A Quake2 Install Guide Pretty Please


Linux Virgin!
Aug 16, 2008
United Kingdom
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Hey guys, ok so I want to install Quake2 on my pandora and I don't know how to install it. I've downloaded the Pnd from the appstore, I've got a copy of Quake2, what do I need to do now? First of all do I need to install Quake2 on my pc? I'll do that anyway just incase. I just need to know really what files I need from the original and where I need to put them. Once I've figured this one out I'm sure the others will be similar so I'll only need this help once hopefully. I did search but I couldn't get any info, even flicked through the wiz section but I only found a thread about addon packs or something. Cheers :)
I just copied the data folder from the CD into \pandora\appdata\quake2\ and put the pnd in pandora\desktop

It does crash randomly for me but the quality was awesome. also the nubs were very sensitive in this game, not sure how to change that yet
To change the nubs you can do it in Settings then pick nubs and also in game in the options menu. I changed everything to the lowest and slowest, is quite playable then although my nubs seem to get stuck sometimes so he just runs backwards or sideways without even touching the nubs but I can live with that and it only happens now and again. I'm sure once they wear in a bit they'll settle down coz they always do.

Btw I'm stuck on which files I need to copy over for Hexen II and where do I put them if anyone can help, again I did a search but couldn't frind it anywhere but I'm hopeless with the search box :)
im the same ,need some info on hexen 2 :rolleyes:

put the hexen 2 files in the folder made by the pnd ,so all the main files from thehexen 2 dir go in there ,you will notice in the hexen 2 folder that the pnd makes ,there is a strange named folder ,your game files do not go in there.
Afaik, you have to put the game data in the "data1" directory inside the Hexen2 directory. So copy everything *.pak from your PC Hexen2 there. I don't have Hexen2 installed right now, so I don't know if it's one or more pak-files or what they are called.
What about Quake 3? Should it be basically the same thing as Quake 2 (just move the .pak files?)?
i try and save my position on ioquake2 and it won't allow me to, is there a way around this?