Compo4all poll July (Poll Ended!)

Choose your favorite games (multiple choice allowed - private voting)

  • DigDug

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Millipede

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Missile Command

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • 1942

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Rolling Thunder - continues

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Yie-Ar Kung Fu

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja - continues

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Rastan - continues

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Terra Cresta

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Circus Charlie

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Amidar

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pengo

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pooyan

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010
The following games have been tested and should be possible to be added to the games available for compo4all /

The 5 most popular games will be added to the list by Skeezix. To keep it interesting I will also request him to add a ' secret' one that is not added to the poll :)   

Please choose your favorite game. If I added continues to the title of the game, it means the game allows continues. 
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I would love to vote for Rolling Thunder(as it is one of my all time favs), but I can't due to the continues issue. I don't think any game should be allowed in Compo that works in this fashion. The recent Ms. Pacman score and one of the earlier DK ones, where easy to see a glitch occurred.

With unlimited continues, with the score kept, I just can't see the "Competition" in that. I would never know if one game happened, or 2, 3 or more. Now if this feature could disabled, or if Compo could show the numbers of continues used, I would have no issue with these games, but as they stand, I can't vote for anyone, and I really wish the ones that are in Compo would be removed.

So with this in mind, I picked 5 choices(none of the continue ones), and Dig-Dug is tops on my list. This is a true classic gem, and stands great along side the best arcade games out there. I can't wait to give it a go against others, as I think it will make me play more and try to improve my current skill set.

Great work to all involved, thanks again.

And I think some folks are forgetting to vote for Millipede, Rolling Thunder, and Yie-Ar Kung Fu
Hm.... so you like those games eh..  What if you add a vote for Amidar and then I will not delete my vote for Rolling Thunder? 

Seems like a win-win situation :)
I would love to vote for Rolling Thunder(as it is one of my all time favs), but I can't due to the continues issue. I don't think any game should be allowed in Compo that works in this fashion. 
I thought about that, but even if there are continues it might be fun for people to just try to get as far as possible in a game and register a score. I added continue in the title so everybody is aware of this 'feature' during the vote.   

It is good to verify for yourself what the score is sent to the server. I trust everyone that participates in the competition to be fair and will report issues, even Asmo ;)
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I would love to vote for Rolling Thunder(as it is one of my all time favs), but I can't due to the continues issue. I don't think any game should be allowed in Compo that works in this fashion. 
I thought about that, but even if there are continues it might be fun for people to just try to get as far as possible in a game and register a score. I added continue in the title so everybody is aware of this 'feature' during the vote.   

It is good to verify for yourself what the score is sent to the server. I trust everyone that participates in the competition to be fair and will report issues, even Asmo ;)
This is just my opinion on the matter, and it was good to list it in the vote, so we all would know.

Hell, I've been a fan of Rolling Thunder since I first played it at my local liquor store so many years ago(yeah, I was underage playing RT in a liquor store, don't ask), and until today, I personally never knew the continue work in this fashion. I always knew the player could continue, but I never did, as I always wanted to see how far I could get on the one quarter. I definitely didn't know it kept the score, as I never understood how a game company would allow for that, but the older I get, I realize they really didn't put much thought in to the "Competition" aspect of their games, and it was more about making revenue.

To be able to play anyone of these games for how ever long the player would like, and then have the top score is just very "broken" to me in the confines of what this is all about. I know when it comes to glitches, and easter eggs, we are all on the honor system, but these types of games will always have that "what if" attached to any top scores posted.

Others feel differently, and that's cool, but for me, i'll stick to the games where I know there is no questions in regards to the scores posted.

And I think some folks are forgetting to vote for Millipede, Rolling Thunder, and Yie-Ar Kung Fu
Hm.... so you like those games eh..  What if you add a vote for Amidar and then I will not delete my vote for Rolling Thunder? 

Seems like a win-win situation :)
I already ovted for Amidar.  I like that one!

BTW, I'm not very good at Yie-Ar Kung Fu, but like it anyway.

@Jumpman - I see your point about continues...but, again, what's the big deal, really...are you playing for money?

Although I can agree that if a game continues, it should allow the continue, but wipe the score back to zero on continue.
I don't like the continues. It is OK, when you have separate scoring lists. One for continues and one without, but I don't think that happened in arcade games. 

I think Skeezix mentioned he might take a look at this. A solution might be for some roms to only accept one credit (just blocking the add credit possibility in the source after adding one credit). If you want to play again force a restart. 

For the games on the list now, it probably depends. If a game gets very hard after a few levels even an unlimited amount of credits will not help you achieve a high score without any skill. 
I don't like the continues. It is OK, when you have separate scoring lists. One for continues and one without, but I don't think that happened in arcade games. 

I think Skeezix mentioned he might take a look at this. A solution might be for some roms to only accept one credit (just blocking the add credit possibility in the source after adding one credit). If you want to play again force a restart. 

For the games on the list now, it probably depends. If a game gets very hard after a few levels even an unlimited amount of credits will not help you achieve a high score without any skill. 
I've seen the "one credit" option mentioned before and although that would mean a little extra time to play the game more than once, I think this would work best and make these games "fair" within Compo as it currently works. 

I'll hopefully get a faster sync c4a-mame out soon.. And after that, look into a one credit build; no point in making you quit out after each game if it takes forever :)

If we have a competition for real prizes then we should probably avoid games with continues, but it doesn't do a lot of harm to leave them in for bragging rights.

You'd only be cheating yourself..... :rolleyes:

No idea how much effort it would be to make a one credit build of Mame. If it's not too hard it would be a great addition especially when this is rolled out to a bigger userbase.
You just have to prevent the access to the coin button after the first press.

EDIT : That's how I would do it…
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Could someone not just change which button was the coin button in that case, KodeIn?

Just want to consider that possibility.

The best way...would be to allow no more than one credit ever at a time, and no addition of credits while in-game...and then have the countdown run, and then it will re-set the ability to add a credit once the coutdown runs.

That would make it independent of any button.  so that one could not simply set a different button for the coin option.

Well, unless they wanted to go mucking around in some index seems that could at least theoretically be done.

The fact is, those determined to cheat will probably find a way.

IT is like hacking.  I know little about it anymore, the technology and languages have moved beyond me...but in the days of BASIC and PASCAL, I was pretty good.  And I know that, even back then, it was always easier to reverse-engineer something and find a hole...than it was to cover all the holes.
The physical button assigned to add coin doesn't matter.

You allow one push of logical button, no matter which physical button is assigned to it.
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DigDug (7 votes [14.29%])

1942 (6 votes [12.24%])

Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja - continues (5 votes [10.20%])


Rolling Thunder - continues (4 votes [8.16%])

Terra Cresta (4 votes [8.16%])

Pengo (4 votes [8.16%])



Amidar (3 votes [6.12%])

Pooyan (3 votes [6.12%])

Millipede (3 votes [6.12%])
Missile Command (3 votes [6.12%])

Yie-Ar Kung Fu (3 votes [6.12%])

Rastan - continues (2 votes [4.08%])

Circus Charlie (2 votes [4.08%])

3 games with 4 votes

hmm... that might become a problem. Haven't though about how to handle a tie.. 