What's With The Surge Of Stupid Topics?

the whole topic though and how Blipped got brought up is he's not a noob, he's been here since November with 800+ posts and post questions that have been answered 500 times, more than likely he's put a post in threads that have answered his questions and then makes a new thread asking the same question.
I often read posts just because blipped has posted in them, definately gives a sense of light relief.

Or maybe I'm waiting for a time that he becomes understandable
I find my topics quite "On topic",Due to the titles and inserts. I do make sense but your brains cant understand more than just straight forward. Do you have problems making tea aswell?
Im pretty sure hes french, think he said that somewhere.

no need to critisize him for speaking english incorrectly, hes probably better at it than u native english speakers are at speakin french, fuck, im terrible at any other language than english.