Will The Pandora's Screen Be Compatible With Lightguns?

javaJake said:
Zarneth said:
Sensor bar on the wii is just two Infra red lights right? So you could easily mod two of those in if you were crazy enough to want it. :lol:
Now you got me thinking... aren't the sensor bars just simple IR diode-doo-dad-whatevers that constantly emit a single signal (say that three times fast ;) )?

And you mean there`s available space on each side of the screen. ;)

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magicman5421 said:
the wii laptop
or were you thinking of something else
yeah, thats it.
why couldn't we implement a system similar to that in the pandora?
all it requires is 2 LEDs, if they were only a few inches apart we could get >a foot of distance. personally while its not perfect, its a lot cheaper and easier than a lightgun.
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Just imagine all the people holding a Pandora on their one hand while pointing a gun at it on their other hand...