Possibly, but ED does actually cares about RMA's.

ED is a super guy... I'm still going to wait until after I've gotten my new phone so I can test the wifi / bluetooth properly... Then I'll ask him nicely and send him some goodies from my shop along with my Pandora - he certainly deserves some pampering. :p
Eric, your original post reminded me so much of a somewhat fond time, keeping my 2nd Pandora going for several months with such tricks.

I had the lid propped open just enough in my jacket pocket at all times, to get away with showing it off. Once to a game shop salesman after he demo'd the 3DS to me, to many "WTH is that!"..."It has 2 sticks..very cool"... "OMG its a full computer aswell!" comments.

I kept that up for a few months but was resorting to turning the unit upside down to open it and needing about 40 attempts to get a salvageable image to work with and keep propped open. Eventually she died completely and I then had simply amazing customer service from OPT to get me back up and running in time for a trip abroad that was pending.

Cant thank them enough for a machine you daren't part with, or for their customer service, which is without rival imhho.

Aw crap, I'm going on vacation the week after next, and if I RMA my Pandora next week, I won't get it back in time. So I have to make it last until the end of the week after the next.

Do as Eric advised and either keep it fully open (or at whatever angle currently keeps a picture intact) and then keep the lid propped open so it doesn't switch off, if you must close it for transport. Should keep it going beyond your trip with any luck.
Eric, your original post reminded me so much of a somewhat fond time, keeping my 2nd Pandora going for several months with such tricks.

I had the lid propped open just enough in my jacket pocket at all times, to get away with showing it off. Once to a game shop salesman after he demo'd the 3DS to me, to many "WTH is that!"..."It has 2 sticks..very cool"... "OMG its a full computer aswell!" comments.

I kept that up for a few months but was resorting to turning the unit upside down to open it and needing about 40 attempts to get a salvageable image to work with and keep propped open. Eventually she died completely and I then had simply amazing customer service from OPT to get me back up and running in time for a trip abroad that was pending.

Cant thank them enough for a machine you daren't part with, or for their customer service, which is without rival imhho.

Aw crap, I'm going on vacation the week after next, and if I RMA my Pandora next week, I won't get it back in time. So I have to make it last until the end of the week after the next.

Do as Eric advised and either keep it fully open (or at whatever angle currently keeps a picture intact) and then keep the lid propped open so it doesn't switch off, if you must close it for transport. Should keep it going beyond your trip with any luck.

Is this something that happens to all pandoras sooner or later or just to some? Maybe it wasnt so smart to buy mine from ebay after all.
NOOOOO!! Mine is also getting this weird purple screen :'( And I also got mine in February, odd..
NOOOOO!! Mine is also getting this weird purple screen :'( And I also got mine in February, odd..
Only with the old happens to the best of us. :(

*blast* I don't use my Pandora enough to give my cable the workout it needs to test this. I'm going to ask ED to replace my cable *just incase* when I RMA - I'll pay extra for that.

I only want to RMA once. :mellow:

P.s. I don't get to use my Pandora often due to my work load, not because I don't want to.
Ah crap. Just now my screen turned purple and I'm leaving for a trip to the U.S. in about a week :(

Got my unit end of January.
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It's so weird that three of us are now finding out that their pandoras have faulty LCD cables :S
I also got mine in Feb... I know with absolute certainty it was before the new cables arrived.

So yup, no question about it - I'm going to ask to have it replaced as well. You chaps no doubt use your Pandoras far more than I do....
I hope for the team that I'm wrong on this one, but I'm guessing that everybody who has an old cable will eventually experience the PTOD.
OK, got an authorization from OP England, and an attached form which I still need to check out. Should I just send it to ED (after filling out said form, of course), or e-mail him first? My Pandora's still good, so far... I've been turning the hinge as little as possible.
OK, got an authorization from OP England, and an attached form which I still need to check out. Should I just send it to ED (after filling out said form, of course), or e-mail him first? My Pandora's still good, so far... I've been turning the hinge as little as possible.

Just ship it.
Thanks ED, will do after my unit becomes unusable, or after my vacation next week. Whenever. Your inbox probably resembles a landfill, anyway. ;)
Guys, my Pandora is showing the first signs of the Purple Tint of Death...that is, faint colored bands of off colors at certain hinge positions. In this case, I've noticed said angles to be from 135 to 150 degrees, or thereabouts. My Pandora thus far is perfectly usable, but I don't know how long that will be true...

this issue was not supposed to be fixed? :blink:
I got mine in May and have the purple tint issue also. Waiting for an email response to get things going. I was certain I read they were going to use the old cables til they ran out and then would use the new ones.
I would assume that they're out of the old ones by now.

By the way, my Pandora's still going well. I think it'll last through my vacation. Also, think I could get in a new case, too? Mine is getting a crack by the speaker.
So, if my pandora, which I'm getting late this year, were to get the purple screen of death how long would it take to get it fixed? Or can I just get a new one if I get the purple screen? Basically, does the warranty cover the purple screen?