Vigoroth The Delivery Man


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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Was browsing youtube and found a new little homebrew game that noone seems to have noticed?

Can't report back on if its working since i still have no pandora in my hands :)

So try this out and let me know what you think. Pokemanz!
Does not load the PND. I don't know why. If I had to guess, I'd say it wasn't packaged correctly as the author provides a PND along with a bunch of other resource files (sound, runtime folders, etc.).
David Bowman said:
Does not load the PND. I don't know why. If I had to guess, I'd say it wasn't packaged correctly as the author provides a PND along with a bunch of other resource files (sound, runtime folders, etc.).
Someone should let him know... I'm not sure where to find contact info, though.
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Blue Protoman said:
I hate how the line between copyright infringement and fair use is blurry.

It's not blurry in this case. This is plain infringement. This post should be removed.

This isn't the place for that. If this were a romhack ips or something it'd be different. No copyrighted content would be posted, I think.
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Blue Protoman said:
I have experience with fan games. Go check out MFGG.

Also illegal, believe it or not. But if you're not profiting from it, it's not entirely likely that anything will happen.

But them's the breaks.
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