When Was Yoyo's Last Update?


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2004

Wahtever happened to opensnes 0.5? Did yoyo not say a while back that this new version would be released soon yet no new updates. All I want to do is play ff6 full speed with sound.but I dont think its guna happen.
ive got a feeling it may be kept quiet until june 10th as thats when the latest gbax competition finishes.

along with some other emulators aswell.
give him time...
in a thread maybe yesterday I read that he was still working on the ASM core:
1st he implement it in the zodiac version (already done) then he will debug it (work in progress) finally he will make OsnesGP 0.5..
That is what I think will happen
Im maybe wrong
But I also wanna play FF3 with sound :D

see you :lol:
i'm sure these a huge plot by the coding community and mr craigix to make sure i have the most rocking birthday, with the release of a bitch load of kick ass emus.

yoyos hinted at june 10th,
as has ThunderZ with neogp32,
and i'm sure i won't have to wait long for the final fgen if the progress made currently is anything to go by!

WOOHOO :eek:
nooooo! not this thread again!!! the horrors! the horrors!

anyway, yoyo is working.
cheers im glad theres little war between zodiac an gp but the main arguin seems to be goin on in our forum lol.
Hey spray what age are you going to be?

yoyo has posted many times telling us he is still working, and alot of the times he sounds pissed off with people saying he has stopped work.
i'm sure these a huge plot by the coding community and mr craigix to make sure i have the most rocking birthday, with the release of a bitch load of kick ass emus.

yoyos hinted at june 10th,
as has ThunderZ with neogp32,
and i'm sure i won't have to wait long for the final fgen if the progress made currently is anything to go by!

WOOHOO :eek:
Woot woot? NeoGP32, damn i already wondered what happened to that GBAX compo. I hope the yenter the compo, would be a hard decission
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yoyo clearly said "soon" - saying "soon" could mean within the next days, weeks or months. He said that a few weeks ago :)

And the implementation of the ASM core into the GP32 version has already been finished since a few weeks - he just needs to clean everything up and find a way to manage with the little ram the GP32 has.
i was looking for that compo a few days ago and i didn't found anything. i thought, it was a fake...
or it's because, it's not really public. maybe the people that are allowd to send entries where informed via mail...
@finty, i'll be 18, legal drinking!

everyone else,
check here and read a little:

Basically, the important stuff:

However this isn't the end this year, as we have a final surprise for you all. We still have a brand new GP32BLU console to give away, and this is how its going to work, were looking for the most improved previous competition entry one month from now (10th of June). Not just from this completion but from any of our previous ones. So better get that old source code back out and start fixing those bugs :)
I think yoyo will enter that compo, and im hopeing that the neo geo emu gets entered, as i would like to be able to play this with save states when i finally get my gp32.