Use Of Keyboard Using Bob


Still Fresh
Aug 26, 2006
Hi Folks,

Just wondering if a regular usb keyboard attached to bob would work? If this was a regular gnu/linux setup then I would be looking a xorg.conf but I don't think that is part of the set up.

What I'm mostly interested in is getting the gp2x to boot to one of the 8 bit computer emulators and being able to use the keyboard in front of my TV like I did when I originally owned a Spectrum.

Thanks for any thoughts folks
Its not just the app must support it only.
gp2xmenu must start first so if you use autorun, the keyboard may not work. the modules for usb may not even be loaded. I have also noticed that the keyboard stops working sometimes when gp2xmenu exits i.e the leds dont light up when you press numlock or caps lock even when the mouse still works.

I think all the GP2X11 stuff works with keyboard and mouse.
flossy said:
Hi Folks,

Just wondering if a regular usb keyboard attached to bob would work? If this was a regular gnu/linux setup then I would be looking a xorg.conf but I don't think that is part of the set up.

What I'm mostly interested in is getting the gp2x to boot to one of the 8 bit computer emulators and being able to use the keyboard in front of my TV like I did when I originally owned a Spectrum.

Thanks for any thoughts folks
Another thing you can do is hyperterm to the serial port and see if the device is setup/detected by by the kernel.
After that is up to the app to use it.
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Anyone tried a keyboard and mouse through a USB to two PS2 cable? does it require an AC adaptor?
Thanks for the replies folks.

When I get the chance I'll experiment and see what I can get working and post it up here.
sehs33 said:
Anyone tried a keyboard and mouse through a USB to two PS2 cable? does it require an AC adaptor?
I tried it and it worked fine without extra power. Was able to cycle through the gp2x menu with the arrow keys
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That is great news, it saves a USB port + PS2 keyboards are cheaper than USB ones, and most USB keyboards have features that will never be useful on our 2Xs, thanks foleyjo.
I've used a usb keyboard for sterm, quake and gpe, works great, just need to make a custom map for sterm and hope I can get it to have the right output when the shift key is used (numbers don't shift). One thing though, I couldn't get my keyboard to work with firmware 2.1.1, but it works about 90% of the time with firmware 3.0.0, not sure if it really is firmware related though. The few times it hasn't worked a reboot of the gp2x fixed it. I was using a ext to usb cable. Also I had to use a powered hub with the keyboard at all times, even though it claims to only use 20mA of power (well below the 100mA limit), luckily I found a battery powered usb hub.

Now that I have the cradle the usb keyboard worked without outside power but my unit made a high pitched whine, so i unplugged it just after typing a key or two to avoid damage since I'm not sure what caused the sound.