Why Is Openpandora Ltd. Not On This List?


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Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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would be nice.

There nice enough prototypes now and in June the real thing would be there I guess.
Well, the team has stated before they are not looking for big sales in the DS or PSP range. Getting a booth at E3 is very expensive, and if you aren't looking for millions in sales, it would be a huge waste of time. Also the biggest selling point of the Pandora is Sony and Nintendo emulation, which I can say will not go over well at the expo with either party.

Now if you want to really spread the word to the fan base of the show, just get about 5-10 members to wait out in front of each hall before the show opens every morning, and you'll get a very good amount of buzz from the user base that it needs to reach(The hardcore gamer/gadget set)! That is always who is out front waiting to get in hours before opening!

A lilttle off-topic here, but I just wanted to clarify whether I am correct or not in saying the following statement (I've thought this for over a year now)...

Company: OpenPandora

Handheld Console Product:

Producers/Developers/Makers: Craig Rothwell, M. Fatih Kilic, Michael Mrozek and Michael Weston with the help & support of the gp32x.de forum members
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SONY said:
A lilttle off-topic here, but I just wanted to clarify whether I am correct or not in saying the following statement (I've thought this for over a year now)...

Company: OpenPandora

Handheld Console Product:

Producers/Developers/Makers: Craig Rothwell, M. Fatih Kilic, Michael Mrozek and Michael Weston with the help & support of the gp32x.de forum members

Right, as you can read here: http://www.open-pandora.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96&Itemid=11&lang=en
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SONY said:
Producers/Developers/Makers: Craig Rothwell, M. Fatih Kilic, Michael Mrozek and Michael Weston with the help & support of the gp32x.de forum members
I would have sworn there used to be two more names on the old site. Anyone else remember that, or am I totally crazy? I've been talking about "six developers" for over a year now, only to find out it's only four?
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I think the other 2 are more developers on the OS and software side of things.
WizardStan said:
SONY said:
Producers/Developers/Makers: Craig Rothwell, M. Fatih Kilic, Michael Mrozek and Michael Weston with the help & support of the gp32x.de forum members
I would have sworn there used to be two more names on the old site. Anyone else remember that, or am I totally crazy? I've been talking about "six developers" for over a year now, only to find out it's only four?
The Final Two will be revealed later this season. Look out for people who keep hearing the same song out of nowhere.
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WizardStan said:
I would have sworn there used to be two more names on the old site. Anyone else remember that, or am I totally crazy? I've been talking about "six developers" for over a year now, only to find out it's only four?
DJWillis/DaveC & Squidge? Now that you ask, I can't recall :(
I think at the beginning there were just their forum names.

The list from the Turkish site(google cache)

look at this
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mali said:
WizardStan said:
I would have sworn there used to be two more names on the old site. Anyone else remember that, or am I totally crazy? I've been talking about "six developers" for over a year now, only to find out it's only four?
DJWillis/DaveC & Squidge? Now that you ask, I can't recall :(
I think at the beginning there were just their forum names.
There were like 8 names in the Developer section before the site changed. If you go to the current 'About Us' page, you will see 12 names listed on the left. Though I cannot if that is the 'official' list of 'Developers', or 'Developers & Contributors'.
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I imagine that it's quite expensive to get a spot on the expo floor, otherwise, I can't see a good for them not to give it a try.

Didn't EvilDragon go to a similar (but much smaller) expo last year?

They'd most definitely have to book at least a year in advance too.
They'd have to pay exorbitant fees to be there, even though the Pandora will probably easily sell out its first 3 or 4 runs anyway.
Why bother? 1st batch is sold out and until the team has recovered enough to tackle the 2nd batch there's not much of a product to promote.

I imagine that once the Pandora is let out of its box then this will generate the interest and hope will remain that the 2nd batch run would be a much larger quantity.
Going back to the topic of 'Company names', it's funny that a year and a half ago I was so desperate to have a company name slapped on Pandora, because I wanted to tell people 'who made it?'.
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The Pandora is already beyond sold out, and it's still another MINIMUM half a year away just for the first batch, and the second batch would take at least another year, and rule of thumb says delays for the second batch will pop up too...
Why do we need a giant flood of more impatient people wondering where the prophecy handheld is?

There is no supply for the demand. Wait until the third batch or so. Though, a commercial equivalent will finally have happened at that point, this has taken so long.
There was a time when E3 was rather awesome. That time has come and gone. I really think something needs to replace it. As it is now, E3 probably isn't worth the cost.
E3 is, in my view, just a platform for ridiculous hype. It's something I personally find much better to ignore, just like the "gaming press". :p (And a nice side-effect is that entire games are not spoiled for me before I ever even get the chance to play them. :D)

Just my two <insert currency of choice here>. :p
Well I am not sure but I just thought since there are a lot of game studio's there it might peak their interest to release something on the pandora. Marketing goes both ways when you are making hardware.
There will likely never be large studio commercial games for the Pandora, there just isn't the revenue.

If there were any interest in advertising, why not send a couple of units out to tech bloggers that are attending, and have them blog etc from the show using them? That would attract some free attention.