Anyone tried the new Tomb Raider?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
The graphics look stunning, and the reviews seem pretty good.

But after having seen too many of the 'gruesome death' videos flying around youtube, and some of the intro scenes (Lara being grabbed at her feat and drawn into caves and such), and yet also good looking archery stuff .. is this a horror survival game? a stealth sniping game? a game at all like the TR predecessors?

I never much tried the earlier games, but I really like stealth action games (Thief, Deus Ex:Human Revolution.) Really, in the year of Skyrim, Portal 2 and Deus Ex:HR, I actually put DX:HR as my favorite game in years, as the #1 of the year.

So if this new TR is more like DX:HR, where you can stealth around and snipe guys and try to solve the puzzles, I'm game, may pick it up.

But if its all about horror and survival and all that schtick, might not be my thing. I've no interest in horror games at all.

Fine line :)

As long as you do not expect a classic Tomb Raider everything is fine.

You can compare this game more to "Gears of War" and "Uncharted" instead to the other TR - Games

Something for the CoD and Modern Warfare generation of gamers if you ask me with lot of corpses at the end of the lvl.

But to be honest : I did not buy this Tomb Raider (because its no TR anymore)

Like Hitman - Absolution isnt a real Hitman anymore or

Diablo 3 wasnt a real Diablo

At least thats what I think ...

EDIT : Farcry 3 gives you more Tomb Raider feeling at the moment

(and that means something since thats a first-person shooter =S)

Something that really stunned me a few weeks ago tho is the final part of the Crysis Trilogy

That game has the real stunning graphics compared to Tomb Raider =P

(At least if you have a pc with the recommended hardware)

If Tomb Raider graphics already stunned you ... Crysis 3 on PC will blow you away =D

EDIT 2 : And keep in mind you can stealth and snipe a lot in Crysis 3 as well due to cloak mode =)
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yeah from the reviews it seems like it has a bit of this game and a bit of that game. unchartered sucks ass big time imo. No gameplay, all fuckin cutscenes, crap.

The comparisons being drawn between the new tomb raider and uncharteded make it a no go for me.

Jeff, have you played dishonoured? That would be right up your alley as its basically a deus ex like game, one of the deus ex guys made it too.stealth, multiple routes,multiple ways to do missions.

I played a few hours but not my personal preference. If deus ex is your thing then this will sing!!
I noticed Dishonoured, but never really moved on it; doing a quick read now .. could be up my alley ;) (Damn, don't have enough distractions :)

I asked this same question when this was released a few weeks ago.

I still haven't gotten around to playing it yet, but my friend finished it, and he loved it. He was willing to let me borrow it, but I would only have a week to finish it, as he needs to trade it in to get Bioshock next week. I didn't want to rush thru it, so I told him I would just wait on a price drop. It seems really good depending on what your looking for.

I stopped playing the OG Tomb Raiders after the second one. I think the ideas there where far ahead of the technology of the time, and the games just weren't fun to me(the pacing was to slow). I personally loved Uncharted 1, but 2 & 3 I could take or leave. They where technically outstanding, but that was all they had at the heart of the matter. I actually found the Vita version to be the best of the Uncharted bunch(I'm in the minority here for sure).

As for TR, the one released on Xbox live a few years ago was awesome. It had an isometric top down view, and was very fun. It was also something new and interesting in regards to Lara Croft. So I do plan to get this newest game at some point, as it is one of the only games I was looking forward to in 2013, and the reviews didn't disappoint me. Sadly, my backlog is so huge, and I can't justify paying full price and putting it on the pile.

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That thread seemed to go the wrong ways..

- gaps? so what, its a game, relax :)

- smaller boobs....... seriously? thats a problem? thats why people played the earlier ones??!

- not old school <- why are yo replying to a thread about a new game, just so you can whine about old > newer?  Thats pathetic; gameplay is gameplay .. some great and some terrible oldies, just like nowadays.

Wow, that thread is shameful :)

I'm nearing close to the end of the story, and i can't recommend it higher. Though it does strike a marking resemblance to the Uncharted series, so if that's not your cup of tea, it could be something to keep away from. Not ever really playing the original Tomb Raider games, I simply can't compare them to past ones, but I am very much enjoying playing this one. It does seem rather short, and there isn't much replay-ability to it, only going back to visited places to collect hidden treasure and the like, just like the Uncharted series. The scenic areas you play through are also very reminiscent of every bit of Uncharted, down to the constantly climbing ledges, jumping from edge to edge. One flaw this game has, is the infamous quick response button mashing that games like to have for some reason, which can become rather frustrating at times. All in all, it definitely gets a thumbs up from me, thought it might be more of a rent then a buy, seeing as how short it might be, and that there's not much replay-ability. 
I get very little free time, so I like it to be quality; .. short is okay with me. As long as its good :)

I've never played Uncharted; I'm mostly a retro and PC gamer, and xbox with my little girl .. (Lego Batman etc). The Cave is wicked, though.

