On gp2x.de pre-ordering from the second batch isn't possible at the moment. I think they will announce something after the first batch starts shipping.
hmm considering they will have the first run costs behind them if there is demand for it (which there seems to be plenty of..) they should at least be able to make more than on the first run if they do preorders since the production costs will be lower on the second run
while that still doesn't answer the question that is probably about the best your gonna get unless a dev that "knows things" h34r: shows up
also to prevent this from turning into a thread full of pointless argument NOBODY POST ANYTHING ELSE unless you are a developer these threads go south quick
also to prevent this from turning into a thread full of pointless argument NOBODY POST ANYTHING ELSE unless you are a developer these threads go south quick
Unless your called cb88? I know your intention is good, but personally, I think cb88's thinking on costs while not wrong doesn't get you closer to an answer. So, I don't see how that represents the best you're going to get.
I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of stock being available in April. To me, that's a more useful answer for you. The reason I give it 50/50 is that on the one hand most of the "pent up" desire of folks who just HAVE to have one will be over so I doubt round 2 will sell nearly as fast. However, on the other hand this is a freakin' awesome little handheld and I will be showing mine off to all my geek friends - as I'm sure will others - that can create more demand.
I almost want to say "I hope it will always be stock limited" because they're all selling so fast.
So, really it's down to your own choice. How much do you want one? How disappointed will you be if they're not available in April? etc.
Sorry cb88. (oh, and btw, you spelt fails wrong it's an i not y - don't get me wrong I like the tag - but if you chose to be cute then you got to be careful too)