Will You Be Disappointed If The Pandora Is Not Perfect In Every Way?

Perfect machine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont mind, I'll love it anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I really don't care that much. Obviously everybody wants it to be a miracle machine, and hell it will be! What counts for me as the attraction of the pandora is it's open-source and DIY policy. It's made by gp32x community people for the gp32x community people and other retro/emulation/homebrew enthusiasts. I don't want another pmp that can also play games... I don't want a modded psp to emulate games with a display that's not been made for it. I am excited about a handheld gaming device that gamers designed so that other gamers and hackers could improve on the software side and try innovative ideas on decent hardware without having to go through a lot of hassle! Just compile your code and go, you've got everything right in the little bugger and basically no obstacles.
Gaming controls are in there, but also a keyboard. It's got a touchscreen and a 3d accelerator. If there are flaws in the software, the community will fix it. If there are flaws in the hardware: The Pandora still quite an accomplishment for independent producers. Any way this turns out, I feel we are all part of a little gaming and computerization history here and that's what makes me not worry too much ^^.

EDIT: I mean, yeah, people have their psps and ipods but we will have something we took part of in the process of development. Who can say: "Hey, yesterday I talked to the lead hardware designer at sony's console branch and told him the display was going to be crap..."?
I'm really dissapointed, because several interesting GP2X WIZ threads are closed to "do not have the information duplicated in several threads", but there are a lot of Pandora USELESS threads :angry: (not this one of course) :unsure: .
Well, nothing's ever perfect, the reason I'm so comfortable with the Pandora as far as flaws are concerned, is because we've seen it growing up from day one, we watched it mature and sprout new features, we've seen it fall in areas and get reworked. The Wiz however is like the new girl that just showed up on the block,.. you've never seen her before, you don't know her or what evil diseases might be lurking below.

Also, it didn't help that the Wiz originally ditched the 3.5mm headphone jack and action buttons in favor of what was really just cosmetic advancements.. I know they're fixing that now, and I love that, but it wasn't really the greatest show of competence.
StreaK said:
only thing that worries me much is a cover-quality. It seems to be not so good [ first impression when i watched Youtube videos presented by Craigx]
Are you talking about the Pandora shell? (the plastic case?) If so, those models are rapid prototypes, so the texture and all of the shell looks very different from what it will really be.

-God Ginrai
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Franxis said:
I'm really dissapointed, because several interesting GP2X WIZ threads are closed to "do not have the information duplicated in several threads", but there are a lot of Pandora USELESS threads :angry: (not this one of course) :unsure: .
Here's a list of all Wiz related threads that have been closed:

Wiz d-pad mod idea - Closed because GPH is fixing the problem themselves.
New unofficial forum 1 - Closed due to Quasist.
New unofficial forum 2 - Closed due to the announced forum being closed.
Wiz: GP2X successor - Closed due to being identical to an existing thread.
Wiz: What are your thoughts? - Ditto.
Poll: Which will you buy? - Closed due to having degenerated into a "My unreleased handheld gaming device can kick your unreleased handheld gaming device's ass!" argument.

Which ones do you think deserve to be reopened?

As for all the pointless / repetitive Pandora threads, I agree. However, every time a useless thread gets closed, I get to hear all sorts of whining about "censorship". It's a fine line to walk.
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While I'm incredibly enthusiastic about this device (more than about any before), I'm also thinking realisticly. I voted no.

The device will have flaws, some things will annoy me, but damn it, it's going to be awesome.
God Ginrai said:
StreaK said:
only thing that worries me much is a cover-quality. It seems to be not so good [ first impression when i watched Youtube videos presented by Craigx]
Are you talking about the Pandora shell? (the plastic case?) If so, those models are rapid prototypes, so the texture and all of the shell looks very different from what it will really be.

-God Ginrai

yeah, im talking about case / shell . I hope that final pandora will have better shell than what we see on prototype version.
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StreaK said:
yeah, im talking about case / shell . I hope that final pandora will have better shell than what we see on prototype version.
Rest assured. It will.
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I don't think it will be perfect - a device like this is most likely impossible to be perfect, especially on it's first batch. However, I love my GP2X despite it's many flaws, and the Pandora looks much better than it so I'll be happy. I even put up with the stick on the 2X and didn't find it too bad till both my caps were lost. The biggest disappointment I had with the GP2X was that it really wasn't a big enough upgrade from my GP32 in terms of power, but it uses SD cards so I could use it as a MP3 player, so I use it a lot more than I did with my '32. The Pandora is a big upgrade on my GP2X, so hopefully I won't have any problems with it. Honestly, my biggest worry about this is the volume slider - it can't be locked into place, so I might accidentally keep knocking it in my pocket when listening to music.

I am worried though that hype may exceed that actual product, ending up with a lot of disappointed people. Hopefully the Pandora will meet most people's expectations of it.
CronoTriggerfan said:
It's foolish to demand perfection, but for the time I've waited, it better be pretty damn good... :D

Poor you! Having to wait all these years.

I presume Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are keeping you abreast via their forums of all future developments. You are so important after all, and it would be awful not to be informed of their plans along the line...
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Barnaby said:
Honestly, my biggest worry about this is the volume slider - it can't be locked into place, so I might accidentally keep knocking it in my pocket when listening to music.
Slider? I thought we were getting a volume wheel... o_ô

-God Ginrai
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It best be absolutely perfect or I will personally head a special covert task force to hunt down Craigx (and the team) and beat them with some seriously large and seriously wet fish....It will not be pretty. :D Get it right the first time you lazy buggers, no shortcuts...you hear me! Or Mr Fish is coming out to play....
I voted that I don't mind... If it's even 60% of what it's hyped up to be, I will feel no regret in buying it. What with 6 hours of battery life still being impressive, approximately 60% of Doom III is Quake III, and if I only saw 3/5 of what I've seen underway it would still be marginally better than what the PSP homebrew community has put out. Even so, mine as well as everyone else on this forum's going to be getting at least 80.

Now 50 or less? ... Eh, that's pushing it. I might have to join Reesy's task force if that comes around :lol:.
PoisonedV, I was referring to my original post with the smiley about being jaded with the wait. Your satire doesn't play out very well here with that in mind. The second post there? Hell yeah, that was a personal attack. :P
lol internet.
Im expecting a giant group hug after everyone gets their Pandora.
also, the volume wheel is probably the biggest reason im looking forward to a Pandora.