

Jul 15, 2003
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I don't want to clutter the forum with this quite unimportant question so I post it here..

I tried to upload an Avatar, it was a standard Gif89 80*64 pixels, It looked really bad, like it had been reduced to 16 colors or something. So I uploaded a Jpeg instead and that looks ok. I was just curious why the Gifs fail.. As I said, not a very big problem :)
Hard to say. Actually all upload procedure are hardly coded inside the board scripts, but dont think there something wrong with them. I have no clue why it failed. Will test it by ocassion.
Perhaps it's photoshops export function that is somehow bad. Don't know why I used that anyway, I like Paintshop Pro a lot more. *Waving the PSP flag* :D
The only thing I'd say is that if the companies in question contact us then we can remove your avatar if necessary. If they contact you, then obviosly you do the same. Most companies are fine about their logos/characters being used as they are being used for a non-profit reason.
What would they have to be mad about? You are advertising their product at no expense to them!! ;)
If you crapflood the boards with a brand name attached, a company or business won't get free advertising. In fact, their brand name may become synonymous with crap.
If im correct, it only resizes the avatar if its too big. I just used photoshop to resize mine and it looks just fine.