Twitchy Left Nub


Jun 6, 2003
Sheffield, UK
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I have one of the first Pandoras which I have hardly ever used, and when I did I used the d-pad for emulation (as I find it quite good).

I am now looking to sell it, but when I have tested everything on it, I find that after about a minute of use the left nub doesn't seem to like up/left (about 45 degrees), is this common?

Does anyone know roughly how much OP will charge for a replacement nub?

Thanks in advance.

I don't know how much replacement nubs cost (I don't think it's come up on the official forum, either), but to answer your question, yes, it is common with the early units. This is because the early nubs were faulty, and the company who manufactured them had to re-do them all - that's what's behind this, unfortunately.

I may be misremembering, but I could have sworn I saw a post somewhere, wherein someone had replaced a dud nub by themselves, so they must have been able to get one from somewhere. Perhaps contact EvilDragon about it?
I have the a similar problem, which developed only after several months of use. The nub won't move left and sometimes won't move down, unless I do a up+left motion. Straight after startup when it hasn't "calibrated" yet it will move left and down alright, but after it has calibrated it will not.

To be honest, it feels like there's something stuck in there that's causing it, because there's a very slight "click" when I move the nub to the left that's not present in the right nub. I keep planning to open up my Pandora to see if I can clean it out, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Edit: Hmm on the other hand, disassembling requires soldering knowledge which I don't have. Maybe it would be better for me to send my system in for repairs. Well, I still have a few months before the 1-year warranty is up...
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