and it runs prety slow doens't want to load some roms and stuff like that :( It looks so great
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that's a lot of emulators, and looks like it would take up a ton of space and speed. too bad. :(
Well, you got the general gist of my analogy at least. But you're right, it was a pretty bad analogy. I was thinking about the "port" of Metal Slug 2 for the GP32 when I wrote that...which will be quite an undertaking, since the "porters" don't have any real source code to work from to my knowledge.

I went ahead and looked at the source code for MESS. It is as I thought - tons of GPL code slammed together to make a multi-emulator. However, it is highly modular, so some of the systems could easily be excluded for the sanity of the emu writer. There also seems to be some ASM code in some of the "portable systems" that I am not positive can be ported to the GP32 (I really only glanced at the code).

However, I stand by my assertion that it would not be a worthwhile project. Like one poster said, MESS runs slowly at best. While it would be a dream to emulate all these systems, I would rather have 100 emulators emulate 100 systems well, then 1 emulator emulate 100 systems poorly.
A so called "Port" of metal slug 1 wouldnt be hard if you have the engine. If some1 made the engine then they could make a few different games. Maybe the people who did the great giana sister games could change the graphics to metal slug.

But i could rip out all the graphics needed for a gp32 remake of metal slug in 1 day easily. Thats characters backgrounds and sounds i offered this help to iceman but never got a reply.

Still if the engine for this was done then you could do it very easily even if the engine wasnt done and u know c++ fairly well you could do it :)

The current version of GP2XMess supports, the last time I checked, Atari 7800, Coco, Colecovision and TI 99/4A. MESS has the ability to emulate bunches of systems but the GP2X version only has four "components" currently working... I'm not sure what others, if any, are in the works.

The link for the current GP2XMess is,0,0,0,5,1128
kraahl posted on Aug 14 2003 said:
I don´t want to be a pessimist but that´s not very likely.

Hehe, I was looking for an old post and found this. It turned out to be likely. ;)


Having fun gravedigging? XD I guess you just couldn't help it. I'm sure once another thought to be impossible thing is created others will gravedig topics like that. ;P I know I would if what I want to happen happens. ;P
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