Audio Player Application

It's diesel now : needs time to start, but runs well when hot xD
Don't know about memory leaks, I didn't let it run long enough to evaluate.
But it has great plugins system, good looking interface .
(Some of the "slowdowns" are due to plugins accessing the web)

I love that lyrics plugin, don't have to search around the web, they appears automagically :p
Enverex said:
That was XMMS. Not sure why they used it as the XMMS project has been dead for years. Audacious is the current spiritual successor to it.
I'm pretty sure that this is because XMMS is in the Angstrom repository, whilst Audacious isn't. ;)

Karel Jansens said:
I really would like an audio player that comes with a "normal", directory-based ("folder"-based in that new-fangled lingo them kids use these tharr days) playback option. I find that tag-based playback more often than not royally forks up albums and, being an old fart who thinks good music died on jan 1 1980, having my Floyd and Yes stuff complete and in the right order kinda matters to me.

So there...
I use Minirok for this purpose. It's my favourite audio-player. :D
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I love itunes because I can use it to sort my special albums with different artist in the correct order.
I've never seen a program that can organize music as well as iTunes can.

Anyways... I vote for the canola program as of right now. It looks the prettiest... that and xbmc
KodeIn said:
I love that lyrics plugin, don't have to search around the web, they appears automagically :p

Sounds fantastic! Is there one for chords/tabs too?

HackModford said:
I love itunes because I can use it to sort my special albums with different artist in the correct order.

I've got an app that can do that. It's called Explorer :p

(sorry for the double post - my bad!)
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i would love quasar or something similar, something with full screen cover art and song title while im driving just to put it on shuffle and see whats playing clearly that owuld be awesome
this thread made me test mpd again and I must say that impressing is a far to weak expression for it.
Seriously, I don't think there is an alternative that comes close to mpd for pandora usage. There are just so many things that make it outstanding, I hope this list reflects at least a big part of it:

1. performance: I think this is extreamly important on pandora. On my laptop (pentium M downclocked to 600 Mhz) it consumes ~1% cpu and 2MB ram. Clients like gmpc and ario take even less. Whoever tested players like exaile or rhythmbox will agree that this is outstanding.

2. interface: Well, there are like hundreds of clients available, from basic status-monitors and applets to full-blown browsers like gmpc and ario. Both gmpc and ario work perfectly in 800x480 and even lower resolutions and have shiny full-screen-info modes.

3. flexibility: mpd is always on, even if you close all clients. It's the only player that will stay on when you leave X for some quake-action. It should even be trivial to implement mpd-controls in games. Integrated clients for pidgin, xfce-panel or firefox are already available.

4. continuity: every music-player has it's usecase. With mpd's design, you only have to create a playlist, download a lyric or album-cover, tag a song once. No messing with different id3-tag versions and stuff like that.

There are dozens of other things you can do with mpd, like running a client on your pandora and controlling a server on your htpc.
TJSomething said:
  • Does MPD work quickly with removable media?
  • What happened to ommpc?

I'm pretty sure some libpnd-magic (or a simple hal-script), removable media are a no-brainer.

No idea about ommpc.
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TJSomething said:
  • Does MPD work quickly with removable media?
  • What happened to ommpc?

  1. Since mpd operates on it's own internal database and not the filesystem files directly, removeable media would need to be rescanned to pick up changes. This should be able to be scripted to happen automatically when an SD card is inserted. It takes resources though and so most folks probably would want to know when it was happening and do it manually anyway. Should be fairly quick but not instantaneous to rescan depending on the amount of media...
  2. Ommpc is still floating around. Everyone seems interested in the full desktop apps or the more mature alternatives from other platforms(like Canola), so I haven't really done much with it yet. I had almost decided not to even worry with it anymore, but decided to go ahead and work on it again since I'm a fan of MPD, think the desktop apps, while they would work, aren't particularly well suited to the platform, and actively disliked Canola when I had an N810(it should be faster on Pandora, so it might be okay...). Anyway, I've started working it again some, seeing what I can do about the fact that it would no longer necessarily be run at a fixed resolution if run under X. I just need to find the motivation to sit down and spend some quality time with it...

Oh yeah, since those links posted above contain some screenshots, here is what the current version of ommpc looks like on the gp2x and wiz.
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