I'm not interested in like, walking aorund waiting for guys to go Bo! from the dark, horror style; but if I can sneak around and arrow guys to death (thats how I roll in Skyrim), I'm game ;)

I'm near of the end too and I really love it.

Been a fan of the original TR, this one is really different but it's worth the try.

Shooting arrows in the back of the bad guys is really a great moment :D
ya its more stealth then horror, and rarely does anything pop up in front of you, except for maybe like one wolf. you get swarmed from time to time by like 15 enemies at once, without being able to avoid it by beign stealthy
I beat it last week, I absolutely loved it!  My only real complaint was the final boss - I didn't even realize that's what I was fighting and beat it on my first try.  Kind of anticlimactic in that regard since you beat the boss and then that's it. 

I can see the similarities to Uncharted, but for whatever reason I don't care for the Uncharted games at all.  I loved this though.  Has a completely different feel/tone IMO.
I beat it last week, I absolutely loved it!  My only real complaint was the final boss - I didn't even realize that's what I was fighting and beat it on my first try.  Kind of anticlimactic in that regard since you beat the boss and then that's it. 

I can see the similarities to Uncharted, but for whatever reason I don't care for the Uncharted games at all.  I loved this though.  Has a completely different feel/tone IMO.
Well, I finally borrowed and finished this, and I have to agree with you wermy. This game rocked, all except the last boss. Since you technically fought a boss right before that scene, I wasn't expecting much, but I did enjoy the finishing move.

I'm an Uncharted fan, but I preferred the first and Vita games to the blown out 2 and 3 of the series. This game was a completely different experience and one of the best games I've played EVER! Very well thought out, the pacing was perfect, and the extras kept me busy.

It reminded me a lot of Resident Evil 4, not the actual gaming, but the pacing and how the game just kept giving you more and more. This was Tomb Raider done right. I hope they stick to this formula and don't take another 5+ years to deliver another one.

Now I've got to return this, so I can I can swap for Bioshock Infinite. BS has some big shoes to fill after this, but I think it's up to the task.

I noticed Dishonoured, but never really moved on it; doing a quick read now .. could be up my alley ;) (Damn, don't have enough distractions :)

off topic, Im a big fan of Deus Ex but found Dishonored very disappointing. It's less elaborate than Deus Ex more than 10 years ago ! And it looks crap (textures...), the world is boring and the story is not very good either. "Game of the Year", well that says a lot about how shitty a year 2012 was. 
It looks great, but it seems to have lost what made the first few episodes good...
off topic, Im a big fan of Deus Ex but found Dishonored very disappointing. It's less elaborate than Deus Ex more than 10 years ago ! And it looks crap (textures...), the world is boring and the story is not very good either. "Game of the Year", well that says a lot about how shitty a year 2012 was.
I'm quite enjoying it, but I don't like the fact that killing people is construed as negative (i.e the "Chaos" level goes up and NPC's react negatively, for instance). Deus Ex (which I have, but never completed any of them) doesn't judge you, which gives you freedom to play as you like and wrestle with your conscience, later.
I'm playing on the 360, but I quite like the "oil painted" look of the outside area texturing.
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I expect you have already played System Shock 2 and the first Deus Ex? I still like both of them more than Deus Ex: HR.

Especially since SS2 has co-op with the latest patch, even if it's not very stable I tremendously enjoyed it.

I watched a complete "let's play" on TR and was pretty disapponted what they made of it. But those big titles/companies have to see to making a game that will be accepted by the broad audience, youths with money to spend and enough free time on their hands. Can't really cater to the older generation of core gamers and make it a streamlined consumer product at the same time. Or something along those lines.
too much like the shit boring uncharted series by all accounts.
I've enjoyed the Uncharted games(1st and GA, more than 2 or 3), but I'm not a HUGE fan(but a fan no less). They are fun and entertaining, but this game is really nothing like Uncharted. 

This game is what "Uncharted" should be. The pacing was spot on, you could upgrade abilities and weapons, and the story was fairly decent(I've yet to see a really good story in video games). My only real complaint would have been that the "tomb raiding" aspect was a little lacking in detail and puzzles, but since this was an origin story, I can forgive that. 

Uncharted and Tomb Raider may appear similar on the surface, but don't discount this game if you don't like Uncharted, as this game was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better and very different IMO.

too much like the shit boring uncharted series by all accounts.
I've enjoyed the Uncharted games(1st and GA, more than 2 or 3), but I'm not a HUGE fan(but a fan no less). They are fun and entertaining, but this game is really nothing like Uncharted. 

This game is what "Uncharted" should be. The pacing was spot on, you could upgrade abilities and weapons, and the story was fairly decent(I've yet to see a really good story in video games). My only real complaint would have been that the "tomb raiding" aspect was a little lacking in detail and puzzles, but since this was an origin story, I can forgive that. 

Uncharted and Tomb Raider may appear similar on the surface, but don't discount this game if you don't like Uncharted, as this game was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better and very different IMO.

I see. reviews were comparing it directly to uncharted. misleading really. Well ive got a backlog of 5 or 6 games right now so id best not buy anymore. Dragons dogma and gravity rush are on my playlist now .